Thursday, September 04, 2014

Blind Item #10

This A list rapper who speaks multiple languages only dates women who don't speak English and who just arrived from a different country. He says it makes him feel more powerful and also if something goes wrong he can take care of the situation easier. I'm not sure what the something goes wrong entails. 


  1. Pitbull? Hope not!

  2. Fat Joe speaks Spanish I know that but Montana is Arab so he may speak multiple languages

  3. Daddy Yankee or Fat Joe :)))

  4. Montana is dating khloe, and while her command of the language is questionable..she speaks English

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I personally prefer Franch!!! **BrBa SPOILER ALERT**

    3. Swedish Alabama in the house yoj..

  5. @Tricia and Sandy LOLLL
    I like the Wycleff guess

  6. @lady.....fraaanch fries...fraaaanch dressing!!

  7. How are any of these rappers considered A list? I couldn't name one song from any of them if you held a gun to my head.

  8. Speaking of Kanye writes/or at least wrote really really good lyrics but when he opens his mouth (I am not talking about the stupid things he says either)---he sounds really um *insert politically incorrect term here* sloooowwwwww

    1. Well if you mean like how his voice sounds I think that might have to do with the car accident he was in. I could be wrong though.

  9. Wyclef is definetly A list

  10. hmmm didn't even know he was in a car accident---that could just be it

  11. Yes...he is...killing me softly collaboration w/ Lauren hill, the fugue years, and his shakira shakira!! Def. Perm A I think.....
    Kanye is a great writer...clever....touch the sky(and that album) was soo good..

    1. That wasn't a collab. That was a fugees remake.

  12. Yep, Kanye was in an accident that shattered his jaw. I think the suit over whether it was his fault is still in litigation.

    The accident became a big part of his early music videos.

  13. @jack ducky, they get to be A list the same way some unknown rapper somehow has millions of dollars the second they release a single, by means of Who the Fuck Knows. I mean, is Jay-Z bankrolling all these rappers? It seems they come straight from dropping out of school, say they're a rapper, do a few rhymes that Dr. Seuss would be embarrassed by and then suddenly they have money coming out of their ears.

    The only thing I've ever seen or heard from Pitbull was a few WWE appearances. Thankfully, on his last appearance about 2 months ago, the minute he was announced and started preforming the place went dead and the Nielson rating dropped off almost 1.5 points.

  14. @derek:
    Kanye's earlier work referenced the car crash frequently. However, I think Kanye is exploding with perpetual stupidity because he's a massive closet case. Only the succulent fruits of Tisci's loins can cure him....

    The other tragedy is that Yeezus has been rapping for the wrong crew all of these years. Ye needs to ally up with my homies in Rainbow Noise! I've waited a while to share this gem, but this will be my new victory/theme song on here, so get used to it. This one is for @DH, @rosie, @Riven, @ducky, @Rose L, @yoj and all of my other CDANers who wave their rainbow colored freak flags up high <3

    1. Lol @ succulent fruits.

    2. That is a Gem!! Straight outta Barneys on 5th Street. . The ghetto gays.. I love this!! Fly yo rainbow flag ya'll! !!

  15. *gasp* another wrestling fan here? Yay!

    As for rap, there's a saying, "a fool and their money are soon parted". I think that's pretty applicable in this case.

  16. Rowdy: " a few rhymes that Dr. Seuss would be embarrassed by... "

  17. @ Derek: have you ever heard Kanye's "Through the Wire" it's his first big single & he recorded it when his mouth was wired shut because of the accident. He raps about the accident in that song & some of his other early stuff.

  18. @LadyH--lol---thanks for the share--I think.... ; )

    Yeah I am not a huge rap fan to begin with and only have heard a few Kanye tracks ---I could lie and say will check out the earlier stuff being discussed but I am ALL KANYED OUT!

  19. Chicks w/very bad English are hot. Makes it easy to ignore any yapping in between loads.

    1. @Count. By loads, you mean washing?

  20. Neither Akon or Wycleff are rappers. they both sing and have guests rap on their songs. Possibly the poster is ignorant of these facts however.

  21. @astra Yep. First match I remember seeing is Sgt. Slaughter vs. Pat Patterson in their infamous street fight, been a fan full time since I was 5, so at least 33 years. And I won't get the Network until they start adding more older stuff from more than just WWF, I want AWA, WCCW, FCW, etc... they own all the libraries so there's no excuse for them not to add more of it to their Network. I mean, I don't give a shit about the new stuff, the only people that are interesting in the least are Bray Wyatt, Rollins and Ambrose. Reigns bores me to tears and they've pretty much put Bray into the same category as Sandow after last weeks destruction by SuperCena.

  22. @Rowdy: I believe the big problem is that they have to convert everything to digital. That process includes remastering and in some cases, dubbing in new announcing. I think it was on Stone Cold's podcast that I hear JR was recording new announcing for some Mid South tapes.

    I think the stat I read was they have 10% of the archives digitized.

  23. Rowdy, yeah I have been contemplating getting the network too but they do need more than what they've got, for $10 a month (I think it is). Do you watch TNA too? I was SOOOO EXCITED when Kurt Angle came back! Our TV is broken so I haven't watched anything in a long time but I heard RVD is back at WWE, is he ever actually in any matches?? I got annoyed with HHH and his hype, he had ZERO personality and was only as played up because he married Stephanie. I am so behind on what's been going on it's shameful!

  24. TNA may be dying soon. SpikeTV is not renewing their contract, as they generate more profit w/ COPS re runs. They are rumored to have an offer on the table from the Velocity channel, but it is said to be for less than 1/4 what they were getting from Spike.

    RVD only works part time. I think he only signs 90day deals or it is 90days on 90days off. He still wrestles.

    Del Rio got fired for slapping a WWE employee who made a racially disparaging comment. Rey Mysterio had his contract extended against his will, due to all the time he missed with injuries. WWE is currently trying to block the 2 from working for a Mexican promotion that is making its first foray into the US TV market.

  25. Replies
    1. Lol
      Haha!!! Brilliant @yoj! What you up to, homegirl? Hopefully, not this?

  26. @Lady Heisenberg
    I'm good, Lady H., just chilling, I had a busy day at work. How are you?
    I can't get that last gif of yours :( so my imagination is running riot, right now!

  27. Noooo Count, I love TNA! That would be terrible! We need more than one, can't let WWE get complacent and TNA is better IMO.

  28. Well at least we know who this isn't--Kanye, because he can't even command English, let alone any other tongue. Besides Kim's, I mean. ;-)
    Doubt it's Pitbull.
    I would say Wyclef but is he still A list?
    Akron isn't even a D list at this point--I barely remember dude.

  29. You're "I can't be sure" is equivalent to my "don't want to even imagine."

  30. Enty's only A+ rapper is Jay z.. end of..

  31. @yoj: Booo! Nice! Had a great day too and got mah nails did! That last gif was specially selected just for you!!! It's the dude from the Misfits (TV show) trying lick his own bum (Can't find another version of it). Also, this should not be confused with Danzig, who has a chin that only looks like a bum! (This is Glenn getting punched the fuck out by a massive member of FSU)

    @sugarbread: you have exquisite taste and I know I can always count on you to enjoy the finest things in life, like Imma Homo. Thanks for being you, Sugartits: a true homie. Thank you for being a friend <3

  32. rolling with the homos!!!

  33. @ Bee: No, I mean deposits of ejaculate. If a chick wanted to do laundry between loads, then I would be sure to give A+ effort.

    @Astra: Sorry, but that is the way it looks. When contracts are expiring, TNA is offering a fraction of the previous deal. Bubba Dudley just said his goodbyes to the locker room a couple weeks ago. Rumor is that Kurt Angle has been trying to get back in WWE but he's so busted up and pilled up that they won't touch him.

    I think the only guy TNA has left making real money is Jeff Hardy and that is because they make so much off his tshirts.

  34. @Lady Heisenberg
    Excuse me?! I'd be incredibly offended by your suggestion, were I not busy reviewing my own statements and trying to understand what could have given you such a false impression of me. How could you think that I wouldn't know what Misfits was?
    Oh, you were spot on about trying to lick my own bum, by the way.

  35. Jay z is my guess or maybe kanye

  36. You had me at wrestling, honey. I grew up watching the von Erichs, even got to see them at the Sportatorium in Dallas before they moved to Reunion Area. Good God Kerry von Erich was the shit. Such a tragic family.

  37. Just like the Jackson family, Doug. When all the kids are fucked up, ya gotta look towards the parents. One day Fritz and Joe Jackson will be sharing a room in hell.

  38. P.S. who did you hate more: Gino Hernandez or Chris Adams?

  39. You have to hate Hernandez more. The guy was so pretty, could get any woman he wanted. Imagine if he had lived and signed with WWF how popular he would've been with the national exposure. Could've changed wrestling history.

    Without Adams ripping fans off for training, we'd never have Stone Cold which means we probably would've had Ken Shamrock get his push (Vince was really high on him and HHH, but if you remember Hunter was in the doghouse). But on the same hand, you don't have the McMahon/Austin feud which means WCW never loses their advantage and WWF maybe goes under. But that also means no Cena era, so it's all in how you view the current crap, I mean product in if Vince winning the Monday Night Wars on the back of Austin is a good thing.

    Can you imagine if Fritz Von Erich had gone the route Vince did with national coverage? He had probably the best roster of any of the territories and had he tried expanding instead of being happy with running Texas, we still might be seeing WCCW on TV now instead of hoping Vince puts the old shows on his Network.

  40. I think Mid South/UWF had the best roster. DiBiase, Dr Death, Duggan, Gordy, One Man Gang, Bubba Rodgers, Fantastics, Sheepherders, Terry Taylor, Sting, Rick Stiener, Eddie Gilbert.
