Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Amanda Bynes Needs Help

The best thing the parents of Amanda Bynes did for her was place her under a conservatorship. They made sure she got the help she needed and made her live at home. They made sure she was taking her meds and got her enrolled in school and the public rarely ever mentioned her name which is a really good thing. Last month her parents ended her conservatorship because they thought she was better. They let her move out of their home and move to the opposite side of Los Angeles from them and let her get her own place.

Now, one month later it seems like nothing has changed from what it was back at the height of her wig wearing days. On Sunday she was arrested for DUI. Apparently it was prescription medication she was taking, but the meds she is supposed to take to help her with her other issues she is skipping. She is back smoking pot and worse, she is driving. Amanda Bynes is not a good driver. The world does not need Amanda driving. I think it would have been ok for her parents to give her more freedom. I just think that letting her move out and do her own thing without any kind of support system in place was not a good idea. It will be interesting over the course of the next few days if they make her move back home or go to court again and get another conservatorship. Something needs to be done because it is obvious that she is going to need help for quite some time. 


  1. Poor Amanda you have to get yourself away from that life out there before you kill yourself.

  2. I hope she gets help.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. trying to is if this animated avi is working. carry on...

  5. It was written that her parents felt like Amanda does not need meds for her mental illness...that her issues stem from weed addiction. I remember when I read that I felt sad for her that her folks, albeit with good intentions, aren't allowing her all the treatment she needs. Hope she gets the help she needs before it is too late.

  6. Yeah, amanda's got it bad and that aint good. Of course as parents you want to think they are better. But she is not. Back on oringinal program.

  7. Well they gave her the benefit of the doubt and she failed, thankfully before hurting anyone else, let alone herself, so back to the drawing board. They probably should have taken baby steps, set small goals before dropping the conservatorship but maybe she really convinced them she was good and they probably wanted to believe it.

    Now she may have a genetic predisposition to her mental illness, ie if she is borderline schizophrenic or full out, and pot is something that makes the one genetic based schizophrenia even worse, not the other for whatever reason. If she has schizophrenia it was going to manifest itself whether she was a typical high student vs an actress in the public eye but this is the ultimate problem with almost all schizophrenics, getting them to stay on all their meds all the time and it often takes much trial and error to find the right combination in the first place.

    Luckily she has a family that cares. Many schizophrenics don't or have families that tried but gave up.

  8. That's so weird for weed to affect her so crazy but I guess different people have different reactions (?).

    1. It's very rare but some people are even severely allergic to weed. I think Amanda's case is more her parents growing up in the Anslinger era of disinformation or they just tried to save her reputation by saying weed instead of schizophrenia. Her ACTUALLY having a psychotic break because of her being severely addicted to weed and it having that affect would be the extremely rare. Not impossible but not very plausible either.

  9. Long time reader, first time commenter. I have to wonder if she has been using synthetic marijuana all along. It causes all of her symptoms. It is addictive and it causes a psychotic break. Regular marijuana does not make people do the crazy things she has been doing over the years.

    I first thought of it when I saw the pics of her car with dirty ashes everywhere. Then her insisting that she wasn't using any illegal drugs, maybe she was one that thought this stuff is legal. Maybe it was still legal when she was first using it.

    From my extensive experience with my daughter using it and having permanent brain damage because of it, it all fits.

    (our google acct is linked to my husband's name- so I will sign my real one here.)

    1. Thanks for sharing. I'm so sorry to hear about your daughter.

    2. I agree; it seemed like everything I've read and watched about "spice"/ K2. I don't think we even begin to understand how bad that stuff is.
      I remember being offered it at a nightclub; I don't partake in drugs and declined, but I asked all about it cause it seemed weird.

      So sorry about your daughter.

  10. Oh Snit I had forgotten about that, that may be the problem they are in denial as to the full scope of her mental issues. I suppose many parents couldn't handle a diagnosis that their daughter might have a genetically based mental illness, which means it can never be cured, not at this time, only controlled.

    I guess they didn't see the research on how today's pot with much much higher THC levels than 25 years ago are triggering psychotic episodes in teenagers that have one of the schizophrenia genes, there are two. Teenagers have committed suicide. At first they were not sure if the pot was causing schizophrenia or triggering it and it is the latter. The researchers wanted to get the word out there so parents will be keeping a better eye on their pot smoking kids.

    They also said that there was an ingredient in the old pot that has been breed out of the pot grown today which had a mellowing counter effect on the THC which hasn't helped either.

  11. Maybe she was tired of her name not being in the news every day. Nobody cared and now they do.

  12. Her tweets over the last few weeks were reminiscent of the Amanda of old, and that her problems were returning (and she had to be off her meds). Calling people ugly. Posting horrible things then saying she was hacked. She obviously needs ongoing care. Her family needs to accept that Amanda needs long term care and she may need help for the rest of her life

  13. Tonya what is synthetic marijuana?

  14. And so sorry to hear about your daughter. It is freaking scary to be a parent today. Though I forget that I knew kids that were dropping acid when I was in high school but it was such a small group, the druggy clique, everyone else was smoking pot and drinking underage and things like cocaine and crack were not even widely available yet around where I grew up. I don't think crack was even a a term used. Now you got Molly and date rape drugs and crystal meth and pot that is 100 times more potent.

  15. @hunter, it's not just the pot. If she needs medication to regulate mental illness a la Britney, then not taking her prescribed meds will cause her behavior to get crazy.

    I read that she wasn't acting crazy at all. The report said she was very cooperative with authorities. She stopped in the middle of an intersection around 4 am which caught a patrolman's attention, and they subsequently determined she had smoked pot.

    I'm all for people getting the help they need and following doctors orders, but the way this incident is written about here makes Amanda's current condition and behavior seem much worse than it actually is.

  16. I hope she gets the help she needs, Britney has traveled a long and weary road....:/

  17. She's one of the ones that actually makes me sad. She quite obviously has a medical condition that needs the right medication. If she's ever able to not live with her parents she's going to need someone to take care of her. Someone like a sober coach mixed in with a caretaker. Someone who makes sure she takes her meds and makes sure she stays on the straight and narrow when it comes to drugs.

    I really hope she gets the help she desperately needs. So sad because she's a talented comedic actress.

  18. If she's not compliant with her psych meds and they have been helpful before, her parents should consider getting her medication court ordered. I only think this should be done in cases where the individual is a serious risk to themselves or others and the benefits of the med in question outweigh its risks. At least this could potentially keep her from being re-hospitalized. I would hate to see that happen again.

  19. It's hard to deal with. We have a kid who developed serious mental illness and drug abuse issues. She was a foster child, and the judge wouldn't let us adopt her because her of her instability, which was probably a blessing, in retrospect. We tried everything we could - she is eligible for all sorts of programs and assistance, but she won't follow through, and because she's over 18, no one can make her do anything unless she breaks a law. She'd rather be homeless than have any restrictions imposed. Even when she's on her meds, she's too messed up to live with us - we have younger kids and she has so little impulse control that we can't trust her in the house.
    So, I get it. It's easy for us to say her parents need to keep her close and in care, but it might be really hard for them to do. Amanda is an adult and has money. She is probably unpleasant and stressful to be around. And, she probably doesn't really want help.
    We've had mental health professionals tell us to move and not give our daughter the new address. It is not an easy situation.

    1. Cebii, I can only imagine. That's a very sad situation.

      My best friend is a psychologist with experience helping dual diagnosis patients (particularly young people). They are incredibly hard to treat and I am thankful there are people in the world like him who want to and can help.

  20. Tonya, welcome and thanks for your post. My sincere sadness at your daughters condition.

  21. Synthetic marijuana started out to be a chemical substance sprayed on plant leaves. It was sold in convenience stores, smoke shops, and gas stations legally. Then the govt. banned the chemicals used, so the manufacturers started altering the formulas used to stay ahead of the law. When they started messing with the chemicals, it got really bad.

    There were no regulations, you didn't know what you were getting from brand to brand and even two packages of the same brand contain different chemical concentrations.

    It gained popularity because it is not picked up in standard drug tests. People think it is a safe alternative and they can still keep their job or stay out of jail.

    My then 16 yo daughter almost lost her life about 2 years ago. We started an awareness group and I have heard from hundreds of people who have had family members become schizophrenic and have many other mental problems due to using it.

  22. Ummm the same parents that arranged her abortion after allowing Dan Schneider full access to their daughter, didn't make the right decision as far as her care is concerned?

    Really, I'm shocked. Super shocked.

  23. Yes synthetic marijuana is very wacky and dangerous - in some places it is also called "spice," and I've heard BAD BAD BAD things in line with what Tonya said. Also that the high is not as enjoyable, mellow or predictable as normal weed. It's more like a box of chocolates and you never know what you're gonna get.

    I have a schizophrenic friend - if he doesn't take his meds it's no good. No good at all. Currently he's on them and doing well but I don't know how he could be forced to take them daily if he didn't want to, he's a grown adult.

  24. Adderall is apparently what she was taking, and was prescribed by a DR.
    I just said to myself "she will be dead by the end of the day"
    I hope not, but this is a bad path.

  25. Tonya -

    I live in Houston and remember when your daughter was admitted to the hospital. I just wanted to tell you that I'm so grateful that you all were so vocal in making the dangers of it public and going public with Emily's story. My nephew was busted smoking synthetic pot and we shared the heartbreaking story of your daughter with him to show him the dangers of it.

    I hope Emily has continued to show improvement with her condition.

  26. She breaks my heart. I hope someone helps her.

  27. If you have been following her real twitter you would know she hasnf changed one bit


    1. I looked through that account and I'm not convinced it's really her. There are no new pics of her. It could be Amanda but it could also be someone pretending to be her.

  28. Is synthetic marijuana the same stuff Miley was smoking when she was 17.. S something. .Salvia? ??

    1. Salvia is in the sage family. It's a natural plant that causes hallucinations and is from Mexico. I think it was used by Shamen for spiritual reasons but now is a legal way for people to get off. I haven't taken it, and hear it's mind boggling- I think it's auditory as well as visual hallucinations.
      Spice/K2 is synthetic. A designer drug that's constantly reformulated and unregulated, as the manufacturers are trying to stay ahead of laws.. It's effects are unpredictable, at best.

  29. I feel terrible for Amanda, but at this point everyone knows that she is a danger not just to herself but to the people around her (e.g., people on the road with her). You'd think that that would be enough cause for the court to order medication.

  30. Aint no curing crazy, there is only masking it w/ pharmaceuticals.

    Miss Mandy, you should take this opportunity to show all them Fappening bitches that they don't hold a candle to your full pillowy breasts and lovely soft buttcheeks. Put yer goods out there for the world to see. Show us you are empowered and ready to take your life back.

    P.S. I still have a spot open for my Basement Chains & LSD Reprogramming Therapy. Since I feel compassion for your situation, I will waive the therapy fee, only charging you for the LSD and food.

  31. Welcome and greetings, @Tonya! Thanks so much for sharing- it it is critical not only for informing others but for reducing the stigmas against drug use and mental illness. I hope that your baby girl is doing better now and I commend her for her courage.

    Synthetic marijuana is common among California's probationers because it often goes undetected on their drug tests, but also common among teens. Way more dangerous than the real thing from what I've seen.

    Schizophrenia and marijuana can mix very badly. It will be interesting to see what was in Amanda's system. Let's just be glad no one was hurt and hope that this leads to an additional intervention.

    PS- what a small world it is ;)

  32. Anyone who's ever lived in Los Angeles knows that you do not position yourself on the opposite side of town from your friends and loved ones. That was mistake number one here. The girl can't handle driving as it is, and they're letting her put herself in a situation where she has to drive long distances everywhere. How does she even handle freeway driving? And what is there for her in the Valley anyway? Is that where the fashion school campus is?

  33. @zach: fashion schooool drop ouuuuuuut....
    BREAKING NEWS: Bynes also just admitted that she flunked out of fashion school. I believe Amanda was attending the Irvine campus too, so yes, that is a lot of driving!!!

  34. If they had done a better job of raising her in the first place she might not be doing all this crap. Maybe they're not the best people to give her guidance.

  35. Anonymous1:28 PM

    It's interesting cuz IMO her parents were idiots who fucked her over big time in their handling of this. Remember at the very beginning when they pulled her out of UCLA psychiatric treatment, despite the doctors recommendations, and sent her to a celeb rehab that didn't even have psych facilities? She was sunk from there.

    She should've been in a serious treatment facility ala Paris Jackson's. Were there's serious mental issues, plus addiction, that's serious heavy-duty treatment. In-patient for almost a year at least.

    I hate seeing this growing up watching Amanda. Cause until she gets that type of proper treatment she's going to always revert back to self-medicating. Now with her not, and her parents just like la-de-dah "we don't know were she is" over making pleas to try to appeal to her to get help, her clock's counting down to her dying from drugs and/or a related accident.

  36. Northbynorthwest, you make a good point. I totally agree.

  37. I have hope she can get better, but it isn't looking good.
