Friday, September 12, 2014

Ain't No Party Like A Palin Party

What happens when you invite the entire Palin family to your shindig? They get drunk and start fights. They even throw punches, draw blood and are ok with you punching them too. Last weekend Sarah and Todd Palin were joined by their three oldest children at a birthday party for several dog sled racers. The family arrived with subtlety, choosing a stretch Hummer as their transportation. After a brief amount of time at the party, someone noticed that one of the guests there was a former boyfriend of Willow who is now 20. Words were exchanged because this split did not end well. Huh. It seems like no split ever turns out well with the Palin family. Words became fists and shoves. The owner of the house where the party was being held tried to intervene and Bristol Palin threw three consecutive right hooks to the guy's jaw before dropping him. Meanwhile Todd and the oldest son, Track were also throwing punches. Track, who is 25 decided he could not fight with clothes on so ripped off his shirt and landed several punches of his own. Todd came out on the losing end of his encounters and suffered what is believed to be a broken nose. What was Sarah doing? Getting in the faces of people and warning them that if they messed with her family she was going to come down hard on them and also did some shoving of her own. The police were called, but no one decided to press any charges. According to a police report, "alcohol may have played a part in the altercation." Umm, yeah. 


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