Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Adrian Peterson Beat Another Child So Hard He Hit A Car Seat With His Head

Adrian Peterson sure does have a lot of kids with a lot of different women, especially if you include the child that was killed last year by another man. Anyway, back in June 2013, one of the moms called Child Protective Services when her son came home with a cut on his forehead. She called Adrian who said the child hit his head on a car seat. This is true, but the reason he hit his head on the car seat was that Adrian Peterson was hitting him so hard that the child hit his head on it. CPS investigated but cleared Peterson because the form of punishment he used is allowed under Texas law. The guy obviously has anger issues and takes them out on kids. There is such a thing as punishing your kids, but when your kids keep getting seriously injured because of how hard you are hitting them, then you have issues. This is an NFL player who is beating his kids. Apparently all of them, and apparently with enough force to drive the kid into a car seat or leave marks all over the body of another. Hey, but the good news is if you have Adrian on your fantasy team this week he will be back because Minnesota doesn't want to lose again and feel Adrian has suffered enough. 


  1. I hae a feeling Enty is deliberately misleading us about this one, but Im not googling it to find out exactly why Texas let him off.

  2. The vikings are starting to lose sponsors, and for this reason alone, he will be gone soon. Unfortunately, in the NFL, the loss of money is more important then beating children.

  3. this guy needs help.

  4. I'm not condoning this in any way but Enty at least don't mislead so blatently. The child ran into/turned into the carseat to avoid his punishment with one of these "switches".Peterson didn't hit him with a carseat or shove his head into the carseat. The whole situation is terrible but don't make shit up.

  5. I'm so sick of hearing about these abusive, overpaid losers.

    1. Exactly! Screw them. So many people glorify these ignorant, rage filled assholes because they can play x.. It's vile

  6. or "hit him so hard he hit his head on the carseat." Still bad though

  7. So disgusted by the NFL, couldn't watch on Sunday both myself and husband. Drugs murder abuse and just terrible behavior. I can't take it anymore. It's not that hard to make good decisions.

  8. Anonymous6:15 AM

    This guy is abusive scum. I'm glad the sponsors are bailing, because Zygi won't do shit about this (he's too busy fighting that fraud & racketeering conviction).

  9. Peterson being a brutal thug aside it is beyond comprehension that Texas allows defenceless children to be hit in this way in the name of, i don't even know?? But then again, in a country where any idiot is allowed to have a gun nothing should surprise me anymore.

  10. The NFL is filled with assholes who put money ahead of a child's well being. I wish the entire country would boycott the NFL but they won't. Americans are a bunch of hypocrites. They condemn the child abusers, but will still tune into Monday night football & and still pay their hard earned money for tickets which go straight into the pockets of all the assholes in the NFL.

    Wake up America. The NFL doesn't care about you. The don't care that you work two jobs just to to make ends meet and some even go into debt just to buy tickets to an NFL game (think Super Bowl).

    Nothing will change though - ignorant morons will still tune in Monday nights and still sell their souls to go to the Super Bowl. The rich get richer because America is full of hypocrites. Fuck the NFL.

  11. Now that 'RADISSON HOTELS' has pulled their sponsorship,let's see what the Vikings do because they knew about this incident as well as the other one BEFORE their press conference yesterday, putting Peterson back on the roster..(of course they got whooped in their last game sooo..)

  12. Or Sunday nights or whenever it is ... I haven't a clue bc I don't tune in.

  13. No one wonders if he beat the child who died as well. That was all over the news two years ago. He beats his kids he does not punish them something has to change. I would think by now with his history you have supervised visits with his children what are these mothers thinking? He not you

    1. Sarahe-these mothers are not very bright or they wldnt be in the pickle they're in. It wkdnt be me letting my kid visit him without me, thats for shitsure.

    2. I don't think he knew about that child until after the his death or close to it, because who can keep track of all their illegitimate kids?

  14. Is The NFL going to "excuse" this behavior as well? Didn't mean it... will be attending therapy...the league doesn't tolerate these types if behaviors....but. he's a stand-up guy, great player, community man...

    Imo, the whole NFL machinery (from high school up) builds these behaviors and molds these men into aggressive monsters that never learned how to keep it only in the field. Tough if their Frankenstein are now running amuck. Own what you promote and build -- and change it -- or draw a line and create a rule that says you want to an nfl'er, no gf;s, wives, children -- like some religious priesthoods.

  15. Have you ever seen a child in complete freak out mode? It's possible Adrien didn't touch that child and in his freak out, he hit his head on the car seat. I've seen kids in absolute meltdown mode and would not be surprised if this happened. Not taking up for him but there is a reason this was not pursued earlier. Nothing happened here. As for the new charges with the tree branch, that is different.

  16. His behavior is dick. He needs parenting classes. Im speechless at barkley saying all black southern kids get whipped. Its SO wrong, and we arent in yhe 19th century anymore for godsakes! This guy shld be canned, but let it happen by will of the people.

    1. I meant sick!! Sick!'!! Not dick!'

    2. It is dickish behavior too!

  17. Hockey starts in October. I'm all for the NFL boycott.

  18. The kid is still in a car seat! What would he do to warrant such a punishment?

    If you need to use switches, belts, and paddles to get your point across, you need to reassess your parenting. Nobody deserves that. Especially not a 4 year old.

  19. @SarahElizabeth The child that died last year was beaten by the boyfriend of Adrian's "baby momma". He apparently found out the kid was his about 2 months before the boyfriend beat the kid, and only met the kid when he was in the hospital, (unconscious and about to die.)

    I used to be a crazy sports fan for most of my life, but over the last few years I just can't take it. The strikes, the attitudes, the prima donna bullshit, and the criminals and assholes allowed to make millions because they're good at a game kids play in their backyard. ESPN and sports talk radio, the dip in quality sports announcing, the hyperbole where each player is the greatest of all time or the worst of all time... in the past 5 years I've heard that 6 or 7 players are a "once in a generation" talent.

    But most of all the thing that's turned me away from sports are the idiotic athletes, like Adrian Peterson who said during the NFL strike that being in the NFL was, "modern day slavery." Yep, getting paid 10 million a year is slavery. He can quit any time and no one can stop him, but he thinks it's slavery? Fuck you Adrian. The IQ of these guys are so fucking low and the IQ of the sports fans aren't much better. I'm ashamed that I was ever into any sport, and right now I'm just looking at scores and highlights out of habit not love. If all pro sports teams disappeared tomorrow I wouldn't shed a tear.

    *Damn, sorry about the rant!*

  20. Is it any surprise he beats all his kids? Really?

    My mother was beaten as a child, and we had many discussions about it growing up. She said my grandmother just don't know any better about how to discipline kids, and also she took out her anger on the kids.

    She's always said that because of that, she (or my father) would never hit us, and they never did. And none of us hit our kids. We got "the look", that was awful enough. Lol

    I am thankful my mother was strong enough and educated enough to break the cycle. I hope Adrian Petersons kids will be too. Beaten bloody at four years old, jaysus. The chubby little toddler legs. :(

  21. If you look up the new charges, he was "whooping" his kid in the car and he hit his head on the car seat. Peterson said so in a text.

    The mother (a diff one) called CPS, but no charges were filed.


  23. NFL should include "crime" in their pre-season.

    Swapping from NFL to NHL would mean to change from steroid-filled crime-prone African Americans to steroid-filled crime-prone Eastern Euroeans and Canadians.
    That would change a lot.

  24. Child abuse and DV are wrong, but running a business and the goal to win, has caused some teams to look he other way. Shame on them. I hope the negative press with the Ray Rice, Adrian Peterson and the other current 2 DV cases in the NFL, cause owners and coaches to rethink their drafts and hiring practices. Losing sponsors and fans is expensive too, so I hope they overlook drafting or hiring a free agent with a reputation/suspicion for child abuse or DV.

  25. I just think it's interesting we teach kids not to hit each other, and adults the same, but it is ok to hit your child. Where is the logic in that?

  26. A lot of things can be covered up with money, intimidation, and secrecy. *see Catholic Church.

    These institutions have been hiding bad and criminal behavior for years...I hope the NFL secrets get blown wide open.

  27. Anonymous7:51 AM

    @Saints fan..are you fucking serious?? I've never seen a kid (and I have kids of my own) injure themselves having a tantrum in a carseat. GTFOH. This is probably the tip of the iceberg of what he's done to his children. Piece of shit.

  28. Anonymous7:58 AM

    I've talked to a few people about this situation and it seems there is a generation gap on the subject. I can't draw a precise line, but people over the age of 50 have no problem whatsoever with the way Adrian disciplined his kids, while people under 35 are shocked (shocked, I tell you!) that anyone could treat a child that way. I'm in the over-50 crowd, and the stories people relate about the way they were disciplined growing up are all very similar. If you were a child growing up in that generation or earlier, there were times when you genuinely feared you might not live to see the following day. We're not talking about some of the absolutely horrific child torture cases I've heard about, but day-to-day punishment for wrongdoing. One co-worker told about the time he told his mother to shut up from the back seat of their (parked) car. She dragged him into the front seat and punched him twice in the nose. And you can bet no one called CPS. Clearly there are times when parents go too far, but here's my point -- I think the pendulum has swung way too far in the other direction and we're going to end up suffering for it as a society in years to come. We're already seeing students attack teachers with fists, chairs and knives, which was so far beyond anything any of my classmates would have ever dreamed of doing that we might as well be talking parallel universe.

    1. @Joe I hear your point. There is a very distinct difference to one hand-slapping a child on their rear After time-outs and talking has not worked. That type of "discipline" I'd not out of bounds imo - as long as it's not a beating or excessive/misused. I remember the threat of the "slipper whacks" when I was young when I was way out if line and just not listening. Didn't do me any long term damage.

      But there is a fine line danger + concern when the pendulum swings too far either way --- no physical discipline / excessive + abusive discipline.

      I've seen kids 4, 5, 6 who have been raised with logical talking discipline who either "get it" and interact with other kids well / or, use the teaching to manipulate other kids teachers, grandparents, their own parents. But in this latter example imo - still the parents fault for not correcting the outcome of the behavior and their method of discipline.

      For me, this yet one more profile situation involving a celeb and really bad behaviour is - instead media and society pushing for corrective change, it's more like - the more these situations are sensationalized the more we all become immune and de-sensitized to their barbarism. Similar to shootings. Similar to everyone and their dig playing the hookup central game

  29. Speshul schnoewflaykes a'plenty out there right capable to injure themselves while in full freak out mode. Of all ages.

    Kindly suggest we love and mind our own first? Glass houses and whatnot.

  30. @Joe: my mother is 71 and she understands that beating your children is wrong. And yes, she was beaten as a child.

  31. Its so shitty that these breeders can make these kids just to mistreat them. He should just get castrated. 7 kids for a loser piece of shit is enough already. fuckoff AP

  32. I saw him speak on the news this morning. He said he was disciplining his child, not beating him.

    Yeah...cause a 4 year old is so out of control, that the only possible way is to beat him. When I was 4, all my mom had to do was threaten a spanking...and I'd shut right up.

  33. @Joe, also violence in society today occurs because of many different factors (of which didn't exist in 1950-1960).

    To say that kids or people are violent because their parents are no longer beating them to within an inch of their lives is a very small view of the problem.

  34. Why can't all the football players be like JJ Watt?

  35. There's a difference between disciplining a child and beating one. Any physical contact should be limited to a swat on the butt. This guy is all wrong.

  36. "I just think it's interesting we teach kids not to hit each other, and adults the same, but it is ok to hit your child. Where is the logic in that?"

    That is the main argument vs spanking it doesn't make legal sense.

    If your neighbour spanked your child it would be assault.

    Friend of mine worked on the case to get the spanking law in Canada thrown out but they lost. Section 43 of the Criminal Code provides an exemption to the offence of assault

    "Section 43 of the Criminal Code(1) reads as follows:

    Every schoolteacher, parent or person standing in the place of a parent is justified in using force by way of correction toward a pupil or child, as the case may be, who is under his care, if the force does not exceed what is reasonable under the circumstances."

    Now no teacher in Canada would dare touch a child these days but still this law exists.

  37. I completely agree with Nora Nader. I've always found that being obsessed with sports to the point where we're making millionaires out of idiots is such a pathetic aspect of humanity.

    All this money should be put towards more beneficial things.

  38. Radisson Hotels just became the first sponsor to suspend their support. Could get interesting if more follow suit.

  39. Just to play devil's advocate, what about all the abusive fathers who don't play for professional sports teams, the john does all around us - if you lock em all up or fire them all then the whole family gets put into more turmoil, like getting evicted from their home cause there is no one paying the mortgage or the rent, this isn't just about rich sports team losing sponsorships

    there has to be a better solution

  40. Also not totally fair to tar all professional athletes with the same brush there are a lot of good and great guys out there too. And I am sure there was the similar mix of decent and not so decent even when the salaries were a lot lower but it gets magnified with social media and the internet.

  41. Wrong. Completely wrong and so are all of the horrible dicks and bitches defending this cretin. Children are not your fucking possessions. They did not ask to be brought here. My mother is 63 and she never hit me. Sorry to say it but I'm not going to be politically correct. I see a lot of black people engaging in this bullshit behavior and then they wonder why they raise criminals. Between beatings and no/half-ass fathers, is it any wonder? They also make fun of white people for not disciplining this way. Whose children are more functional in the world?

  42. Well that's just like, your opinion, #Gitit. Do you have children? I doubt it because it's usually the biggest busybodies and nannies without children that have the strongest opinions on how children should be raised. There is a difference between physical discipline and flat out beatings. If you have kids, you can raise them however you please and I'm certain you won't welcome the unwanted intrusions of know-it-alls.

  43. sorry i should have fact checked. got all confused by the multiple baby mommas and kids. it makes me so sad for these babies. no child deserves that kind of treatment and no mother should send their own baby into a violent household. what kind of women date this man...:/

    my dad used switches on us when we were kids and we were good kids, he was a violent man....no good comes out of beatings.

    i can attest to that. just made me a much better parent. i talk to my son and def give him a look and he knows the behavior should stop. my son is well behaved and there have been some epic tantrums over the years. i've never hit my son or used belts, switches, etc

    so unnecessary.

  44. I saw the pictures. Fuck him.

  45. A part of the problem is these high expectations of childrens behavior. So if you dont know, ill tell ya. Little kids-esp 3 or 4 yr olds-they dont listen. They dont always come when u call them. They can make a huge mess and think nothing of it. Their whole world can come crashing down , spurring a meltdown of epic porportions, if their grilled cheese is cut into squares instead of triangles. They think nothing of hugging you and while they're at it, wiping their nose on your shirt. They dont care if u r tired, or hv a headache, they are only interested in themselves. They are children. You hv to help them learn consideration for others, and how to get along in the world. And beating, whipping, whipping, whatever euphimism you want to use, is not gonna do the job. Its wrong. I know. I raised 2 children and i have 5 grandchildren under the age of 9, and im with them all time. They work your last good nerve, but the rewards are bottomless. ( example: me, kidding around," bobby if u get that for me I'll be your best fried!" Bobby: " grandma, u already are." Like that. ❤️

  46. I think it's sad that there are so many people out there that think an accusation is enough to ruin OTHER lives. If it's their life then no please have a proper investigation but OTHER people? F*ck em.

  47. The good news is he gets to get his fucking face smashed to a pulp on Sundays by other steroid-infused sociopaths.

  48. He is a thoroughly despicable human being. He needs a court-ordered vasectomy.

  49. The notion of trying to teach someone "respect" by utterly disrespecting them is humorous to me...
