Zelda Williams Quits Social Media After Defending Her Relationship With Robin Williams
Zelda Williams deleted her Twitter account and says she is taking a break from her Instagram account after trolls on both of the pages suggested that she did not have a very good relationship with her father Robin Williams. Whether or not she saw her father all of the time shouldn't be an issue when she wants to say something nice about him following his death. Apparently the fact that Robin sent her a message on Instagram on her birthday but she never responded to him is fueling the fire. The lack of photos of the pair together in recent years also added to it. The thing is parents and kids can have rocky relationships with good and bad. You don't think that I am tired of living in the basement and my parents are just as tired of it? There might be days we don't speak to each other and we live in the same house. Just because the two of them may have not had the closest relationship the past few years doesn't mean Zelda shouldn't be allowed to grieve and express how she feels without being harassed. There were more than a few comments on her Twitter that suggested her failure to respond to his birthday wishes might have contributed more to his depression. Why would anyone want to put that on her?