Tuesday, August 05, 2014

Your Turn

Have you used Grindr or Tinder or any app that is similar? Did you meet anyone using it? Are you reading this and wondering what those apps are? Have you played the Kim game?


  1. No no no never ever no and no

  2. No.
    Hell no.

  3. Enty we are CLASSY people

  4. Why use those apps when you have CDaN?

  5. I kinda know what Grindr is because of Rich J on Gawker and 1G5G, but Tindr sounds like a lumberjack something or other

    1. I only heard of tindr because of the Olympic village this year. Or was that grinder? ?

  6. Yes. I browse tinder a lot. I hope to see a celeb on there

  7. Hell no!!! I don't want to be the victim of some damn serial killer.

  8. I'm more of a chat roulette gal myself. Surprise dick!

  9. Nope.

    One the kids download the KK app. Boy, is he mad at himself because he doesn't get anymore for a while and he wasted one on that.

  10. my niece dates a guy she met on Tinder (no idea how to spell it) and my daughter does too. We've met our daughter's b/f and he seems like a decent kid. My niece's OTOH, something smarmy about him, even though we've only seen him on FB.

  11. Heard about Tinder, not my thing at all...At all! I also value my privacy / safety. I knew a woman that used a dating app, can't think of the name, a few years ago and it basically did what Tinder did. Letting singles know when ur in their vicinity. Ugh. Who needs that crap? Apparently some. And I guess it works for them. I thought it's strictly quick hook ups, not long term.

    Anyway, yesterday I heard there's going to be an app like that which hooks up threesomes. WooHoo! Sign me up for that degradation!

    KK game. NEVAH. Even if I played those games. NEVAH that narcissistic POS.

  12. No. I do this and facebook to connect with far flung family members. The other apps seem too time wasting.

  13. Please, I'm still trying to figure out Twitter with the hashtags and ampersands, I still don't know what's going on.

    1. Is one of those a pound sign, cb? So confused

  14. A LOT of my friends have found hookups and relationships off of Grindr and OKCupid.
    A few years ago, I warned one of my friends who is a Grindr addict that he needed to be careful about where he Grindr-ed because it would come back to bite him in the ass one day.

    Sure enough, a couple months later, I went to watch him present his MA research at a conference and another dude in the room was active on Grindr...Awwwwkwaaaaard

    Also, Margaret Cho said some shit about Grindr last time I saw her in 2010 at The Palms in Vegas. Couldn't find the clip, sorry, so I'll try to paraphrase cuz it was funny.

    Cho was basically lamenting on how there's no lesbian equivalent of Grindr. "If you are a lesbian looking for some random ass, your best bet is to call Animal Control. You want some lesbo action, you gotta rescue a Husky first. Even if there were a lesbian Grindr, which I would call ScissR, it'd be a failure because they would just move in the next day anyways, defeating the whole purpose of the app...." Damn, I think I got it really damn perfect to how Cho performed it despite the intoxication

    I actually polled my students anonymously on this a couple months ago. 40% of my 140 undergraduate university students in SoCal admitted to using those apps, which means in reality it's more like 50-60% overall have used them. Common as fuck.

    So come on people!!! Spill it! I want juicy online stories!!!

  15. Years ago when I first joined the interweb, I met one guy in a Yahoo chat room and one from MSN chat room. Both were nice and one was a long term deal. I have no desire for that kind of crap now. FB is enough.

  16. I met Mr Mae on OKCupid and I have a lot of fun on my gay mate's Grindr when we are out...it's kind of incredible what people will say to get laid!

  17. I have hooked up with two guys on Tinder (not at the same time lol) We talked first and met in public, as far as a one night stand it was really no different than meeting in a bar.

    I am currently dating a man I met on OkCupid, and he is very sweet and smart, just a little shy.

  18. Michael Phelps uses Tinder...my friend saw him on it, though did not like him or whatever you do.

  19. No, no, no.

    I would never buy anything associated with Kimye. I'm totally against buying anything a celebrity promotes if I don't like them. I once found a really cute top at Kohls, but when I saw it was from the JLo collection, i didn't like it anymore and put it back.

  20. Don't know (or want to) what the Kim game is, but have used Grindr and the other gay apps. Haven't met a lot of people, more chatting and bullshitting than anything else, with one or two notable exceptions.

  21. There are some studies out there that suggest increased rates of STD transmission for folks who use Grindr for hookups. So please be careful folks.
    Use your condoms and whatever judgment you have left.

  22. Me nd my boo thang met on tinder - we've been serious for almost 9 months now. Love him to bits. Lots of people were looking for a casual thingo but it's not my style and I stayed true to that and didn't put out basically. Thumbs up!

  23. I prefer Craigslist Casual Encounters.
