Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Your Turn

How many different passwords do you have for all your logins?


  1. So youre hacking now too?

  2. One: password. It's so simple!

    1. Oooh, that's a good one. Mine's STAR80 for this site.

  3. lots….so forget about it

  4. I have a better question (to me anyways because I must know what others do in this situation)

    When someone sneezes like 5 times in a row, do you say bless you after every sneeze or do you wait until the fit is over and give that person one big bless you?

    I want a bless you after every sneeze! Yes, I am the sneezer in this scenario.

    1. Bless you, @Sugar! I tend to say it every time, but after 3 or 4, it gets a little ridiculous. But if you want me to say it every time, I will, boo!

    2. Thanks Meanie! I know it is silly for me to even care so there's that.


    3. If someone's sneezing I'm not sticking around waiting for their germs. Sorry Sug, you're on your own.

    4. Twice. After they're done, and you know they are done, I usually give a final bless you.

    5. Dude! I'm not sneezing all over everything or right in anyone's face! I sneeze delicately into a napkin or my elbow! Plus, I think I'm just allergic to coffee or something because I do this little routine ever freaking morning. My husband doesn't love it. Sorry for the boring TMI!

      See if I ever bless you after you sneeze, FSP.....
      By the way, what's in the oven?

    6. lol@Sugar. It's Dutch, so I'll let you guess.

    7. Hells bells, I just actually LOOKED at the pic and realized dude is under a sink or something. Nice ass crack and tits though.

    8. When people multiple sneeze I find it annoying and tell them to blow their nose because they must have something stuck in there causing a problem.
      I work with someone who likes to sneeze very loudly. I think it's attention-whoring.
      Apparently I am very judge-y on sneezers

  5. Replies
    1. Password/site not sneeze.

      For that one it depends on how close together they are. If they're really quick you don't usually have time to get all the 'bless you's in. Usually I get the first one in just as the second and third are coming out. Then I throw up my hands and just wait for it to be over. After I'm (fairly) sure they're done, I say it again and point out that they are obviously allergic to work and should go home.

    2. I would like to work for you, Gayeld.

    3. Sadly, no one ever takes me up on it. Not even when I’m actually in charge for the day and I say “Okay, all the supervisors are gone, everyone go home!” They all laugh and stay right where they are. Don’t they know I can’t sneak out until they’re all gone?

  6. My password is password and it is the same for ever login. My pin number is also 9876,so if any of you guys wanna rob me, now you can take money out of my bank account. Thanks Enty, for letting us address this.

  7. I have to change my password every three months for multiple info management systems at my workplace. It's frickin infuriating!
    I have at least 60,000 passwords
    (OK maybe 10-15, but stinks)

    1. Don't you love all the special rules they add to it as well? One capital letter, one number, one special character.... You wanna just pick out my password for me? I'm just going to write it on a post-it and stick it to my monitor anyway.

    2. I got so disgusted with all the 90-day password changes on multiple systems, & I hate the company I work for with a passion, so my passwords on all are a uniform: YouSuck121! I started w/121 and every 90-days I reset. I'm up to: YouSuck131! now. I've never had to call IT to re-set passwords since I started this system.

    3. Trilby you work 4 Caesars? ?

  8. My family is full of multi-sneezers during hayfever season. One "Bless You" per episode, not per sneeze. I couldn't keep up.

  9. Work is all the same...and my personal passwords are all the same. I know it's stupid...but sometimes I will throw a 1 and an upper case in there, just to change it up.

  10. I have a bunch

    But I can hardly remember them all - its frustrating, especially the sites that make you add a capital letter, a number and a symbol

    Luckily my MacBook makes them up for me and stores them - I'm lost without it

    And I tend to say bless you after each individual sneeze, but thats me :)

  11. 20+

    I have work and personal passwords. Some require caps and lower case as well as numbers/characters. Some have to be shared with employees. Some have to be changed every 90 days. I finally started a word file to track them all! and yes that has to be password protected too.

  12. Fugazi Enty: You will never gain access to my Email and Imgur. You'll have to get yer bean flickin material elsewhere.

    Next week there is sure to be a Your Turn asking What city your mother was born in? or What was yer ferst pet's name?

    1. What street did you grow up on? Childhood nickname?

  13. I have two passwords but 11 various forms of them because of the "upper case/lower case, numbers, at least 6 characters, at least 8 characters, one must be a special character, but you can't use this special character, that password is not strong enough" rules.

  14. @Sugar I usually say bless you after every sneeze and I have more than 15+ passwords.. Some that I have to random change

  15. many, different for each account, but the system is the SAME:

    password=name of site (what's after www.), 2nd letter is always capital,and a number (the same number everywhere) at the end

  16. @Count Jerkula: I grew up on Main Street in a small town where Miss Johnson, my favorite elementary teacher, was my neighbor.

    So your turn, what street did you grow up on and who was your fave elementary teacher?

  17. I keep all my login info in an old Day Runner binder that I used to use for my contacts prior to computers. It is a pain to go to the safe, get it out just to look up login info for one sight. Then, my wife suggested I keep it in a hidden file on the computer. Now, I have to go get the day runner just to look up the name of the file the login info is in. Sigh!

  18. So... this is the follow up to your password clue answers post, then?

  19. Yes, I have a class ring.

  20. I use a master password manager, so my passwords are different on every site. It's well worth it.

  21. One password that is so divorced from reality that no one would ever guess it: hunglikefassbender

    1. Asslikeadonkey. Not always taken.

  22. One. Some have variations, like a punctuation point. But basically, one. I know this is dumb.

  23. @Jennifer
    Don't be silly, Count Jerkula didn't "grow up" in the way you and I. He was created in a laboratory. Think 'Rocky Horror Picture Show', but rather that create the perfect man, they created the perfect pervert.

  24. @Sugar
    I say "bless you" after every sneeze but become progressively gigglier [sic] each time. I'm a child.

  25. LOL FireFighter and Yoj.

    I have over 25 passwords. Amazingly I remember them all.

    I hate when you're going to log into somewhere and it won't take the correct password so you end up having to change it. I think well I'll use the password I had for it and it says "You cannot use your last password". Apparently some systems get a little offended by the passwords you choose and just make you change it because!

  26. Do very very many. I have a hidden book with them all in there!! Its ridic

  27. @Yoj: LOL! If I was built in a lab, I wish them pricks woulda put a bigger pecker on me.

    @Jennifer: Aint happening, Sweetie. No one gets to see behind the curtains, unless I get to see up their skirt.

  28. @Count Jerkula
    No, Count, they knew what they were doing. If they'd over-embellished you, then you wouldn't feel the need to try. It's the thought, time and effort that you put in that raises you into another league.

  29. As someone who does extremely high-end tech security work some of the time, you people make my ass tired. The worst thing you can do is write down a password, no matter how well you hide it physically. A blackhat pro will find your squirreled-away pwd's within 15 minutes of breaching your site.

    Use one medium-secure (8 chars, caps & numeral, letter-wrong familiar string) password for non-financial accounts--do you really care if someone hacks your Facebook account?--and one highly-secure (8-12 chars, caps & numerals & punctuation, completely random string) password for your CC and bank accounts. Never write down the latter. That's the hard part, memorizing a string of complete gibberish and not forgetting it. But if you do that, you'll be more secure than 99% of the population.

    BTW, 99.9999% of you are currently using systems that could be hacked by a moderately-skilled pro in minutes. Encrypt your boot drives with that high-security password, follow a few common sense security rules and you'll be reasonably invulnerable.

  30. @B. Profane
    Here's what I got from this: something...something...gibberish.

  31. I recently had to answer security questions for a forgotten password and needed three guesses to remember name of Best Friend.

    In my defence, I'm not a 13-year-old girl, so...

    On the sneezing, I'd bless them all, though the last would probably be "bloody hell, bless you!"

  32. @ B. Profane - how do you password protect a boot drive?

    I have 8 passwords in three styles. One style for social media. One style for banks. one style for email. Easier to remember if one group is similar.

  33. I only have one cat so there's your answer

  34. I use LastPass - software vault that holds all your passwords. You only have to remember the password for Lastpass and it can automatically log you in to your sites.

    and its free.

  35. With all the corporate hacking going on, it almost* makes you wonder why we should have a great password. That Heartbleed vulnerability from earlier this year hit so many major websites. It would grab huge blocks of data, and if your info was in the part they grabbed, anything you entered into that site was there for the taking.

    *Almost. Still keep good passwords, though!
