Friday, August 15, 2014

Your Turn

Have you been following the news from Ferguson?


  1. I live in STL...

  2. yep and it's another circus

    let's get this sorted before we all make the same mistake made in the Martin case

    don't pre judge

  3. Following, yes. Glued to every breathless report, no.

  4. As with most news, only via Anonymous and Al-Jazeera

  5. Yes. Via Twitter, from people who were there, in the crowd. The misinformation about what the crowd was doing (and what they were not actually doing) is staggering.

  6. Yup and that is why this country is so fucked up

  7. Yep. And a militarized police force will behave like an occupying army sooner or later, anywhere.

  8. Anonymous10:20 AM

    Yes indeed, avidly. At the National Moment of Silence vigil last night in Minneapolis, Governor Mark Dayton marched with the people in disgust at the Ferguson PD and the murder of Michael Brown.

  9. Yes. I was relieved to read this morning that the state troopers are getting along with the protestors *much* better than their predecessors.

  10. Yes, following. Whatever happened to that young man aside, the police department completely and utterly fucked up what happened next.

  11. I live about 10 miles away from "ground zero" so yes, I am following it very closely.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. I can't believe I am commenting here. I have read this site daily for maybe 6 years? Anyway I know all of u I feel like.

    To the point yes I started following yesterday.

    I am appalled at the police state there. The weapons, the violence, the suppression of the press.

    I think Brown may have talked trash and may have even acted like a punk. I do not think he went for the cop's gun. I think the cop got trigger happy. With the police response to the crowds it is not a stretch to see how violent these police have been trained.

    Disclaimer-I am mid thirties, white, Texas, conservative..I am just not stupid and I don't believe the line of BS that Fox News tries to throw out there.

  14. Avidly, via Reddit's live feed ( and Al-Jazeera America.
    In the UK, BBC news website has been balanced in its reportage and included a video made with Radley Balko, author of 'Rise of the Warrior Cop: The Militarization of America’s Police Forces' (
    Sorry, I don't know how to create links.

  15. Hi Kassie, and thanks for your post

  16. Sending lotsa love to everyone in the area. Stay strong! XoXo

  17. @LadyH - except, Anonymous doxxed the wrong guy. Again.

  18. Hi Kassie. Hope u continue to comment. (-:

  19. Continuing to watch. Just saw the video of Mike Brown and his buddy who talked about the shooting on camera robbing a convenience store here:

    This never should have escalated to death. So much wrong with it all.

  20. No. I follow the news from my house in the PIGS.

  21. the initial response created the problem, a more experienced police department would have been on top of that shit long time, but they messed up by being too defensive and then for that one police guy to get caught by the media calling the protestors PIG, i knew shit would get out of hand quick.
    I think he knew about the robbery BUT remember the role of the police isnt to kill but to apprehend and do so in a way that protects everyone, they should only kill when they realise that the suspect poses a danger to others

  22. Yes. I never thought I would watch on TV armored tanks driving down a US street.. That makes me feel sick.. Sadly this is not the America I was raised in.

  23. The almost all white police force has been harassing and trying to keep peace by intimidation and violence, everything the Ferguson PD has done publicly proves that. The fact is the kid was unarmed, shot multiple times, from the front and the back, the shooter cop was so afraid to do his job he chose violence and due to poor training in community policing and unarmed child died in a street. Whether he shoplifted or not. Which is what his crime was, I've seen security guards at stores get beaten by women who were caught shoplifting at Macy's more than a shove. Also, the cop never knew there was a robbery at the store or a description, what town of that size wouldn't put that out on a radio call? This is a bumpkin police force, and a dead child is the natural result of poor training and police being terrified of the people they police. Violence first from the chief of police down.

  24. Heck no, I am not watching ANY of the coverage. When was the last time CNN gave overwhelming coverage to any of the BLACK dictators running Africa into the ground? They almost NEVER talk about THE FACT that most crime is BLACK ON BLACK, not white cop on black.

  25. So the riots and looting helped the situation? Shouldn't the police be on guard? Public safety is their responsibility and if all hell breaks lose, again, then they get dinged for letting it happen.

  26. I really don't think calling the victim a "child" is appropriate if he just boosted a convenience store.

    If those details are inaccurate, excuse me, I'm not following the story, but just because someone is under 18 they are not necessarily a "child."

  27. The other guys lawyer backtracking on cnn last night was interesting. He was arguing the difference between robbery and shoplifting and theft. And that his client didn't use force to shoplift so it's not robbery. Very entertaining with the back peddling

  28. Angelicka- I take you weren't around for the Katrina coverage with the same behaviors x1000.



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