Monday, August 04, 2014

US Weekly Has Lamest Exclusive Of The Year

I didn't read Us Weekly this week, but I really hope they didn't have this "Exclusive" in their print issue because it is really embarrassing. Of course it would be ten times more embarrassing if they were saving it for this week. The story in question is that Orlando Bloom kissed Nina Dobrev at Comic-Con. Saturday morning was when they sent out their e-mail alert about this incident which happened a week earlier. Forgetting for a second that we already knew this about Nina and Orlando and his performance issues and just read Us Weekly and their story, is this what they have been working on for a week? Since Comic-Con, Orlando has gone to Europe and thrown a punch at Justin Bieber. He has hooked up with the ex-wife of the man who is sleeping with his ex-wife. He has partied with Leonardo DiCaprio and hooked up with two more models on consecutive nights while getting trashed beyond belief, but according to US, we should be interested that he kissed Nina a week ago and then they call it an exclusive. They would also like you to know that both are taking their new romance slow and don't want anything too serious right now. A transcript from an US Weekly meeting about the romance is below.

Reporter gets off the phone - "OMG, ZOMG. Nina Dobrev and Orlando Bloom were tots making out at Comic-Con."

Editor - Seriously? That is amazing. Orlando is really red hot right now. Can you get confirmation that they were making out? I will find out if we can get a cover. Where is Orlando now?

Reporter - I got it confirmed from two sources. I heard Orlando was in Ibiza or something like that. I heard he and Justin Bieber were hanging out and doing the yacht and night club thing. They are probably great friends and you know that Justin is probably with Leo and Leo is probably thrilled to be with Justin.

Editor - Definitely. I wonder if Nina went with Orlando and if they are getting secretly married. That would be incredible. This is such an exclusive. Orlando isn't seeing anyone else is he?

Reporter - No way. He is so heartbroken about Miranda and all he does is focus on his work and friends. Nina must be helping him through all his pain.


  1. Anonymous7:23 AM

    did enty blog about beiber vs. bloom in london? THAT was more interesting.

  2. Who is writing these posts? It's like a 14 yr old with these poorly written scenarios.

  3. not even comment worthy

  4. Olly looks trashed in that pic, like me on a Saturday night trashed. Miranda and his career, which have both left him must be really pushing him over the parTAY edge ATM

  5. I'm the one to think it's weird that Bloom parties with Dicaprio often whereas Miranda was rumored to cheat him with Dicaprio?

    1. I think they kissed and made up over it or Orlando kissed Leo's ass and then ran down to his spot on the food chain

  6. @Sherry & rajah, exactly,waste of time &space..

  7. I think Nina's got an excellent publicist.

  8. Even if he graduated last in his class, there's no way a lawyer could do his job with a lack of basic composition and grammar skills as egregious as this. Does Enty have 12 year olds interning for him?

    and we all know that one of the Enties is Team Bieber all of a sudden....LOL!

    OG Enty, where are you ?

  10. I think your interpretation is more lame!

    I think it's weird too FrenchGirl!

  11. I'm suddenly thankful I've never told anyone I read this website. Are you seriously making fun of a stupid magazine because they have a few days delay in getting their stories out? You know editing, layout, publishing, etc take a few days, right? Their print edition is NEVER gonna have stories that happened YESTERDAY. You either need to take a pill, or quit taking so many pills because you sound like a god damn idiot, Enty.

  12. I feel sorry for print gossip now

  13. Have the former staff from BOP Magazine, which I read has stopped publishing taken over writing posts on this site? I feel like I am teenybopper hell most days. This is the lamest post about the lamest exclusive ever.

    1. Next will be a post on the CUTEST hairstyles of jonathon Taylor Thomas (JT squared)

  14. Orlando used to get hammered on the set of POTC with Depp, he was in his element then

    1. Probably with Stellan Skarsgard too. Picks or it didn't happen.

  15. Anonymous11:09 AM



  16. Cheesy gossip sites should not be calling out other cheesy gossip site and mag for stupid items. Kettle meet pot.
