Monday, August 25, 2014

Tribute To Michael Brown Ignored By Kardashian Family

Last night at the Video Music Awards, Common led a tribute to Michael Brown, the man who was shot in Ferguson. The vast majority of people in attendance honored the moment of silence. Three people who did not were Kim Kardashian and Kylie and Kendall Jenner who were caught on the live feed of the show texting away during the moment of silence. The three were probably checking to make sure their outfits had got the proper attention and that they were trending on social media. Usually these three are more media aware of what is going on and where cameras are and what those cameras are broadcasting. I'm sure they will either ignore the situation or say something to the effect of they were all using the time to donate to the cause or something else ridiculous. All this proves is that the only thing these three care about are themselves.



ladybaus said...

they only fuck and marry rich black guys---they have no obligation to care for the poor and middle class ones enty!

Unknown said...

If something isn't about them then they don't care about it. This isn't news. Move on.

ladybaus said...

gawd I hate them

Alexis said...

The tribute wasn't just to Michael brown it was for peace. So regardless of where you stand on the issue, why not put your phone down for 5 seconds for peace for all. It has to be hard being so self absorbed.

Steampunk Jazz said...

Who wants to ALS challenge the Kartrash/Jenners? (you know they've been asked but...strange how no one has heard a word about one being issued..)

Unknown said...

Evil, self absorbed cow seals.

FSP said...

Is this supposed to be surprising?

Tricia13 said...

Well said!

Bacon Ranch said...

I can just imagine Kim's screen now...


who is mikel brown

mikel brown chris brother (preparing to properly frown if so)

mikel brown kanye secret rondayvus

mikel brown desgner

Unknown said...

Ok, wait a sec, who was really expecting a Kartashian would put down their phone?

Bacon Ranch said...


Wtf is that...thing?

Shelly Shell said...

haha, they were probably trying to figure out who Michael Brown was.

Kno Won said...

At this point, I think they're literally incapable of understanding that anything outside of their personal universe(s) exist. They barely care for their own litter mates, if you pay attention. It's some sort of odd anti-social behavior. Some of it might be induced/inflicted, but you have to start to wonder how much of it is genetic. Every child of PMK appears incapable of a genuine human connection with another person.

Tina Mallette said...

yeah Derek they don't care about dead black guys unless they are named in the will

MeanieRhysie said...

::eyeroll:: Spare me the faux one can possibly be surprised?

MeanieRhysie said...

Damn it, I looked! :( lol

Kno Won said...

The above is my personal opinion only, derived from my personal observations and should not be considered a diagnosis.

ladybaus said...

I am outraged because Kim is married to Kanye who claims to care for the black community---I hate both of them but she is seriously ruining any credibility he has left...

All Lace no Leather said...

@Kno Won, love the litter mates comment.

The K's/J's need to hire someone outside of their mother that will keep them more in check and spin the PR better. They are just socially unaware of the world around them and lack the ability to even pretend to have sympathy for others.

Kat has left the building said...

Sarah Jessica Parker challenged Kim Kardashian

Gayeld said...

@Bacon. It's still less creepy/scary than Sarah Hyland.

Alexis said...


RustyJ said...

I am more disgusted by people who watch their chow, follow them on social media and think they are important.

Just want the whole lot of them to fuck off.

Sherry said...

Did anyone expect something else from these people? Please let the slide begin. I want all of them off the public radar.

Unknown said...

LMAO! You're probably right, Bacon Ranch!

Lucy T. said...

Good, I'm glad they got caught. Horrible people all of them.

kelliknows said...

Rusty..I think they hire people to watch their chow, and test it for poison. Yeah, I know you meant show, but it made me smile. Unlike some here I don't think they're evil, but continue behavior they're rewarded for.

Sunshine said...

Aren't these the ones who stiffed the server's tip at the Hampton's restaurant? And what about not paying your food bill in New York?

Anna Katherine Nonymous said...

vacuous whores of the apocalypse

Sincerely,Your Friend said...

I didn't see Kanye with Kim, as usual, and as if he can't do his "work" from anywhere (like in tbe same city where his wife lives). Then again, he should be banned from that kind of show anyways.

Fluffyisgone said...

Why should they care? Why should the MIchael Brown story even be part of the VMA's? What about the black on black crime that erupts in every city every day? What about the tremendous amount of black on white crime? Get real.

sifichick said...

Can we PLEASE have a Kardashian/Jenner free year Enty? If we ignore them maybe they'll go away forever. That would honestly be wonderful.

I can't stand the stupid twunts.

Hadapúrpura said...

I don't blame them for not doing the minutes of silence for Michael Brown. It seemed to me like Mtv telling the audience what to think about the Ferguson riots and Michael Brown. Nope.

Yeoman Princess said...

@Alexis... Thanks for clarifying. I didn't watch but was miffed at the idea of Michael Brown getting a tribute. A tribute for Peace sounds more appropriate... and, like you said, regardless of where you stand!
THE KARDASHIANS NEED TO GO AWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Shinobi Jedi said...

So, you don't think the police used racially motivated militarized force and thus abused their power?

mw843 said...

Whores be whorin'.

Susan said...

The chow typo is awesome.

Hadapurpura and Connie Courtney - Yep. Agree with you 100 percent. This story was just the hot-button news story du jour so MTV throws it in to make themselves look all caring and newsy and current-eventish and whatnot. Gag.

Unknown said...

Let's all nominate them

One change though - no water - bricks and boulders instead.

Maybe then the world will be rid of them once and for all

Trilby said...

Agree with Yeoman. It's a sad sad sign of the devolution of our society when convenience store thug thieves are martyred. A "tribute" is on CNN right now. AYFKM???!!!! Let's have tributes to heroes like MLKJr, Rosa Parks, Viola Liuzzo... NOT trash like Brown. What the he** is wrong with people? Are they such brainwashed sheep that things like common sense, logic, & decency go out the window? All the mass media is trying to do lately is stir up racial unrest to distract the masses from a looming war in the Middle East (The good folks at Halliburton et al. must need some more easy money.).

Trilby said...

And the world must be ending, because I just realized it's the first time that I've ever agreed with the Kraptrashians.

KAT said...

@Derek you are funny have you considered doing Stand Up? @Connie a little race baiting perhaps, what about all crime, what about white criminals? What about the severity of punishment for people of color vs Caucasians? Please stop with the pity party. All crime is crime whether and how it gets punished is a different story.
As for the Kardashians, please don't hate them. I think they are vapid demons who feed on negative attention. So the more you hate on them the more powerful they get. Just send them light and ignore them. They might disappear. The more you feed it the more it grows. I realized this with certain people, the only attention they received as children was the parent(s) criticizing them or punishing them. That is all they knew when they acted "bad" the parent reacted to them not when they did good things. So their negative behavior was a reflection on getting attention and so many adults now do the same. They act foully in order to get a reaction.

Trilby said...


Trilby said...


Unknown said...

They only care about black peen when the guy is alive. Otherwise, these ho's can't be bothered.

ladybaus said...

@KAT--Thanks! and hell no--I freeze when people expect me to be funny---are you a newer poster? I have meant to comment you---you seem to have lots of inside knowledge--may I ask industry you are in?

@Trilby---"TRASH like Brown?!"--how was he trash? smh

Shinobi Jedi said...

@Trilby - No, all it means is you're a racist or classist like the Kardashians.

The cop that shot him 6 times point blank while his hands were in Surrender, didn't even know about that robbery.

But congratulations on falling for Propaganda from racist cops. Sheep.

Trilby said...

No. And lest anyone start throwing the usual "p.c. bully" labels around; I'm a lifelong Dem who voted for Nader in '08 b/c I thought/think Pres. Obama is too close to corporate money, & a wimp/ineffectual public speaker. I'm particularly disgusted that he folded like a house of cards and sold the Universal healthcare we rightly should have down the river to Big Insurance/Pharma.

Trilby said...

He had just assaulted a convenience store clerk who was working a dangerous job probably to support his family, while in the act of stealing a box of cigars, & fleeing the scene of the crime. But like all the mommas say here in New Orleans after their little darlings get clipped: "He was a good boy!!"

Trilby said...

And congratulations to you for falling from propaganda from your side, also.

Trilby said...

And, also, for throwing around all the usual predictable p.c. bully labels, that are used to intimidate people into silence. Doesn't work with me.

Trilby said...

"for", not "from"; in the first post.
Now, off to my first class on my first day of law school. At 51.

Shinobi Jedi said...


There's *no higher level of Denial* than a racist claiming they're not racist.

Shinobi Jedi said...

Well, let's hope law school can help raise your stunted Emotional I.Q. that you think a Homicide is justified by a cop when he shoots someone *while not knowing he shop lifted cigarettes.*

The fact that you can't see the discrepancy is astounding.

The fact that you think anyone of any color should be judged and killed without a trial for shop lifting cigarettes is not only a demonstration of a retarded Emotional I.Q., but it's downright a shame. To God.

SugarTitz said...

^5 true dat.

Amartel said...

You bunch of moronwhores. You looove the Kardashians. You love to be outraged by them so they keep doing stupid outrageous stuff designed to keep you outraged ... and watching. Durh. Failing to play along with a totally staged phony tribute in the middle of a big phony award show is sooo outrageous. O M G.

Unknown said...

A tribute to Michael Brown? Have you seen the video of him physically intimidating the small store owner he robbed of cigars? At the very least he was a thug.

I'm not saying he deserved to die, I'm just saying, it's unclear how he died and whether it was a justified shooting. There's no video, and none of us has heard all the evidence.

I think it's fair to be skeptical of what his black friend said. I think it's equally fair to be skeptical of what the police say.

The grand jury is reviewing eyewitness testimony now. But I have heard from some media sources that Brown shoved the officer back into his car and began beating the officer then reached for the officer's gun (which went off, but didn't hit Brown) then walked away, the officer pulled his gun to tell him to stop, Brown turned and raised his hands and said "What, you're going to shoot me now?" and then advanced toward him. All 6'4" and 300 pounds of him. Some reports say that the officer had a broken eye socket from Brown attacking him.

Of course, Brown's eyewitness and fellow thug Dorian somebody who helped him rob the store, says that Brown was shot in the back. Funny that, since even the Browns' doctor who did an independent autopsy said that he was shot from the front.

So I think the time to do a tribute in memory of Brown has not yet come. How about we all wait until the facts come out - if they ever do.

And in the meantime, as somebody said up-thread, there ARE black martyrs who deserve a moment of silence. People who never robbed convenience stores and used their massive size to intimidate distraught clerks/owners who are barely scraping out a living.

18 years old and that brazen ... do you think that was the first time he had robbed anybody?

And NO, I don't think that he deserved to die for that. But I also don't know how or why he was killed. And neither do any of you because YOU WEREN'T THERE.

So I'm not going to be marching in the streets in his memory any time soon, nor observing a moment of silence for him.

__-__=__ said...
It's the story of their lives. I have no fucks to give.

it took forever said...

Cant believe this outrages persons, if cams were on me 24/7 i would be caught doing worst than this . This chick has built an empire, lot of girls get taped having sex on video and it just fades away, there must be some smarts behind this money making family. She did pretty well and continues to take flack from haters. LET IT GO PEOPLE LET IT GO

it took forever said...

@ enty, cant a gal make a dime without you bitching, why you hate them so man, they peppered your bacon or something

Unknown said...

Not surprised in the least

Isabelle said...

@Trilby, So that makes him trash? You're the 1 who sounds like trash calling another human being trash. Whether or not he assaulted the convenience store worker is irrelevant to whether or not he deserved to be shot down like a dog in the street.

rajahcat said...

and how is this surprising?

New Life and Attitude said...

@Prunella - I'm giving you a standing ovation!

rajahcat said...

+1 Prunella

I know it's not the popular opinion but it's mine also

let all of the info come out and then judge

too soon to observe any moments of silence in anyone's honor or anything---there is no resolution yet

ladybaus said...

@it took forever and Trilby---between you being a fucking idiot doctor and trilby being a fucking clueless lawyer I am done. The 3 second tribute (which I thought was stupid for being so short) etc was more regarding POLICE BRUTALITY you dumb fucks. Kim has a BLACK daughter and recently post some nonsense about her new goal is to end racism. I really really dislike you Dr. it took for ever (in the waiting room)

ladybaus said...

and FTR I watched the stupid awards so like posted above it was about Peace and the rioting---if you didn't watch it yourself why bother commenting?

Eros said...

It amazes me how many facts people get wrong about this case . Smh... Mike didn't steal from the store- this information is. straight from the storeowner. Google the newsstory. The cop who was supposedly injured by mike had the injury prior to the sltercation with mike brown. An individual close to him indicated he was beat close to unconsciousness in some other fight. Also the details of the incident as reported by the cop make no logical when faced with ballistics evidence and eyewitness accounts. My theory is that those other new eyewitnesses which came out the blue to corroborate the cops story were paid off. Also the cop was moved from the jennings police station which was disbanded due to constant issues with the black community and the police. I am staying open minded until all evidence is presented, however my gut feel is that kid was executed by a rogue racist cop.

The truth will come to light. You can bet on that.

Amartel said...

" I am staying open minded until all evidence is presented, however my gut feel is that kid was executed by a rogue racist cop."

ladybaus said...

@eros---exactly and what a good lawyer trilby will be already presuming Brown was guilty---innocent until proven guilty is THE LAW. Oh wait---he cant be proven ANYTHING BECAUSE HE WAS SHOT TO DEATH. and Trilby and his/her stupid conspiracy theories---good grief some people make me angry! Racist fucks.

ladybaus said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Eros said...

Lmao! Preach, Derek! People really dont get it, do they. I can understand 1 bullet but 6 fucking bullets and 2 of them to the head. There is no way that cop should get off but he probably will.

Anonymous said...

Thank god someone here has common sense.

Anonymous said...

As am I!

Anonymous said...

This is why they are known as the KAR-TRASHIANS.

it took forever said...

@derek, you just a bitch with way too much time on the internet, how do you have a social life?

it took forever said...

@derek, i am amazed you remember i am a doc, i said it like 2 times ever and it was in reference to issues, TWICE, shit dude do you keep files on us all or something. WOW big brother got nothing on you

ladybaus said...

@it took---that does not deserve an answer

it took forever said...

@ derek seriously tho, you creeping me out. YOU are a young punk with way too much time on the internet , go to the beach, go spend some time with your partner, dont waste all your days on gossip sites boy, the internet is ungrateful, you will later regret biding all your time for what should be fun bitchy gossip

ladybaus said...

@it--I am not getting into a fight w/you---if you wanna argue against my opinon regarding this post that is fine BRING IT--and I remembered you saying your a Dr. because I was in shock---because you are very childish and rude---take some over your own advice btw

ladybaus said...

and my social life and career path etc is none of your concern and it is just fine thank you!

it took forever said...

@ Derek, whether you like kim or not you must realize that just because you are given 15mins of fame doesnt mean you can capitalise on it. That sort of thing takes hard work and a crocodile skin to shake off the venom thrown at you by people who are secretly doing worse

it took forever said...

@ derek RUDE!!! , sometimes you crack me up. leave rude for someone else to say not you!!!!

ladybaus said...

@it--good lord---I understand what you are saying and I am not gonna argue because I am spending valuable time on a post arguing about her. She is not evil she is just a hypocrite slag. I apologize for specifically calling you out--I disagree with most of the bottom half of comments on this post. You and I never have common ground about much and you tend to start with me as much as I do with you. So let it be.

it took forever said...

@ derek ,i say what i think, the only way i censor myself is if i know it will adversely affect the individual

ladybaus said...

"adversely affect the individual" you basically just called me loser and scum....but whateves--you own your truth I will own mine.

it took forever said...

@derek, i have seen you in worse fights and laughed, but you always come back, you have determination

Diana said...

Tribute to Michael Brown? Really? LMAO Wow, media whores be whoring big time.

Unknown said...

I hate this fucking family so much. Hopefully they will be taken care of by the people they surround themselves with. Just filthy trash, all of them.

ladybaus said...

IT WASNT A TRIBUTE TO MICHAEL BROWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was a moment of silence for race relations fuck

ladybaus said...

"@ Derek, whether you like kim or not you must realize that just because you are given 15mins of fame doesnt mean you can capitalise on it." Makes no sense btw---you make Kendall Jenner look like Albert Einstein

it took forever said...

awww @derek we cant all be perfect like you, even einstein had flaws, he failed his fist college exam, but i am sure to perfect derek that just doesnt make sense

it took forever said...

and wow did you actually go back and reread what i wrote and quote!! stop overanalyzing

ladybaus said...

well not all of us post just to hear or selves speak......

Isabelle said...

It's wrong to do a tribute for a young male shot unarmed??? Are they harming someone by doing a tribute to him? Let his family & loved ones & supporters do a tribute for him. It isn't hurting you.

ladybaus said...

"stop over analyzing" you really are stupid---so what you just type nonsense and not expect people to read what you wrote and just agree with everything you say...just --because? urgh you are a FOOL and it is very clear

Isabelle said...

To do a tribute for Mike Brown is sooo appalling but when that kid shot up the theatre & killed all those people, they said things like " oh he was a nice quiet kid " meanwhile mike brown was SHOT not SHOOTING & he's a thug. Smh. Racist fucks.

Isabelle said...

Lol. But they do a tribute to Robin Williams & Philip Seymour Hoffman, drug fiends lol. But not a poor BLACK unimportant kid. Of course not honor an innocent child. If he was a white guy, it would be cool. Racist fucks.

Unknown said...

Basically this tribute hijacked an awards ceremony. Asking for a moment of silence is a form of blackmail. What is somebody who is not in support of this moment of silence supposed to do - talk loudly during the moment of silence and be the subject of controversy on mainstream and social media the next day? Lose income because they're accused of racism if they don't toe the liberal Hollywood line that any young unarmed black man shot by a cop was "gunned down in the street like a dog?"

So if you're not willing to risk that, but you're not in agreement with this moment of silence, you sit there seething, essentially a hostage.

That moment of silence had no place in a public event like that.

But I will defer to Derek Harvey if and only if Michael Brown's name was never mentioned in connection with aforementioned moment of silence. Because I didn't watch the show.

But the bottom line is this - NONE OF US WAS THERE. We don't actually know what happened. This event is a Rohrschach test for our personal opinions. Mostly black people are suspicious of the police (I grant, with very good reason) and mostly white people are more supportive of the police.

I'll say here, that I did see video of the second young black man who was shot to death. There was video of that. And I was disturbed by how quickly the police escalated to lethal force. In my opinion, a young man standing there with a knife is not an imminent threat to the police, he did not raise it over his head or move toward them and unlike what the police said, he was not within four feet of them nor was he threatening any passerby or even close to any bystander.

But to whoever questioned the use of 6 bullets - when the police resort to lethal force their protocol says you go LETHAL and you make sure you kill the subject.

I have to ask though ... a young kid with a knife (who did tell them to kill him and everybody seems to agree it was suicide by cop) ... couldn't they have shot him in the arm? Or the leg? He would have dropped the knife for sure, and they could have taken him into custody.

But I'm guessing that's simply not in the police rulebook. Any police force, not just Missouri.

it took forever said...

@derek, i have spoken to you about your limited vocabulary already, try finding other words than the normal rhetoric. Use intelligence in your response calling someone a FOOL does say something about you. Its a powerful word, a word i have chosen to never use.

Rosie riveter said...

Dereks on his period

ladybaus said...

@Pruenella---I really have to do some more research about the case to decipher my oppinon--I am reading what you are writing and taking it in very much. BUT from what I understand this shit has been going on A LOT in that area---but like I said I am not THAT informed to be honest. The main point is cant these dumb brods put their phone down for one second
@Isabelle---I can tell you are evry sensitive regarding this target and it is hurting you (xoxo-sincerly) but that is not right to bring in Robin Williams etc and bitch about them having tributes at entertainment award shows because they were at top of their game and provided a lot entertainment to everyone---I mostly think if the show was to talk about such important issues they should have went big or went home--a 3 second moment of silence is ludacris

ladybaus said...

@Pruenella---I really have to do some more research about the case to decipher my oppinon--I am reading what you are writing and taking it in very much. BUT from what I understand this shit has been going on A LOT in that area---but like I said I am not THAT informed to be honest. The main point is cant these dumb brods put their phone down for one second
@Isabelle---I can tell you are evry sensitive regarding this target and it is hurting you (xoxo-sincerly) but that is not right to bring in Robin Williams etc and bitch about them having tributes at entertainment award shows because they were at top of their game and provided a lot entertainment to everyone---I mostly think if the show was to talk about such important issues they should have went big or went home--a 3 second moment of silence is ludacris

ladybaus said...

shut up Rosie at least I still get mine ; )

ladybaus said...

*regarding this issue

demandah said...

They teach fisting in college?

it took forever said...

@derek that should be FIRST, fisting is a high risk sexual activity

Yoj said...

@derek harvey
Sorry, Derek. I was late getting to CDaN today. If i'd been here earlier, I'd have supported you.

it took forever said...

but then again DEREK knows all, so he needs no explanation

ladybaus said...

@Yoj--that's cool--very nice of you! I think I am doing just fine on my own though ; )

ladybaus said...

theres a difference between a typo and writing 3 or 4 posts that make no sense whatsoever...

it took forever said...

but derek you are perfect, you are the PANACEA, you should be able to decipher my nonsense

ladybaus said...

@demanduh--lmao---yes honey I teach it every 3rd Tuesday of the month to leather daddys at the black eagle ; )

ladybaus said...

@it---sorry babe I never studied in "talking out my ass" and digging my hole deeper---so I am done with whatever this is---go watch your Kardashians

Yoj said...

For those of you struggling to understand that there is NO justification for shooting dead an unarmed citizen who is surrendering... try to imagine how you would feel if it had happened to a member of YOUR community or, God forbid, YOUR family.
Michael Brown was not Other. He was one of us. He had fundamental human rights.

it took forever said...

derek i have a feeling you watch that show more than i do, have seen them once when i was too sick to even change the channel but i feel you know the airing dates, specials and every nitty gritty bout that show. stay classy derek

ladybaus said...

more like too dumb to figure out the remote control...shes a S L OOW learner yall

auntliddy said...

Zero surprise here. Im sure they never see or hear the news.

BeckyMae said...

Ah those vacuous whores were in their phones the entire fucking show! If I were Kim I'd be more concerned about Beyoncé sending her goons over to Calabasas for a good old fashioned whore whippin'!

it took forever said...

Derek there you go with the name calling again. Btw you need to stop channeling TTM with the yall, if you miss her that much then make one last attempt to creep over the book club and "explain yourself".

ladybaus said...

she didn't invent the term "yall". and explain what? That chapter is closed.

ladybaus said...

@bECKYMAE! XO --I agree--or send over SOLANGE!!!!!!!

Tricia13 said... true north/ soul mate

it took forever said...

Boy DEREK you are good, wanted to stay home and see how many times after saying you are done with this post you actually come back , BUT i need to get ready for a potluck. But i bet any money you will be here ALL NIGHT. will be sure to check as soon as i get back home, if i remember

ladybaus said...

oh you'll remember---finally another poster has paid attention to your idiotic posts

BeckyMae said...

@derek....oh Beyoncé has out EXTRA locks on Basement Baby's dungeon door, she ain't taking any chances!!

Aimless Spectator said...

Failure to glorify a violent thug is not objectionable behavior.

Tricia13 said...

So many correct here, and somay opinions...I wish only(as someone who has over engaged on occasion, tis better to observe-with bemusement- than wake up feeling poorly over an unpleasant, negative exchange with someone you don't even really know..there is room for everyone here...a massive amount of intelligence and passion....and constitutional POV, I might add...
But let's watch this dumb ass emmy awards show together and be respectful of one another...
It's not really the American way...but let's try!!!

Jessi said...

I hate the term thug, it's a completely racist term and should be dropped

demandah said...

Ha! I believe that's also naked night so I'll have to miss your seminar.

demandah said...

Oh, never mind, that's every 3rd Thursday! Carry on.

portlandjewel said...

Plus infinity

Rome said...

If these people are so obnoxious and awful, why do their names regularly appear in this blog? How about instead of publicizing them, you absolutely ignore all references whatsoever to them from this point forward? I know I'd be happy not to have the misfortune of seeing their nauseating faces here ever again.

ladybaus said...

good---I hope DR NO ONE GIVES A FUCK got food poisoning ---

Unknown said...

@Yoj,you're right. there's no justification for shooting dead an unarmed citizen who is surrendering.

However you don't know that's what happened.

And I don't know that's NOT what happened.

And we may never know.

My mind is open as to what happened. I'm willing to let the Grand Jury have its day and see what the results are.

I do believe that police forces use excessive force, and I do believe that they use it disproportionately on minorities. And I believe they lie about it after the fact.

But I don't think it has been proved that that's what happened in THIS case. You can't try and convict a police officer on probabilities, just as you can't try and convict a defendant on probabilities. You have to have EVIDENCE.

Unknown said...

Oh ... what happened to TTM? Just realized haven't seen her post around here in a while.

ladybaus said...


ladybaus said...

You know what I meant. The Emperors new clothes.

ladybaus said...

so fuck off now -------cool thanks.

ladybaus said...

go away Prunella going to do something to help a young person NOT BE A CUNT TROLL ---I HAVE 20 BUCKS---MAYBE ---THERE IS A HOMELSESS YOUTH SHELTER NEAR MY HOUSE---I AM SURE ITS FULL OF whites Kristen oh sorry I meant prunella douche---SO I will give it to them -----thanks for putting things into perspective--I sincerely mean that my last 20 bucks is going to people that NEED it ---no some fucking lound mouth know it all RACIST

ladybaus said...

and I will be ontent with the internet a roof ---water---I think I have some celery and salsa actually--------------------FFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUC K U

ladybaus said...

DUMB ASS BITCH! *snap*---your gig is up racist

ladybaus said...

cat got your tongue @Kristin------?

Princess Nobody said...

@ Eros, Thank you to infinity for this. xoxo

Princess Nobody said...

@ demandah lol, what college is that?

ericaomega said...

I'm sorry but 6 shots for essentially jaywalking is more than just excessive. Arresting over 40 peaceful protesters is excessive. Leaving a dead body on the street for hours is ridiculous and the character assassination that began before the body was even brought to the morgue is unspeakable.

ericaomega said...

I am a black woman and I would be horrified to raise a son in this country. What, because they are other, our children can't make mistakes. Plenty of people can and do dumb things in their youth, but they grow up and out of it and are allowed a chance to be a better person. Young blacks aren't even having a chance to do that. I am terrified to raise a child here.

ladybaus said...

@eric--god knows what I was doing at 19-----I guess being white and Canadian alota shit-----I also want children but not in this harsh workd

Unknown said...

And this has what to do with the case? And get your facts straight please and stop regurgitating Fox News rhetoric..he didn't rob the store. No crime was ever reported at the store nor were police called by the owner. And the "thug" you speak of that was shot in cold blood- was on his way to college. I don't expect people to agree with my opinion, but I do expect them to do their research before they wax poetic about the race card...

Unknown said...

Plus infinity × 1000..and this goes for ANY person..

Unknown said...

Also, the Justice Dept asked that FergusoN PD not release the video bcuz it had nothing to do with the shooting and knew that it would be ao inflammatory. Go back and listen to that lying piece of shit try to intentionally confuse the facts- talkng about the OTHER robbery at another store down the street..

Unknown said...

Derek, you should be ashamed of yourself. You're literally devolving as I read your posts. It's like you've left spittle all over the screen, you're becoming incoherent, vile and out of control.

Weslyn, the question of whether he robbed the store has been asked and answered. He's on video robbing the store. His friend Dorian who was with him and is on the video with him, admitted that he robbed the store.

Whether the police were called or any charges were made does not change the facts. he robbed the store.

We weren't there when he was shot and none of us on this thread know exactly what happened when he was shot. But we DO know what happened in the store because we can see every second of it.

Now whether that robbery was in any way relevant to his death, is a good question. I would argue that it shows his state of mind that day. Aggressive, criminal.

So yes, he was walking down the middle of the street. Not a reason to die. But how did he react when the cop told him to get on the curb?

Did he react the same way he did when the store owner tried to stop him? Full of testosterone and "fuck you?"

There are 30 million black people in this country and 29.99999 million of them are not going to be killed by cops. The biggest fear you should have of raising a black child in America is of him being killed by another black child.

Think about THAT.

Unknown said...

Fact: the leading cause of death among black men ages 15-34 is homicide.

Fact: 91% of black homicide victims are killed by other blacks.

That's self-genocide.

Unknown said...

Here, from the FBI, are the raw numbers of murders in the US in 2011 (the data is limited to single victim/single killer):

FBI 2011 Homicide Statistics

Blacks make up 13% of the population of this country yet they commit 48% of all murders.

If you want to convict the cop who killed Michael Brown based on non-existent statistics that supposedly there's an epidemic of white racist cops gunning down black men, then let's convict all black men for being violent, because the numbers clearly show that 14% of the population is committing 48% of the murders ... which makes black people 48/14 = 3.4 times more violent than white people.

As Dr. Ben Carson (a black man) said, let's teach our children personal responsibility and respect for authority.

Me, I don't have that much respect for authority, but you can bet that when I am stopped by a cop, I'm all "yes sir, absolutely sir." The one time I got out of my car at a traffic stop and approached the cop's car, he was out of his car with his hand on his holster faster than I could blink. I can't imagine what kind of "racial profiling" he did to react that way to a middle-aged white woman. Maybe cops are just trained to view everybody as a potential threat, because everybody IS a potential threat. Maybe it's NOT always about race, and it's about what the actual individual DID in that specific situation.

And one thing we know about Michael Brown is that on the day he was shot, just a short time before that, he was behaving in an aggressive criminal manner.

Run the probabilities on whether this 6'4" 300# kid was meek as a lamb when the cop told him to get out of the street.

Now, a well-trained cop doesn't escalate to violence unless there's an imminent threat. And that's the $64 million question.

Trilby said...

Are you going to raise your poor child to be an internet nutbag, too?

Trilby said...

Isabelle, you're a total piece of shit. I knew Robin Williams. He was one of the sweetest, kindest, most thoughtful and intelligent souls to ever walk this earth. ONE DAY in his life was worth more than the entirety of that violent thief Brown's life. FUCK YOU.

Trilby said...

Oh, is this where the p.c. bullies require me to produce my "verification of non-racist" papers and credentials, LOL? P.C. Nazis.

Trilby said...

@Derek: "Innocent until proven guilty..."? You don't say? *scratching my head in amazement* I guess that must be on the syllabus for next term, when I have Constitutional Law. Thank you for the heads-up! *color me "grateful to Derek"*

Trilby said...

Uh-oh. I think this IS his social life...

Trilby said...

But yet you'll take the time to give him/her 10 or 20.

Trilby said...

@Princess: Brown University.

Trilby said...

Heavy flow, apparently.

ThisIKnow said...


Why wasn't the unarmed WHITE MAN shot and killed by a BLACK COP outside a Salt Lake City convenience store mentioned in this tribute? Or even mentioned at all? White men killed by black cops don't matter?

Just throwing it back at those people who say because Michael was Black he isn't getting justice. BS. This cop is being investigated by the highest dept. in the country. Where is the justice for the other victims of police brutality?

ThisIKnow said...

The outrage needs to be directed towards actual victims not people whose actions highly contributed to the set of circumstances resulting in their death.

ThisIKnow said...

The racism is now anti-white in this country. No doubt about it and the media promotes it. Anyone who is "pro-white" anything is considered a racist.

Jessi said...

Yes,Yes it is considered Racist to be "Pro White", or Pro Black, or Pro any color to be quite honest!!! What we should be is ProHumans! We all need to start looking out for each other and help each other and stop fighting. Pointing out the injustices and making it seem like one is a bigger issue than the other is ignorance. Sorry but it is. All injustices need to be fought for. What is happening in Ferguson is because people are fed up, as they rightfully should be. We all should be. Any time a life is taken by another is a shame. Wake up! This isn't just a black/white issue, it's a black on black, white on white, black on white, white on black, any color etc. issue, a human rights issue!

Jessi said...
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ThisIKnow said...
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ThisIKnow said...

@Jessi- Agreed. I also should have said White pride instead of White power. But as you stated so well, it should not be a race issue but a human rights issue. Police brutality is alive and well in this country and people of all races are affected by it.

Unknown said...

If the people in Ferguson Missouri want to focus on the genocide that is occurring vis a vis black men between the ages of 18 and 49, the leading cause of death in that age group is HOMICIDE and 91% of those homicides are black on black. Why is the black community of Ferguson not marching in the street about THAT?

Oh yes, because it's easier to complain about being a victim of the white suppressors than to look within your own culture and ask why you are raising your babies to kill each other in staggering numbers.

Let's see the "Reverend" Jesse Jackson talking about THAT.

There is genocide going on within the black community. SELF-genocide.

Unknown said...

@Trilby, I met Robin Williams a few times too and he was always a total gentleman, just a decent, modest human being. He wasn't "on" when I met him.

@Isabelle, calling him a "drug fiend" is a shitty thing to do. He was not on drugs when he committed suicide, he was in the grips of deep depression. May karma never bite you in the ass and give you a taste of what that is like. Plus he had been diagnosed with Parkinson's. He loved to ride his bike and was very athletic, maybe this glimpse of mortality and the loss of the full use of his body was what sent him into a tailspin.

And frankly even if Robin Williams was high as a kite when he died, he left a body of work that will stand the test of time and gave many millions of people enjoyment. You never heard a bad word about him, he did a lot of charity work.

You should see the knee deep pile of flowers on the front steps of the Mrs. Doubtfire house, and the lovely sentiments written in chalk on the sidewalk outside.

People CARED about Robin Williams because of what he did and who he was.

As for Michael Brown what the fuck did he ever do to deserve a memorial other than to DIE - a few hours after he robbed and then physically intimidated a small businessman who probably is barely scraping out a living and working 14 hours a day ... because Michael Brown decided he was entitled to some fucking CIGARS and didn't have the money to pay for them.

He didn't steal diapers, he didn't steal milk or bread, he stole fucking CIGARS.


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