Monday, August 04, 2014

Today's Blind Items - She Is Good

I have seen and heard of some great extortion and blackmail plots in Hollywood. Most of them involve photos kept under wraps in exchange for money or access. There is of course Harvey Levin's personal stash of J Edgar Hoover worthy stuff which keeps those interviews coming and all those insider tips from one certain family. Anyway, I never thought I would see someone pull one over on this foreign born A+ list mogul/reality star/producer. Usually it is he who is making the deal and putting someone in their place. There was one time that an ex got an upper hand on him but she eventually lost her leverage and now she ends up having sex with him when he wants it and she is reliant on his hand outs again. There is a B list reality star from his home country that managed to get the mogul though. You can talk about his sex life all you want and release whatever you want and he doesn't care. Drugs though. That is a different story. People are far less tolerant about drug use than sex. It turns out the pair used to have sex together all the time. Hey, it is what he does with all the talent he finds attractive. Or employees. Or strippers. Anyone really. He ended up at her place one night which is something he never does. Always a neutral site or his place. Always. Why? Exactly for this reason. She nailed him. On video doing drugs and it wasn't just pot. He tried to get back at her when she threatened him because she needed money but she won. Big time and now he is seriously kissing her butt to the point where she is going to be an even bigger pain than she used to when he was trying to humble her. She is going to get some huge payback and it has already started with that 8 figure paycheck she just got from him. 8 figures.


  1. Replies
    1. Yup. And the blackmailer part REEKS of Cheryl Cole. He dumped her from the American X-Factor seemingly completely out of the blue with no reasoning given to the public whatsoever a few years ago only to hire her back to the British version several months later almost just as quickly and equally without explanation.


  2. Katie Price for the B lister?

  3. Mel B joined X Factor

  4. Simon Cowell/Leona Lewis?

  5. I agree with Cowell---who is the chick--Dani Minogue? Cheryl Cole?

  6. Simon and Cheryl Cole (dont know her new married name.)

  7. I also wanna know the drugs---cocaine is pretty standard for those types but if it was Meth or H I would be a little more surprised

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. how about Simon Cowell popping viagra? I can see his ego wanting to crush that story.

  10. Or, of we're playing Clue, it's Mr Cowell, in the boudoir with the blue pills.

  11. Simon.

    The smart one Terry, who seemed to have gotten out, but started going back to him for some reason.

    Brittish Reality Star? I probably don't know Brit celebs well enough to know.

  12. I so hope this is Cheryl Cole

  13. I agree it's SC, but I don't think it's Cheryl Cole for the other woman. She's huge over there and certainly wouldn't need the money. I was thinking Dannii Minogue or Mel B. The drug though? Viagra would be an interesting twist.

  14. Simon Cowell and Cher Lloyd or Cheryl Cole.

  15. Wait what is the j. Edgar family Enty's talking about re: Harvey Levin? Is that a real thing or is that real? Or Enty sarcasm...?

  16. SC & Jasmine Lennard?

    1. He has a super injunction out on her so could be but what I was told she had on him was more sexual by nature. Put it this way Eric isn't the only one in nappies in the house

  17. Simon Cowell stood up for and rehired Tulisa. Who was a drug dealer to the stars and reality star

    1. She is returning to X Factor next season to much uproar but Simon is defending her.

    2. Is she? I thought it was Cole and Mel B.
      I do agree its Simon and Tulisa though. She would have needed a fair bit of money to help her through that trial.

  18. Secret he is talking about the kardashians and the tmz guy having dirt on them

  19. So who's he afraid of finding out? The Million Meaningless Moms?

  20. TMZ is Kardashian heavy, but it is hard to imagine what deep secrets they hold that would be J. Edgar Hoover worthy.

  21. I can't imagine that drugs are worth an 8 figure payoff. The music industry is filled with drug use and others usually turn a blind eye.

  22. Harvey levin had the racist Bieber tapes for years and blackmail him and scooter for guest appearances on tmz and inside info on his celebrity friends. That's how the tapes finally got released. Scooter said enough is enough. No more blackmail. That's Harveys game. He gets something incriminating on you and holds it over you to get better dirt on your friends

  23. Someone needs to take Bieber down

  24. I cant STAND Harvey Levin---that TMZ show drives me crazy---he thinks he is so funny and laughs at his own lame jokes. and he seems really stupid and I always disagree with everything he says. I also bet he sleeps with the male interns etc

  25. Unless he's smoking crack or shooting up, it is no big deal. Everyone should assume anyone on their television has done blow.

  26. Agree with @JessicaL-
    Simon with Terry.
    She's prob be the one he would trust to go to her place. And she was out of the pic, it seemed, for a while and now she's along with him often-I'd read he bought her a big house in Hollywood Hills too, was busted leaving it one morning while Lauren was pregnant. Maybe he bought her the house, he went there, then she photographed him and now getting more. IDK

  27. Simon and Terry Seymour. She was on Extra for a long time, hired, mostly because she was with him, but was let go a while ago--meaning she lost her big pay checks.

  28. @Count
    Would make news broadcasts more fun!

  29. I read the J. Edgar Hoover tip as a clue that Bruce Jenner cross-dresses.

    1. @Topper, I don't think anyone would be too surprised by that.

      Yuck at sleeping with Simon. No thanks.

    2. @Topper, I don't think anyone would be too surprised by that.

      Yuck at sleeping with Simon. No thanks.

  30. A middle-aged + man using viagra would not be shocking, especially considering his harem rotation. Not cocaine either. Most folks in the recording industry have used cocaine and various pills.

  31. Obviously Simon Cowell, but a several million dollar payout to keep some drug use a secret? Would it seriously damage his career if a video came out? All he would have to do is laugh it off and say he didn't inhale. LOL

  32. Anyone with a brain assumes these celebs all do all kinds of drugs. I'm sure it might surprise some if it was heroin or some drug like that.

  33. Alotta spy-worthy shit on here today. Wassup wid dat?

  34. Britain has a lower tolerance for cocaine. Kate Moss lost a few contracts when she was taped with Pete Doherty and Mick Jones, and there are a few BBC hosts who were fired when tabloids revealed they took cocaine.

  35. Simon Cowell is obsessive about his reputation. That's why he married Lauren S. All those stupid shows that he is involved with depend on Middle America for phone calls-that's how he made his fortune.

  36. nice avatar, vip. how have I not noticed that before? agree simon c. for the blind. no clue on the clever girl.

  37. I'm just going to assume that it was Alicia Duvall that got one over on him, which fills me with glee if this is the case.

    Pricey is certainly A-list over here.

  38. wait--did simon cowell and lauren silverman get married?

  39. Anonymous1:27 PM

    Simon and Danii

  40. @Angela
    Good point. In the UK, Cowell's shows are watched mostly by children and young adolescents. The argument would be made that he was a bad role model (which he is, of course, but for other reasons).

  41. Oh this one is good on so many levels. For one Levin should be papped but he is so powerful also TMZ is owned by Warner Bros which also owns and also makes sure ELLEN will never have a negative story run on TMZ. Once you know which companies are in bed together many of the stories make sense. Maybe one day someone will write an expose on TMZ doubtful though. LOL! As for Simon Cowell this makes sense. Whether it is Cheryl Cole or Terry Seymour, IDK. I'm liking the Seymour guess though. I always wondered why such a beautiful woman as Terry would put up with the shenanigans of Cowell? She has stayed in the frame for years. But he pays well. These women don't have self respect but I guess the money makes up for it. :)

  42. I doubt it is Dannii she has been on X-Factor here in Oz for years and has a fashion line coming out soon....this fits Cheryl or Tulisa who haven't done much in recent years.
    I go Tulisa for the druggy connexions...

  43. The reason Simon wouldn't want a video of his drug usage out is because it was cause major visa problems coming to America or countries like Japan. Hilton still can't go to Japan because of a cocaine arrest. Kate Moss can't come to America for Years! !! Because of the cocaine videos. Not to mention his shows are endorsed by coke!!! $$!!

  44. Tulisa would be a more credible threat to Simon. The UK tabloids have already exposed her as a drug user, so she'd have little to lose by selling him out.
    If it's Cheryl, then she's bluffing. Her image would be just as damaged as his.

  45. Cowell is the mogal, Tulisa is the on upper, his ex Terri was the one who tried and eventually failed - she got a 3-4 million dollar house out of it but her failed extra career means she cannot afford the taxes...Tulisa was arrested doing a very large cocaine deal - she was set up but agreed to it (some sort of scotland yard sting). Cowell paid all her legal bills and rehired her.

  46. The case against Tulisa fell apart, though, didn't it?

    I can totally she her as a blackmailer, and Simon was recently quoted as saying she should be back on X Factor, that she deserves a break after what she's been through.

    Though it could be the woman scorned , Mezhgan, who at least got a mansion out of him. Or Terri, though he seems to think of her with more respect than most of his lays and might help her out regardless.

  47. Simon Cowell but who is the woman?

  48. Only just catching up now, but the clue is in the text:

    You can talk about his sex life all you want and release whatever you want and he doesn't care. Drugs though. That is a different story. People are far less tolerant about drug use than sex.

    Tulisa's assistant claimed that Simon Cowell is gay, then recanted the statement. Despite that, Tulisa, who was In court on drugs offence charges, will be back on X-Factor.

  49. I don't think Cheryl Cole is smart enough to set up a hidden camera.
