Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Today's Blind Items - The Secret

There is an actress who is beloved by many. She is A list to those who, like me, love her, but in reality is probably a B+ lister. There is a complicated situation going on in her love life. Very complicated. She has been seeing an actor on and off. He treats her poorly but she is crazy about him and drops everything when he calls and rushes to his side. So, our actress doesn't want him to find out about the guy she sees all the time when not at the back and call of our actor. The other guy is in the business but not in front of the camera.

The other guy also has an on again off again girlfriend who has a very jealous streak and has been known to get in the face of women who go after her boyfriend. She still thinks of him as a boyfriend. So, when our almost A lister goes out with the regular guy there can be no photographic evidence to get either of them in trouble. This has been put to the test a couple of times and recently our actress had to tell several of her friends to remove or crop out regular guy from some photos posted online. She then had to explain the situation to her friends which always leaves everyone scratching their heads. Just date publicly already. How bad could the reveal be? The thing is our actress still has that actor in her head as the one which is ridiculous because he spends six months a year having sex with porn stars half a world away. 


  1. Rachael mc/foaming/mendes

  2. Mcadams/gosling/Mendes

  3. A lister but really B lister
    Actor on and off
    Guy behind camera
    Guy behind camera's LOKO gf

    Are these all the characters?

  4. But Gosling is not behind the camera so it can't be them.

    1. No he's the actor..behind-the-scenes dude goes unknown

    2. Behind the camera is Rachel side piece.

  5. There are tons of pics of McAdams and Gosling together on google. But Ive got nothing for this.
    Enty loved Amanda Peet and Minnie Driver to name 2.

    1. Sandy..no..she crops out regular guy from pix so gosling doesn't see them

    2. No-other guy (who is the one with the jealous GF) works behind the camera. So Gosling/Mendes don't work.

  6. It doesn't sound like him but doesn't Gosling direct or produce as well as act?

  7. It doesn't sound like him but doesn't Gosling direct or produce as well as act?

  8. Is that his 6 months in Iceland editing his film?? Or shooting in Thailand for extended periods. .poor Rachel girl will never move on.. I think gosling gets off on head games and mental abuse in relationships. Didn't he have an absentee dad?? That always rattles around the head.

  9. The unknown and the gf are not celebrities according to the BI so how does Enty expect us to know them.

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  11. It's "beck and call."

    Really these people just need to put on their big boy pants and make the tough decisions. I mean Queen Latifah has basically come out! We don't have to live in a world of secrecy anymore, unless you're a dick who wants to rotate through a harem.

    1. Well his ex is pregnant it's poor timing right now. Give it 6 months for dna to come back "you are not the father" and they can have their big public reunion then.

  12. @sm..exactly...Rachael's"regular dude" as in laymen is impossible to...he doesn't say actors on/off GF is an actress, a Preggo one, cuz that's just not blind.

  13. McAdams= B+ list
    Gosling= The actor
    Patrick Sambrook =the other guy

  14. Maybe Amanda Seyfried and Justin Long. I know Enty loves her.

  15. Could the "behind the scenes" guy be a director? Or possibly a famous producer? The blind doesn't say he's unknown...just not in front of the camera.

  16. Anna Kendrick, Alfie Allen from GOT, and this guy:


  17. There are tons of pics of Rachel McAdams & Patrick Sambrook.

    1. I've never seen one...have no clue who is or what he looks like

  18. @Erin

    I don't think it's Alfie Allen. The "regular guy" she's dating looks a lot like Alfie, so I think the person that spotted them in Las Vegas simply thought it was Alfie. I think the actor is someone else, and also a little bit more famous than Alfie.

  19. @Jayden

    Yeah, you could be right. I do think someone from GOT could make sense, given they film in Iceland and hire porn stars for small roles.

    1. I thing GOT is the ticket as well.

    2. That's a great pick up

  20. Kno Won is right google has a ton of pics of them together and one is even them kissing.

    1. Last pix I see of her with him was in early may

  21. I'm still confused. It sounds like from the extremely unclear wording that it's the regular guy who has a jealous girlfriend so he has to be cropped out of photos. Why would a jealous girlfriend of the actor require that the regular guy be cropped out of the actress's photos? Enty really needs to go with Person A, Person B, etc. to make BI's clearer.

  22. The Secret. The Notebook. "Actress beloved by many" was used to refer to Rachel M in the past.

  23. Anonymous10:59 AM

    i like the mcadams/gosling/mendes guess. this is an interesting blind...

  24. @Erin

    Not sure if it's a GOT cast member or someone else... but I got to believe it's someone she's been photographed with a few times. I mean if she's traveling all over the place whenever he calls then some photos have to be around of the two together.

  25. Rachel McAdams has been involved with a Canadian Music producer for over a year. Well known in Canada. I don't think this could be her.

    Although of course Enty's facts are always wrong, so I suppose it could be meant to be her.

  26. Ryan would definitely be aware that Rachel has a boyfriend. I,e the blind says she's trying to "hide it".

  27. Love your guesses, Tricia <3

  28. Anna Kendrick and Ben Richardson. They were at the WWE Summer Slam event and he's cropped out of Instagram pics even though he's standing to her left.

    Maybe she still has a thing for Edgar and Ben's banging Shailene Woodley.

  29. This is not RM...RG is not shooting 6months of the year half way around the world having sex with porn stars. And she is over him.

  30. And
    @FrenchGirl. Gets some credit if it's patrick Sambrook

  31. Ok- this is random guess but...
    Liv Tyler and Sean Bean as actor. Dave Gardner as sports agent/regular guy and Georgina Sutcliffe as ex wife.

  32. @Wildepeyote

    Edgar isn't an actor though. So it wouldn't be him. Also don't know enough about Shailene Woodley to say that she's dating Ben... but I would think the blind would mention that his girlfriend is an actress.

  33. Anna Kendrick tweeted she and Theon weren't a thing, just friends having lunch.

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  35. @Seven

    She didn't say they were friends having lunch. She just said she was as confused as Alfie probably was. The story about dating Alfie came out a few days ago, but the date in Las Vegas happened a solid week before the story broke. The dating Alfie rumor was started by someone at a Sushi place in Vegas, where they saw Anna and "Alfie" going into a dark booth together.

    She tweeted a photo of her dinner, (not showing who she was with,) but the Ben Richardson guy has been seen on the set of Pitch Perfect and The Hollars over the last month or so. So he's the guy that she had dinner with in Vegas. Since he looks like Alfie I think the person that saw them thought that she was having a date with Alfie. I don't there is anything to the Alfie rumor, but I do think this is Anna with the regular guy being Ben Richardson a camera guy that's worked on three movies with Anna in the last couple of years. Not sure about the actor she's dating though... and that's the most interesting part of the story!

    Is Chris Pine into women? I can't remember if he's confirmed as being gay. They worked together on Into the Woods, he's traveling all over doing movie after movie... just not sure about him being straight, or being into porn stars.

  36. Geez why do half of these women in Hollyweird have such low self esteem?! Makes me wanna smack them like Cher in Moonstruck and scream "Snaap out of it!" Whether their A list or C, they have had more success then tons of other woman trying to make it! If regular woman with not as much money, looks or success can say f*ck this loser, i'll get someone better, why can't these women?!!!

  37. @Jayden

    I can see how the confusion arose, as Alfie and Ben do look quite similar. And Ben is the guy who is pictured in the link I posted initially.

    That said, I think this is one of those blinds that is "supposed" to be her, Alfie, and Ben. AKA Not true--Enty taking recent news/pictures, fudging details, and manufacturing a blind out of it.

    The "spends six month a year having sex with porn stars half a world away" is just a dead GOT giveaway.

  38. @Erin

    I know for a fact that several parts of the blind are accurate. So I think this is a real one... I don't think Alfie is meant to be the actor in this blind however. He had a girlfriend for a while and recently broke up with her. This blind makes it sound like Anna and the actor have been on and off again for more than a few months.

  39. Whoever the actor is, it's interesting that Enty didn't assign a status to him i.e. B-list actor. To me, that makes it seem like he's not very famous, but who knows.

  40. @Erin

    Yeah that's interesting. It certainly could be someone from Game of Thrones, but maybe a lesser known actor, (So not Alfie.) I have trouble remembering everyone on Game of Thrones, so I can't think of a regular cast member that would be around the porn stars that they hire all of the time.

    I guess it's also possible that he just left it out accidentally. Can you tell I'm interested by this blind? :)

  41. Thanks, @Jayden. Very interesting tea! There were five different stories, it was so confusing.

  42. this is a hard one y'all

  43. @Jayden

    Yeah, there are a ton of people on that show, so lots of possibilities.

    I was just thinking to myself that I rarely comment and usually lurk, and this one blind has me posting multiple times haha :)

  44. @Erin

    I'm a longtime lurker as well. So glad I'm not the only one!

    Oh, and just as a left field guess to the actor... Jared Leto. They were photographed at an after party earlier in the year. (I know it's probably not Jared, but thought it would be fun to toss out a random name!)

  45. We'll then my only intelligent contribution to this discussion is welcome Jayden and Erin!

  46. 1/2 a world away kinda ruins Sheen/Richards for this.

  47. I'm liking the Anna Kendrick guess. "[H]alf a world away" made me think of a British or Australian guy and Anna recently worked with Orlando Bloom.

  48. Bob Barker and Betty White

  49. It's "BECK and call", Enty. FFS.

    It does sound like somebody from GoT is involved, so that narrows it down to a few hundred possibilities. But if it's somebody that hasn't been killed off yet (and it does sound like it is) then we're down to a couple dozen...

  50. I think it's Liv Tyler & David Beckam's BFF. She's probably seeing someone on the Leftovers on the DL.

  51. Hold up everyone missed an important clue! It's an actress Enty LOVES so that is either a Disney tween or a housewife ;)

  52. Anonymous8:49 PM

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  53. Yeah possibly Anna. Particularly because of the description of the porn stars on set - Enty's used similar terminology in blinds and posts about GoT.

  54. Rose Leslie and Kit Harrington? Wouldn't call her B+ though, never mind A!
