Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Today's Blind Items- Rub And Tug King

This actor is involved in lots of side businesses. One of the reasons he is always looking for new investments is not just to make money, but also to hide money. Our actor is A list. I keep hoping for the day he drops down to D list or even lower but somehow he keeps hanging around. Our actor makes a great deal of money from acting and everything about that is above board and faithfully reported to the appropriate agencies. Not so above board are the massage parlors that our actor owns with two other partners that he met when he was in Asia doing a commercial several years ago. The owner of the company that our actor was working for loved our actor's work. Yeah, well people probably loved Paris Hilton in her movies too. The two started talking about the massage parlors the man ran in other parts of the country and wanted to do the same thing in Los Angeles. Our actor, who at the time was always looking for some fun on the side and a place to have that fun agreed to join in and along with one other partner who is the owner on all the paperwork, the three have opened about 50 different massage parlors around the LA area. It always makes me shake my head when our actor starts talking about human trafficking when I'm sure he has more than a few women in his establishments that probably were trafficked.


  1. Replies
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    5. Wow - a lot of deleted comments here.

    6. Yeah ferrrrreals!^

  2. Anonymous10:17 AM


  3. Johnny Knoxville to be totally different

  4. Ashton totally fits. And he's been outspoken on human trafficking, especially when he was with Demi. And yeah, those joints are neck-deep in human trafficking. An excellent article about the subject:

  5. Plus, Ashton has invested in tech start-ups ("always looking for new investments) like Airbnb and Spotify. I'd imagine venture capital is a good way to launder money.

  6. It would be awesome if it was Penn, @figgy!

  7. Ashton was photographed yesterday coming out of a massage parlor on lainey site. I thought that was shadey.

    1. I wonder if that's what demi was fighting for in the divorce. If she was in on it through their foundation and she was holding out for her cut of illegal profits or she was going to talk. I think she is just as shady and capable of this as Asston.

  8. @figgy, I thought Penn too. He's always selling himself as such a moral compass for the world and such a worthless piece of shit in reality.

    Whoever it is, I hope it is revealed and the authorities alerted.

  9. Replies
    1. Haaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaa. Fucking, Tom.

  10. When Ashton sold his bachelor pad, it was pointedly mentioned that he had a "gym/massage room", and then there was the "Ashton & Mila get foot massages" stories. So Karen FTW!

    I actually like Mila Kunis. Ashton must have the magical penis of destiny, but he better keep it clean. Girlfriend is from Ukraine, they do not play softball.

    1. LOL @ Seven of Eleven
      So true about the Ukrainian girls. We don't mess around.

    2. If Asston is really worth $140 million she doesn't care she will get that money and dump him. She knows. She has known him long enough to know his game.

  11. Penn was my first thought though I can't find any evidence that he's done any commercial work in Asia.....

  12. The massage parlor angle makes me think Charlie Sheen. The person I had heard speaking out against human trafficking is Jada Pinkett-Snith and that doesn't fit. I'm gonna have to go with Ashton because I don't see Will Smith involved in that (for numerous reasons).

  13. Cage has some shady business too. Wasnt he in a reveal for co-owning male escort service.

  14. Ashton goes for a massage

  15. I started considering Steven Seagal because of the Asia connection and I ran across this tidbit -

    In 2009, Seagal starred in Steven Seagal: Lawman, a reality TV show produced for A&E. Seagal and the producers of Lawman note that in addition to his CIA, movie and reincarnated monk work, in years past Seagal graduated from the Los Angeles police academy and holds a certificate from POST, the organization that accredits California police officers. However, there is no record of him having done either. The series was suspended when Seagal was sued for sexual trafficking and harassment. (That case appears to have been settled out of court, although neither parties will confirm this.)

  16. Alec Baldwin, he's pretty shady.

  17. Costner was the first name to come to mind, Asston was guess #2.

  18. I know that Clooney has made commercials in Japan. (Nescafe) Not sure if he's spoken about human trafficking.

  19. Asston, was my first thought, he always investing in different ventures & has given interviews about human traficing.

  20. I got one that wasn't about Norman! This is totally Ashton. A few years ago he was VERY vocal about human trafficking. It's usually the ones who are most self righteous that are the shady ones in private.

  21. They have all done comercials in Japan. They get paid millions for a couple hours work.

  22. Piven.

    Because he's gross and the person in this blind is gross.

  23. This is soooo Jerry Sandusky having his own children's charity so he can cherry pick from the litter. But "He's such a nice guy" no one would convict him. Asston has his child trafficking charity to deflect attention to his $$$ side business and I bet Demi was holding out for her half in the divorce. That's why he wanted it kept do quiet.

  24. Don't want this to be Ashton. But you sleuths are making some darn good points.
    Plus, Ashton is in LA a lot, out and about. Makes sense about Demi and the money thing.

    I prefer it to be Penn or Clooney the cheating, political pillars of society.

  25. Definitely Asston! The human trafficking part gives it away. So disappointed in Mila! What does she see in this doucher? Is she just as horrible as him behind closed doors?

  26. Asston----him and Demi into anti trafficking and he invests in a lot of tech start ups

  27. I'm going Clooney too. Something off about him.

  28. Oh, yeah. I missed that human trafficking angle to this the first time I read it. Definitely sounds like Ashton.

  29. I don't see this being any A list star. Why risk getting caught, losing millions to the IRS, ruining your career and going to jail for a few bucks and some Asian booty? Makes no sense to me. But then, I've never understood humans.

  30. Well, dude needs to branch into Jersey if they get Korean chicks under 40. All ya see in the newspapers around here is 40+ y/o's listed in the stings.

    Rumor has it the hotter ones they save for outcall service, so they won't lose premium merchandise in a sting, but who wants the massage w/o the table shower?

  31. Ashton. His long time relationship with Nikon must have included ads in Japan or at least promo trips there.

  32. Ashton. God I hope the Feds are investigating and Silicon Valley stops working with him. What a hypocrite. Disgusted.
