Tuesday, August 05, 2014

Today's Blind Items - Old Man Kink

Apparently if you are willing to devote yourself to the kink of a very rich old man you can make a lot of money. The escort in this blind used to see lots of customers to make a living but now just sees one old man and makes low six figures a year because she is willing to do what it takes to make our old man a happy guy. Our old man is A list. Has been for decades and probably will until he dies. Always a celebrity, never an actor although he has appeared in some movies as himself. Married to a celebrity and getting super cranky in his old age. For the past few years he saw several escorts but nothing that really was worth me writing about knowing I will have a couple of days of horrible images in my mind thinking of this guy naked. Yikes. He generally meets the escort at a public place where she is supposed to be with a guy she has just met. Our old man comes a long and because of who he is he manages to win her away from the other guy. He loves to feel like he is still on top of his game. The escort told me she is fast running out of guys to play the part and the old man thinks she is actually picking up some random guy. They go back to her place where he runs through any number of scenarios but most of them involve him getting naked and watching her do things to herself. Basically anything he can think of she does. This has been going on for about a year and the escort says she always thinks they will run out of things to do but the old man has an imagination that just won't quit. This happens twice a week for two hours a pop at the exact same time and the exact same days. Our old man pays her about $5000 a week but with the condition she is not allowed to see anyone else and has to be able to prove it anytime he calls her. She says that he has never called past 5 or 6 in the evening but doesn't want to take a chance on losing the money so basically just stays at home all the time binge watching television and movies.


  1. between this and Downtown Abby I feel like it is Seniors Day

  2. I thought Clint, but he's divorced right?

  3. My first thought was Donald, but maybe some other biz man with a celeb or model wife.

  4. I thought Robert Evans, who is a producer and was married to Ali McGraw, but hadn't he been a child actor?

    Keith Richards was playing a character in the Pirates movies.

  5. Hugh Hefner is a good guess

  6. Jessica, the Donald was my first thought as well.

  7. I know it's not, but this sounds like a Stacy Keibler gig to me.

  8. The guys not an actor it says, just a celebrity, RenoBlondee. Clint is an actor.
    Totes the Hef-...and I agree Ents...YIKES!!!!!!

  9. Misch! You beat me to it!

  10. If any says Stan Lee, I'll have to hurt them.

    1. Gayland, that was my guess. Sorry. But I don't know if he is married to a celebrity

  11. None of these guys are married to a celebrity, are they? Otherwise we could throw in the following:

    Bob Barker
    Stan Lee
    James Taylor
    Tom Jones
    Kareem Abdul Jabbar

  12. But Hef isn't married to a celebrity.

  13. Sounds like Trump but I wouldn't call him"old". Hef....could be but why? He has access to too many women. What about Bloomberg?

  14. Joy philbin has is a former actress, tv personality, and author

  15. Hefner is married to a 20-something playmate and probably has plentiful access to more of the same whenever he wants it. I think this is someone else...

  16. I only heard of Heffernan wife when she married him cuz basically he's 100 and she s young..oh and in play boy once

  17. Bloomberg isn't married.

  18. @Zillia---he is married to a 20 something DJ and playboy bunny---that is considered a celeb I imagine---but yeah he has enough access to other women

  19. Great quess scarli..but moonves known as TV exec/biznessman..not celeb

  20. @Derek beat me to my guess of Larry King.

    I do like the Hef guess. But thinking a little more about it, between these 2, Larry seems more apt to go out and about the Valley / Hills here, and he does. I don't see Hef going out with out an entourage.

  21. Frank Gifford is a good guess if hes not suffering from dementia the way some say. He did movies too when he was young.
    I dont know if Hers wife is considered a celebrity but hes a good guess.

  22. This has Donald Trump written all over it, and Enty owes me a lifetime supply of premium-grade brain bleach for the visuals.

  23. Hmm..a talk show host maybe? Letterman isn't married to a celebrity though.

  24. Trump isn't married to a celebrity though.

  25. Yeah, Frank Gifford is a good guess.

  26. Guys, Donald Trump is 68, that is not old although it would count as aging. Old is 75+. Carl Reiner is old, Harrison Ford is not old. Frank Gifford would be a great guess but he appeared as an actor in several movies. I think Hugh Hefner is a good guess but it doesn't feel like Hef. That said, got nothing.

  27. I'd venture to guess it's the Donald. That was my first instinct. Says if he's in something, he plays himself although he's not an actor.

  28. but I don't consider Trump's wife a celebrity at all.
    Didn't that Flight Attendant who videotaped Frank Gifford claim that he liked to "watch"

  29. Donald is old, He is older than my grandfather.

  30. I would ca Trumps wife a celeb, Milania. But I don't think this is Trump at all. IMHO.

    FRANK g I interesting guess.

    But LARRY KING is my final answer. (Until someone comes up with one I like more)

  31. hahaha 68 is sounding younger and younger each year. but if you'd ask any of my kids, 30 is ancient!!!

  32. This is exactly like Aceveda on the Shield but sounds less rapey

  33. btw, I KNOW its NOT David Bowie but I just love that couple & wanted to mention 'em.

  34. The key here is "likes to think he is on top of his game", which Reigis Philpin was for decades, and is still very spotlight driven
    Or Gifford with football...

  35. Larry kingt isn't Married to a celebrity

  36. Leave DAVID alooone.
    Larry King. Probably has his dinner at 5pm, Metamucil at 5.30 & all tucked up by 6.

  37. but who's Larry King's "celebrity" wife?- Robin Leach I don't think is married to that actress who looks like Linda Evangelista

  38. PHIL DONAHUE & marlo thomas

  39. I think Regis would be too cheap to pay for an escort. I remember he used to always quote his mother telling him, "Hey, Mr. Bigshot, the poor house is right around the corner." He said that always stuck with him.

  40. I don't see Trump playing out that scenario twice weekly.

  41. I thought Steve Lawrence, but Eydie passed away last year. That makes me sad.

    Wayne Newton?

    1. I was in the entertainment business many years ago. The two nastiest "celebs" I ever worked around/with were Dionne Warwick and Eydie Gorme. God, she was horrible.

    2. Trilby- ive read before edie was a bitch. And steve was nice as pie. And i cld titally see warwick being a pain. Tell us more!!!!!!

    3. Steve Lawrence spent a little bit too much time talking to me, for her liking. Many years ago, I was just shy of 18. She was drunk and blowsy. I recall her telling him to "get his moth**fu**ing ass over here right now!!" Which he did. During a telethon. LOL. Yes, she was drunk at a telethon.
      Dionne Warwick was just horrid in every way.
      Believe it or not, the nicest celeb I ever met in those days, was Robert Goulet.
      The only one who ever rendered me star-struck was Cary Grant.
      And the one who I saw even grown men shake in their boots over fear of angering him was Frank Sinatra.

    4. And yes, Steve Lawrence seemed like a really sweet man. But I remember getting the impression even as a teenager, that he was a little dim and very whipped. But seemed sweet. Sexy, too (I liked older men, & they liked me.). Now, I'd be curious as to what the dynamics of their sex life were. Is there a bio about them? I'm going to go on over to Amazon and check.

    5. @ Trilby:

      "Robert Goulet, Robert Goulet, Oh My God, Robert Goulet!". love that line.

  42. I still think it's Frank Gifford. Kathy-Lee is never home it seems.

  43. @stephie...funny I can see him repeating that...but he does have mucho$$$$ ..he's partner in several NYC restaurants...etc..maybe he figures.."can't take it with you"

  44. "He loves to feel like he is still on top of his game"

    That clue screams Frank G.

  45. "The sizzling transcript. . . reveals . . . Gifford likes porn movies and unnatural sex acts"


  46. But Gifford never appeared in a film as himself
    He did a couple of cameos on TV..different medium altogether

  47. Regis'film resume includes

  48. Regis in Jack and Jill/I'm still here/the Great Buck Howard/Ms congenital ity
    All playing...Regis

    1. I'm trying to imagine Regis getting all filthy dirty and all I can come up with is that it would be very loud

  49. @TTM...got that right..loud and he'd be yelling out Notre Dame !!!

    1. With lots of grimacing, even, Tricia

    2. LOL! ! !

      Then again TTM. I'm wondering why u even went as far as to try to picture Regis. I'm gonna be watching u with "side eye". ;-p

      But them I got excited when I saw the title of this Bl. :-(

    3. It's the curse of a great imagination, SYF!

    4. Bad enough, the "very loud". This is all just the icing on the cake. Thanks to me being nauseated now thinking about how gross Regis is, no sex for Mr. Trilby today. I'm blaming it on you guys.

  50. I'm thinking either Larry King or Regis Philbin.

  51. Frank Gifford played himself in Jerry Maguire

  52. @derek, Downton Abbey isn't just for seniors!! Yikes! *huff*huff*

    I can't believe I'm the first person to say Bob Dole. He popped into my head after the third word.

  53. @Cheryl..good catch
    But one film..this is plural situation

    Also..giffords not really A+till u die guy..kinda celebrity

  54. Admit it - we all know this is Bill Clinton

  55. Maury Povich

    Because why not, but not a perfect fit.

    1. "You ARE NOT the baby daddy!!!"

  56. @delete You are absolutely right. I think I skimmed the blind and missed that. Thanks.

  57. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Henry Kissinger is still alive?! That's a great guess, & he was supposed to be a notorious pussy hound back in the day. Gross.

  58. i'm laughing at the aceveda from 'the shield' reference. he was one twisted guy.


    i preferred to call him 'ass invader' though.

  59. I like Trump for this, but you can hardly say he is A List and has been for decades. He's a thick fingered vulgarian.
    Is Jay Leno married to anybody famous?

  60. I wish this was me. If the guy only likes to watch and not touch...and I make 5K a week...I'm down for it for a year or two. I would stash all the money away and invest in something.

  61. This comment has been removed by the author.

  62. That's good dish Trilby!

  63. @Trilby
    CARY GRANT! You lucky so-and-so!

  64. @Trilby did you meet hot but suave young Cary, hot but suave middle age Cary or hot but suave old man Cary?

    Which ever Cary it was, I'm hating you.

  65. Harvey Weinstein
    Sumner Redstone
    Ted Turner

  66. I've said it before and I'll say it again. Working a load out of one of these crusty old has beens must be a soul sucking job regardless of pay$$.

  67. Heff sounds right, but why would the chick stay at her own place when he could easily put her in a wing at The Manse?

  68. I think its Larry King too.
    I am not sure if his wife qualifies as a celebrity.

  69. Larry Kingston wife Shawn, whose about 55 now..recorded 1 akbumr about 25 years ago. Her life and existence is pubkickyt known based solely on that fact that she married an old geezer(same as hefner) there are no further credits or accomplishments

  70. Celebrity means they took the nepotistic origin further and did something independently

    This would have been Gifford cuz Kathie Lee is a celebrity in her own right, but he is not A list till death caliber and has 1 film credit

    It's Regis philbin

  71. Hugh's wife can be considered a celebrity. Barely but still. He's known to have a lots of ideas about sex (hence the empire), not be able to get it up, and goes to sleep really early. He's also known to be possessive. He's been in films as himself. He's also rumored to be very cranky in his old age. This is Hugh.

  72. The Donald. Ew.

  73. Sounds like bill clinton

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  75. Howard Stern. If he won't bang his wife w/o a rubber, he won't bang a whore w/ a rubber.

    Played himself in Private Parts.

    Has to be on air at 6AM, so in bed at 8PM to get up at 4AM.

    Married to Beff Oats and Fugazi Enty felt bad giving her a letter grade to her celebrity because it would be Z+ List.
