Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Today's Blind Items - Needs A Bride Quick

This actor used to be almost A list. Acting family. Some truly memorable movie roles. He starred in a couple of the biggest movies of all time.His wife is cheating on him and doing so openly but our actor is stuck. If he divorces her he is probably going to jail. So, our actor has quietly been placing ads searching for women from certain countries who would be willing to marry very quickly. His idea is to meet his new bride in her country, divorce his old wife while there and then marry his new wife. He wants to also try and do this while filming it all for a documentary he thinks could be a big seller. I really think he needs to think this all through, but he won't so he will probably end up in some jail in a far away country instead of living the fairly cushy life he does now.


  1. Jason or Jeremy London

  2. Why do I think the name Quaid??

    1. Great guess but he claimed bankruptcy don't think cushy life for a long time

  3. scratch my guess---never in big movies

  4. Stephen Baldwin

  5. Anonymous10:12 AM

    um, why would he go to jail? that is what is perplexing me and Ollie.

  6. why would this guy go to jail if he gets a divorce though?

  7. Dont understand why he would go to jail if he gets divorced

  8. Great minds think alike Montana

  9. Jail? How can being married save him from jail? I feel like I'm missing a really obvious thing.

  10. Quaid would get deported from Canada and face jail time here in the USA

  11. @FSP---nice rack lol ; )

    Randy Quad and the illuminati lol

  12. if he remarries in another country, her gets "safe haven"

  13. Yeah it's Quaid, his wife is Canadian heritage or something, she is what is saving him right now from extradition. This is not really a BI.

  14. Oh, yeah...the Crazy Quaid bid'ness. When he was wearing skirts and robes and whatnot.

  15. (because it's all about wardrobe!)

  16. Great guess, LOL @sandybrook

  17. Hiding from the starwhackers

  18. Yeah...I'm confused too about why the guy would go to jail if he divorces his wife. Why does he need to find a bride ASAP in order to divorce his current wife? Does he have to be married in order to stay out of jail or something? Did he lose a bet?

    1. @Crila because he's an American in Canada under a safe haven loophole, the only legal reason he gets that is his wife is Canadian. He'd have to quickly marry another Canadian before being deported if he divorces her, that's a really short window. If he misses it he has no safe haven security, Canada is forced to comply with the US extradition request and he's sent back to the US on a ton a charges.

  19. I'm okay with Randy quaid guess but when was he almost A list? He's a typical supporting actor

  20. @crila16
    It's even not a blind .it'sin his wikipedia

  21. So what other countries other than Canada have this loophole?

  22. Nice Sandy and MM!
    I knew about his weirdo marriage the charges against them..her name a Eve I think..but had no idea he living in Canada..niiice

  23. Frenchgirl- INDEPENDENCE DAY 4 one

  24. Thanks Doctah and French. I had no idea Mr. Quaid was so knee deep in trouble.

  25. And one would think if the Canadian immigration authorities had the same gumption and brains that the INS does, they would realize that the quicky marriage so he can declare safe haven again is a sham and therefore reject any claim for safe haven. Given the high profile I think even Canadian immigration is going to have to reject his claim. So he better find another country.

  26. Not sure I'm understanding this one.

  27. I know they fled to Canada to escape prosecution but if Eva? ever sponsored him wouldn't he receive permanent resident status and couldn't be deported unless he committed a crime in Canada? Canadian friends, is that correct?

  28. Frenchgirl... &,he won an OSCAR(S.Actor) for "The Last Detail"; N.L.Vacation

  29. Randy - Just be a man and come back to face the music!

  30. yeah,EastCoaster, I don't think that's gonna happen.
    BTW, Great guess sandybrook & MarriottMontana!! right on da money & fast!

  31. His wife is the true weirdo here. Congrats to SandyBoo and MM for the guesses and for French Girl's evidence.

  32. Such a shame that Randy wigged out as he has. Very, very talented actor.

  33. Randy Quaid's behavior is so bizarre I wonder if he's got early onset dementia rather than a drug problem

  34. The BI part is that he's divorcing Evi! Their crazy together is memorable. They've been married since 1989. That's a loooooong time.

  35. My sympathies to the future Mrs Quaid.

    I'm sure Canada will be thrilled to deport him as soon as they can.

  36. Aw, Russell.

    I think he's just an odd duck who hooked up with another odd duck, and they feed on each other's crazy. Look, Canada, you gave us Bieber, all we're asking is you keep Russell safe from the Illuminati!

  37. Cosign 7 of 11, protect the Quaid!

  38. Does Spousal Privilege disappear when you divorce? Because I'm under the impression it doesn't, at least for the duration of the marriage.

  39. Jail?! Shouldn't he be more worried about the star-whackers?!

  40. did a quick peruse of Canadian case law, someone online put in a succinct summary, spousal privilege does not survive divorce even regarding events during the marriage and there are exceptions to spousal privilege as in the case of domestic violence.

  41. From this
    Quaid and his wife’s legal troubles started in 2010 when they were arrested for causing more than $5,000 damage at a California home they were renting.
    U.S. officials refused to seek extradition of the couple from Canada to face felony charges in Santa Barbara last year. However, local authorities said the pair will be arrested if they return to the U.S.
    Quaid sought permanent resident status in Canada and claimed he was being sought by the so-called “Hollywood star-whackers.” He claimed the group killed actors David Carradine and Heath Ledger, and that they were his friends.
    Quaid and his wife have maintained that the group is out to get them. The couple even created a docu-drama called “Star Whackers” that they screened at a Vancouver theatre in 2011.
    The couple have been living in B.C, ever since they fled the U.S. in October 2010. The Quaids initially sought refugee status in Canada, saying they feared for their lives.
    Later in 2011, Evi Quaid was granted citizenship because her father is Canadian. She applied to sponsor her husband for permanent residency.

    Read more: http://www.ctvnews.ca/canada/randy-quaid-denied-request-for-canadian-permanent-resident-status-1.1131363#ixzz3ACrF8fQH

    The US backed off on extradition so looked like they were still trying to get him permanent residency, not sure where that is at, I think it would have been reported if he managed to get it on appeal or another application.

  42. What @TinaM reported- makes sense with this bl as it mentions him wAnting to film this new scenario.

    There's still the juice in tbe part if this Bl - she's "openly" cheating on him, he's stuck (lol), and he's working ads for new residency, I mean "new bride".

  43. It doesn't take that long to get PRS here. And if his wife already has citizenship, he COULD have had it by now. But something tells me he either never bothered, or she told him he would be fine even if they spli. So he probably just realized he WON'T be fine, hence the quickie remarriage.

  44. @rolotomassi, he hasn't won an Oscar. His nom came the year of the streaker and Professor Kingsfield tottered off with the trophy.

  45. Anonymous2:20 AM

    Charges he's avoiding all over 5k in damage????? I don't get it......
