Monday, August 18, 2014

Today's Blind Items- Clinging To The Inside Of The Closet

This actor is the definitive B lister. He has been around forever and comes from an acting family. He is an Academy Award winner/nominee and for decades was content to sit in the closet and pick up the occasional man for a year long fling or whenever the mood hit him. In his family there is no coming out. The family for the most part knows he is gay. Shortly after he hit his peak professionally, his family started pressuring him to have a family. To find a woman and have a family. Apparently the pressure was intense and the family threatened him with barring access to funds which allows our actor to produce movies. So, the actor buckled and in short order married and at his family's insistence also had children. The crazy thing is his wife thinks the actor is straight. The family never mentions it and the actor is so paranoid about everything in his life that he would never tell her. He still sees men, but confines it to when he is on set or on location somewhere and his wife is totally oblivious. Considering they have had sex only a couple of times in the past decade should give her a clue but he convinced her he has some kind of medical problem.


  1. Was Emilio Estevez ever nominated?

  2. Stephen Baldwin?

  3. Batter up.. no guesses unless it's the fat Baldwin.

    1. Daniel is the fat one.

    2. Suge- overweight people everywhere love to be described as the fat one.

    3. Batter up indeed! Baby batter.

  4. Never mind! I missed the Academy Award nominee part!

  5. Emilio wasn't nominated nm

  6. Peter Fonda always gave me a gay vibe

    1. Yes his dad was a hard ass 4 sure.

  7. And Emilio's only marriage was to Paula Abdul and they did not have children together. If I recall, he is engaged now but not married. He does have two adult children from a previous early 80's relationship.

  8. Who doesn't have enough money that they would need access to the family money to produce?

  9. Beau Bridges is on wife #2 adopted kids with # 1 , I think bio with wife #2

  10. I like the Peter Fonda Guess, Montana. Interesting.

  11. Peter Fonda is a good guess Montana. I Robt see Jane being a bitch about it though. Henry might have.

  12. One of the Wayans. Ever nominated?

  13. Any of the coppolas??. Daddy finances all of Sofia movies.

  14. Nicolas Cage has been married to the sushi waitress for 10 years (references sex in the last decade)

  15. Peter Fonda sounds very good.

  16. Josh Brolin?? No one else seems to fit, but I don't think it's him either. This blind implies it's someone who's only been married once and for years. The men above have gone from wife to wife. Beau is not an Oscar nominee.

  17. Well we know it's NOT Michael Douglas. I'm thinking either Beau or Peter sound like good guesses.

  18. Michael Douglas would be one of the biggest cases of overcompensation in history.

  19. I feel bad for the wife. At least she should have been told she was a beard.

  20. Alan Alda. Oscar nom.

  21. Ben Affleck! ;)

    Beau Bridges is a mighty fine guess though.

  22. Peter Fonda sounded good, but he has been married three times.

  23. Keith could work, but I don't like any guess who's been married to multiple women!

  24. @kno nice one too..we're all whipping out the ol whipper snappers

  25. @Zach I hearvya...but maybe first wife figured it out and made tracks on outta there
    Alda(knos guess..only married 1x)

    1. But no Oscar nod to alda

    2. @Tricia, Alda was actually nominated for The Aviator. So not a bad guess at all. Though you'd think TV would be mentioned for someone like him. For better or worse, he's been married only once and for 57 years!

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. I knew only I rare....butvhes not from an aacting family/dynasty...and not a producer really..
      Carradine has several producing credits..Fonda too...but Keith still works consistently whereas Fonda more former A list I would think

    5. Well Alan Alda's father Robert was a working film actor. True, not a dynasty like the Bridges, Carradines, or Baldwins. Back to thinking Keith Carradine.

  26. Replies
    1. A brilliant guess. But, incredibly no Oscar noms yet.

  27. Liddy, They do?

    1. Jessi-they do not. My attempt at sarcasm.

    2. Libby your sarcasm was not lost on me. :)

  28. New guess: Ron Howard. Only part that doesn't fit is the "needing family money" part....

  29. What about Sean Astin? Acting oscar nom. Same wife. Acting family. Forever B list because of Goonies/LOTR. Been around forever bc he started acting as a kid.

  30. doesn't really fir though because he married pretty young.

  31. doesn't really fir though because he married pretty young.

  32. I think Alan Alda probably has more money than his family does.

  33. Zach said...

    Josh Brolin?? No one else seems to fit, but I don't think it's him either. This blind implies it's someone who's only been married once and for years. The men above have gone from wife to wife. Beau is not an Oscar nominee.

    No. Definitely not gay. He's also had two wives. That doesn't mean anything but Josh is definitely not gay.

  34. More like Jeff Bridges than Beau Bridges, I think. Married soon after an Oscar nomination, 3 children... He's produced some films, but not too many really. His family probably had a lot of money with Lloyd Bridges being such a big name. I don't know much about Lloyd's beliefs, but apparently Beau is very religious.

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. Sean Astin and Peter O'Toole are incridible guesses, but none really fits - and that "decades in de closet" part makes it look like we are talking about someone 50+.

    But since no one fits a 100%, I'm going to say Joseph Fiennes.

  37. that Fiennes guess

    like that

  38. As open as Patty Duke is about her bipolar disorder, I feel like she's the kind to be pretty open about everything, hence no hiding a gay son. I just don't think it's Sean.

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. Yeah, Brolin is without a doubt straight.

    Sean Astin is not an Oscar nominee despite LOTR. I'm not sure he's even B list anymore or that anyone would care if he came out as gay. Especially after the Sam and Frodo shippers.

  41. ok

    Fiennes not AA nom or winner :(

  42. Keith Carradine stole some dude's wife. If he is gay, he is a douche gay.

  43. Ralph Fiennes is a nominee but I don't think he fits.

    Travolta would fit if not for the part where the family threatens to restrict funds!

    Randy Quaid could have fit, but isn't a working actor anymore.

  44. Astin was nomintaed for an AA according to IMDB

    1. @jane, nice catch, Sean Astin was nominated for an Oscar for a short film. I still have trouble believing Patty Duke would force her son to marry though. And he's awfully young for this blind. Married since before he hit his career peak and seems like a family man. This blind has no answer! I give up or go with Keith Carradine.

  45. Jeff Bridges would be relevant with The Giver coming out this weekend. It took 2 decades to get funding he has said. Big clue there I think.

  46. Anonymous1:27 PM

    LOL, it's not Alan Alda. For one, he was a huge A lister in his day, the biggest TV finale ever, c'mon.

    For another he's been married to his wife since 1957, 2 decades before his professional peak.

    For third, his family did not have significant money. They were all work-a-day lifetime actors, never really huge stars. He was he only one who made any big amounts.

    For last and utmost, his daughter is opening gay, married to a woman, and well loved and publicly supported by the famous liberal crusader Alda family. They're liberal to the bone, all the way back to patriarch Robert Alda, who's most famous role was playing gay man, George Gershwin. And who himself did burlesque to make ends meet pre-stardom. The Alda's would be the LAST family in the world to repress a family member for being gay.

    Man the guesses on this BI are atrocious. Very obvious and basic cursory facts rule a number of these names out, Alda most laughably so.

  47. Anonymous1:31 PM

    Sorry *openly*.

    Also Alda's are most definitely a dynasty. Dad Robert, wife Flora, Alan, Antony, and both Alan & Antony's kids were/are in the biz.

  48. I agree with Hanwi's Jeff Bridges guess. He fits the clues of this blind pretty well. Comes from an acting family, been around forever, got married soon after hitting his professional peak (Oscar nominations for Last Picture Show, Thunderbolt and Lightfoot), and has three children who are only four years apart which could be explained by his family pressuring him to have kids.

  49. In no way is Jeff Bridges a B-lister. Best Actor Oscar and he's The Dude.

  50. Was just about to say it's unlikely to be Alda considering his daughter is gay. I thought it might be Broderick but he isn't Oscar nominated, Timothy Hutton crossed my mind but he's separated so I think either Astin or Bridges.

  51. Clinging to the inside of the closet? I recommend dryer sheets. A humidifier can help, too.

  52. Jeff bridges has never been B list a day of his life....even with out nepotistic gain..he has always been a heartthrob, an excellent actor, an award winner, and gainfully employed.
    He never needed to borrow money from daddy ..also, he's straight as an arrow.

    Sean astin married his HS a sweetheart and had like 3 girls I think...they are madly in love and he's probably the least likely person to be the answer here...he's too young, and considering he's worked more than his mom(and in franchises) I don't think he needed to ask her for spare change to finance anything...just saying....

  53. This is a b list actor..and b list within the hierarchy of his family I think.....( like, he worked less or was less bankable)

  54. Hey @Jessi
    What you think for this's like....maze in the end in sight

  55. Miguel Ferrer, the son of Jose' Ferrer and Rosemary Clooney.

  56. Maybe this is a shot in the dark, but what about Javier Bardem? Two kids, married to Penelope late in the game, rumors of being gay, and comes from a Catholic background? I hate to think it though since I think he's gorgeous. If it wasn't for the kids and marriage bit, I'd suggest Jakie G.

  57. Jeff Bridges is straight, as are Josh Brolin, Keith Carradine and Peter Fonda.

    Ferrer's an interesting guess although cousin George wouldn't have an issue if he came out, let alone force him to marry. I don't know about the Ferrer side of that family.

    What about Alan Arkin? One of the Skarsgards? A Wayans (have any of them been nominated for an Oscar)?

  58. skarsgards are swedish and are very comfortable w/ their sexuality. fwiw the only married one is a dr not an actor

  59. Keith carridine is not straight..nor was his brother, David

    1. Re the Carradine brothers: really Tricia? I never would've picked it. Dish!

  60. As I've posted before, I don't agree gays stay in the closet, particularly in Hollywood, because they are being forced to. There are HUGE benefits like $$$$$ What kind of lifestyle would John Travolta have had if he wasn't being FALSELY marketed as a he man for women moviegowers. He own multiple airplanes and homes THANKS TO WOMEN movie gowers. That's why HE CHOSE to stay in the closet all these years, for $$$$.

  61. This is a very interesting blind. I hope whoever it is can be comfortable with with himself. I thought Jeff Bridges was so good in Jagged Edge. Creepy movie.

    1. Another brilliant performance by Jeff (to Perssia) in a creepy film was in Tideland

  62. Morning(over beehaven....well, david was -unorthodox when it came to sex.his passing alone was a direct result of auto eroticism, I believe they said...but I should have clarified and said-not 100% straight! because I surely believe Keith liked women enough to be with them., and David did as well. Just all at grey area in between. ..David definitely experimental, probably for the sake of it alone if not his natural proclivity. With Keith, I believe it was. II really don't know if this is him al all..but it was a great blind!

  63. Sorry - no nomination. Just has pinged my admittedly bad gaydar since Ghosts and he was in the random photos recently.

  64. I thought Keith Carradine, but considering how "bohemian" some of their sexual tastes, I would've thought being gay was the least of it.

    Sean Astin is an interesting guess. But I'm assuming that it's some Baldwin or other.

    I would desperately hope it's not an Estevez. Martin Sheen is practically a demi-god here, and he has spoken about how proud he was of Emilio going by his given name (eh Carlos?) as he always regretted denying his Spanish heritage and giving into the anti-Puerto Rican sentiment when he was starting out as a professional actor. One would hope that he would be more accepting.
