Monday, August 11, 2014

Today's Blind Items- Agoraphobia

She calls it stage fright. There is some of that to be sure because she can freeze in front of a camera. It is one reason she hates doing awards shows or anything requiring her to read a teleprompter. She is surprisingly enough ok on talk shows because she is not required to say anything, she only has to respond. Getting her to the talk show is an entirely different matter. It takes her hours. Once she finally gets there and gets inside she can fake it enough and use enough mind tricks to make it through the ordeal, but when she leaves, she becomes a sweaty, exhausted mess and drinks herself to sleep. She is an actress. She used to be A+ list. Rarefied air that she had. Academy Award winner/nominee. For a time, she was the number one choice for almost every movie role available. She could still be that choice and she still has A list name recognition, but she has suffered the past five or six years with actually leaving her own house. It is rare she can manage and when she does it is usually with her boyfriend by her side. She prefers to be alone with him, or just alone is fine with her too. She has an assistant to go shopping for her and do the day to day things so she doesn't have to leave the house. Meetings with her manager or agents or anyone else is by phone or they come to her place. She has dated some of the biggest names in Hollywood. All this used to be managed more effectively. There is talk that her boyfriend likes to have her under his control and maybe had made things worse for his benefit. One thing that has surfaced is that she has a tough time filming anything because of the crowds and the stage fright. She has finally been convinced to give it another try, but it might fizzle like her last two projects when she couldn't even make it to the set.


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  2. Julie Christie?
    Faye Dunaway?

  3. Replies
    1. Kim has admitted to having agoraphobia.

    2. Reno, scorp, kim is batshit and owns it.

  4. Until the b/f part this sounded like Barbra Streisand. She does have stage fright Meggie fits though.

  5. Yep Kim. She has agoraphobia and it's not a secret.

  6. This makes me sad, but I'll go with Bridget Jones.

  7. I think this is Renee.

  8. Only Meg Ryan makes sense to me too. Nicole Kidman had fear of red carpets, but she's married of course.

    1. Meg is always out and about, all the photos of her are her looking relaxed running errands with her kids and Mellencamp

    2. Oh of course and Meg was never nominated. Still, Kim never looks afraid to appear in public. She recently scored a new modeling contract. Plus she's never seen with a man. So maybe it's Renee - though how many times has she really been seen publicly with her new/current boyfriend, versus appearing alone?

  9. She in the wrong business.

  10. Who has Kim Basinger dated that was famous---besides her marriage to Alec Baldwin

  11. Meg has never been Oscar nominated.

  12. If it's Renee, that explains the Oscars last year.

    It's close, but I don't think it's her, though. She's been photographed going jogging and getting coffees all the time.

  13. Anxiety is a horrible struggle. I wish her well.

  14. Basinger dated Rourke didn't she?

  15. My mother had this condition, and I based a character in one of my novels on her. In my research for that book I stumbled upon stuff about Kim Basinger having it too. So not so blind, maybe, but SAD.

  16. Kim makes sense because she has virtually disappeared the last few years but not sure who other than Alec she has dated.

    Renee makes sense because she has dated lots of Hollywood and hasn't been seen much of late. I thought it was because of the bad plastic surgery but maybe not.

  17. Sigh. So ambiguous.

    Is Moore Less? Demi Behind Renee Zellweger Makeover’s Actress — She ‘Is Being Mentored’ By Close Friend

    The Bridget Jones Diary star, who turned 45 last week, has largely dropped off the Hollywood map — and now a source said, “unless she pulls herself together, Renee’s acting future looks very uncertain. Renee is in deep therapy dealing with her anxiety about appearing on camera again after a string of embarrassing movie flops.”

  18. Kim Bassinger also briefly dated Prince.

  19. Basinger fits more.

    Zelweger could be a possiblity, but have seen pap pics of her by herself walking to her car.

    Ryan is trying for a primetime drama. She's supposed to be with Melencamp now. She's gotten scary skinny & has screwed up her face with injections.

    Dunaway has a rep for being a massive Bitch & refussing to come on set. If you cost the film money you won't get hired. She's in her 70's now.

    Striesand did just joing IG, but this blind doesn't state anyting about singing which is what Babs is more known for,

  20. I really cant figure out people sometimes.

    They have the means to help themselves but they don't.

    Its like Prince William and his expanding forehead.

    1. I mean if Jeremy Piven can fix his...

    2. Nipple, if Rogaine was permanent, or plugs/ transplants better, or toupees less laughable, then maybe. But most men just let it go.

    3. Indeed. William has definitely let that go. Lol.

  21. @Seven---good find! I definitely think this is Renee---and girl you need to find another "mentor"-not Demi Moore!

  22. Nice find seven. Rene Z it is! So sad.
    Demi is definitely the most qualified person to help with this. Why seek professional help when you got Demi's fool proof treatment of whippits and Vitamin Xanax?

  23. Cant be kim since it is known by all that she has that illness, i think its Renee, BUT the blind should be about what caused that illness, it just doesnt appear like tht, there must have been some trauma or trigger

  24. Oh...I like the Kim Basinger guess.

  25. I don't think this is Renee Z but something weird is going on with her. The plastic surgery, the random dating choices, marrying Kenny Chesney after not knowing him for very long and citing fraud for the divorce...

  26. but Kim Bassinger has a daughter that she still spends lots of time with (Ireland has her on instagram often) would that not be mentioned? Also if Kim is so agoraphobic why the hell did she buy a whole town?

  27. This is not Kim. Everyone already knows about her agoraphobia.

  28. Kim has claimed she's agrophopic in the past, but she's claimed other issues too. I kinda wonder if she has a "Dr Feelgood" who labels her & writes her prescriptions.

    It does look like Rene is filming a movie after not working for 5 years according to IMDB.

  29. Rene's BF is a gutarist, who she knew back in college. He's supposedly the reason for the plastic surgery. He likes the look of blond porn stars.

  30. No…I love Rene

  31. I feel like this is supposed to be someone more contemporary than Basinger. I'm not sure she would be still be everyone's choice for movie roles. Maybe Zellweger, though I feel the same way about her. She has a niche look. Not sure who else fits, but I think this has to be someone who has been BIG within the last...8-10 years?

  32. If one has an irrational phobia, one probably has a brain that is not always thinking rationally in other areas esp when your phobia takes over. It is also very embarrassing for people to ask for help, to admit to weakness, mental illness, irrationality, whatever you wish to call it and unfortunately. We don't know if this person has tried to get help or has always struggled with this but circumstances have made it worse and having money you can hide it easier. It is the human survival instinct to avoid the phobic stressors if you can. If you are germophobic well the germs are all around you 24-7. Then you have the people with multiple phobias supposedly.

  33. I think it's Renee, and I feel for her. I've struggled with anxiety my entire life. I was afraid at one point that I'd never be able to hold a job - I was verging on agoraphobia. Lots of time, therapy, and the right meds, and I'm back, baby! (I spent my entire first day at work fighting the urge to run away, but I made it!!)

    1. @Frufa-Good for you! Hang in there!

  34. Renee is hanging out with Demi? That's a weird duo if you ask me.

  35. I must add that the first line about teleprompters reminds me of Renee flubbing while presenting at the Oscars a couple years ago with her Chicago cast.

  36. I have no idea, but Renee Z and Kim B are on my "whatever happened to" list.

    I met Renee on a show I worked on very early in her career, and she was anorexic and very shy.

    While on the subject of "whatever happened to" - where is Alison Lohman? And, what about Renee Russo?

  37. Allison Lohman has 2 very young kids it looks like she's staying home with them while her hubs who is a director/screenwriter/cameral operator/film maker is working.

  38. Renne seems to be the only one who fits all of the clues

    1. She definitely fits the description best, I guess I'm just hung up on the "number one choice for almost every movie role available" bit. I just don't see her that way.

    2. @unknown, yeah, even at the height of her popularity, Renee was a specific type who couldn't just be cast in everything. That said, she was one of if not the most popular movie star for one or two years. She was having the JLaw career, even if she didn't quite have the star power or great beauty to carry an Oscar-friendly film on her own without A-list costars (which could be said about almost everyone except Julia in her heyday and Sandra Bullock in a tent pole like Gravity). Anyway Enty sees Melanie Griffith as a former A+ list star who was in the top 3 at one point, so it's safe to say this line shouldn't rule out Renee. I feel for her. Run away from Demi! Find yourself a good man and get over being dumped by Bradley Cooper and Weinstein!

  39. @Catsup-Rene Russo plays Thor's mother, and it is nice to see her on the screen again.

  40. Wasn't there a blind about Renee randomly crying in a mall? Or was that someone else?

  41. As someone who has suffered from panic attacks and agraphobia, i wish her healing. They are bitched!

  42. @CaryGaul, EXACTLY what I was thinking-Renee was crying on a bench @the Mall around-really sad image that stuck w/me.& Jack White supposedly played serious headgames w/her & of course,when Bradley was going up w/The Hangover etc. & she was having flops he didn't need her anymore etc.

  43. Meg Ryan got a lot of shite for her Graham Norton Interview but supposedly she was feeling very anxious & didn't mean to sound condescending(I thought she was fine & Graham asked questions that put her immediately on the defense

  44. Renee Zellweger she just wrapped her first movie in years

  45. I have agoraphobia I'm going with Renee Zellweger. For me it has gotten much worse as I've gotten older.

    1. Oh portlandia, i hope it gets better. Real real soon

  46. Basinger has been open about her agoraphobia. I don't think there would be a blind about it when she has already talked openly about it.

    Renee randomly bursting into tears at the mall would make sense. Panic attacks can creep up on you at any time. It sucks when it's in public.

  47. Zellweger is a good egg. I hope she makes it through whatever she is burdened with at this time. She's a sweetie and I wish her the best.

  48. Sad. I have the same kind of stage fright. If I have to do a presentation I get physically and violently ill weeks before. The days and hours leading up to it are terrible, I am constantly on edge, mad, depressed, heavy migraines, nausea etc. Emotional rollercoaster.
    Same with any other activities where I have to physically be present and 'promote' myself/my ideas - job interviews etc. Still don't understand how I ever landed my job.

    Afterwards I get so tired I can sleep for days.

    Thank god I eventually got over the 'not leaving the house' part.

  49. Wow. Seems like a lot of agoraphobics, depressives and anxiety-ridden people are regular posters on CDaN. Maybe that's true of the internet in general.

    I suppose it's some sort of "safe" contact with other people and the outside world.

    1. Aloofness and indifference are signs of psychopathy.

    2. @Malibu - Yes, I think it's a safe way to connect with people from within your "safe zone". And I have to say that the encouragement of dear friends that I met here on CDaN played a role in getting me back into the workforce. Truly. Y'all know who you are <3.

  50. I. Met a lady athe park last week who has agoraphobia, she had just spent 8 weeks in hospital for it. Sounds like a terrible thing....I'd go with Renee Z too, she is rarely photographed and not had a hit film in a while....

  51. I have agoraphobia and it's Hell. I miss appointments all the time because I just can't leave the house. I actually had a psychiatrist drop me as a patient because I missed so many appointments. It's odd that it comes and goes for years at time. At it's worst, I can't even make a phone call or go to the mailbox. I wouldn't wish this on anyone. I also have recurring depression. But when I'm fine I can go to Italy alone and drive across the country. Just bizarre.

    I can trace it back to being rear ended 3 times within 18 months, 15 years ago. I think that was it. I was not at fault and had to have surgery, and a lot of physical therapy.

    No wonder I have 4 cats and 4 dogs. They don't judge. But I feel bad for my husband for having to put up with me.

    I think it's Rene Zellwiger.

    1. Jennmcn- I don't feel bad for your hubby bc it sounds to me that he is married to one strong, brave chick! And I bet he knows it.
      I'm sorry for what you struggle with. No judgement here!

  52. I'm afraid of coming home. Laundry scares the shit out of me. Not laundry, really. The lint from the dryer. It's my mortal enemy!

  53. Kim B. does indeed have agoraphobia

    whether or not this is her

  54. Scarlett Johannsen

  55. I think it's Renee Z as well.

  56. This is Kim Basinger. Her struggles with agoraphobia are well-documented.

  57. @jenn. Same here. When it hits me it's bad and I can only leave the house if I have enough warning and a few tabs clonazapem. But there can be years when I am fine. Whomever this is at least she has the money to blow of jobs.

  58. @Basil Sometimes it's nice to know I'm not the only one. People think I'm a freak or irresponsible, which is not the case. Back in October, I had a blood pressure issue. It would drop and I would faint. It happened and I face planted breaking 7 teeth, spent the night in the ICU. My husband was in Afghanistan at the time.I've been a mess ever since.I too take clonazepam, even then sometimes I just can't leave.

    Thanks for listening.

  59. Anybody see White Oleander? (speaking of Alison Lohman, too!)
    This reminds me of sad Claire. Now I'm all worried about her.

  60. I didn't know Kim B had agoraphobia. I think that's fear of leaving your house (like Sig Weaver in "Copycat" was). I thought Kim had severe Social Anxiety Disorder (the stage fright part). She did the one with Stallone & Deniro. She still looks good. She hasn't jacked up her face like a lot of "aging" female actors. I just don't know if an "aging" actor like her is in high demand.

    Renee Z & Hilary Swank are two odd cases. They were huge and in their prime(s). They both seemed to have their pick of Oscar-bait movies, which are highly coveted. Then they both disappeared. Renee more than Swank. Swank had the dustup with the dictator, sure. But after "Baby" she did a bunch of crap movies and then disappeared. She has "The Homesman" coming out this year. Not sure if that will be any kind of comeback or not.

    Renee pretty much completely disappeared. She had that cliche romcom with Harry Connick, "New In Town." It wasn't very good, but I liked it (I like JK Simmons & Siobhan Fallon Hogan...and I like winter'y movies). But after that Renee was pretty much gone.

  61. My first thought was Basinger but that wouldn't exactly be a secret blind because her agoraphobia is well known.

    Kind of off topic but speaking of having difficulty on a talk show, Katie Holmes was on the Tonight Show last night and she was the worst guest ever. Practically monosyllabic.

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