Tuesday, August 05, 2014

Taylor Swift Sings A Song To A Child In A Hospital

Taylor Swift did one of her frequent hospital visits and met Jordan. Jordan is battling leukemia and Williams Syndrome but you have never seen a kid so happy to be hanging out with Taylor. When she asks him what song he would like to hear, he tells her to pick her favorite. This is why I put up with all the Taylor photo op photos. She actually walks the walk and goes to hospitals all the time. All the time.


  1. sweet girl---and kids LOVE her---I think she will be a really good mom

  2. She's donated millions to a music academy in NYC as well.

  3. Good for her and happy for him!!

  4. Shania Twain did that all the time for children back in the day as well (when children knew of Shania Twain)

  5. That was very cool. The little boy seemed so happy.

  6. I know this is gonna sound strange, but knowing she likes racy lingerie under her preppy clothes makes me like her just a tad. I can't stand fake people who need everyone to be convinced they are perfect and sweet, she reminds me too much of Rachel Berry. But the racy lingerie she doesn't want anyone to know she wears makes her more human to me. I'm not sure how much sense that made though.

    TL;DR I've never liked her before, it's a new thing I'm trying out.

    1. Whoops editing fail. I meant to say firstly that I saw it yesterday and thought it was really sweet. I'm glad I'm finally noticing the good things she does for kids, it seems far more genuine than Selena's photo ops.

    2. Can't watch now, but love her.

  7. That's the first time I've ever heard that song and liked it.

  8. I'm not gonna lie. I'm sitting here fighting tears back while watching this. God bless her for making that sweet sweet child's day. She truly is a genuine person.

  9. Very sweet girl….she certainly doesn't need or have too do this…
    She has a big heart, a very big heart.

  10. She really is awesome. I love her.

  11. well I guess I can't hate on this

    but she still gets on my last nerve somehow

  12. That kid is adorable.

  13. good stuff!-very sweet...now that's using your celebrity status for good...

  14. Anonymous8:38 AM

    i'll bet tay has a leather thong and nipple clamps under that schoolmarm frock.

    nice gesture though...

  15. This made me tear up. How special for that sweet little boy! Taylor is a gem.

  16. This is why I am more than ok with buying my 10 yr old (and me lol) every CD or download and make sure we are ready the second tix go on presale for her concert when it is nearby. I don't know many if any other singers I would want my girls to emulate

  17. She is a class act. Her parents did a great job.

  18. Oh, my jacked up sinuses can't handle crying...good on you, Taylor!!

    @fancy, lmao You on fire, baby!!

  19. "I like playing with play-dough and talking about spider-man. You do too?!"
    well done Taylor

  20. Anonymous8:54 AM

    awww, hope u feel better meanie. sinus issues suck!

    sending rainbows and unicorn farts (which smell of cotton candy, just in case u didn't know) your way...

    :^) <3

  21. She's actually an excellent role model for young children, and she's not even faking it. She doesn't do drugs or heavy drinking on the DL either. She actually looks down upon other young celebs who do that...and she ditches them as friends.

  22. I don't particularly care for her music but she seems to be a nice person. Just looking at that still shot got me teary-eyed.

  23. She is so sweet. She really is a good human being. She uses her celebrity the way I wish all of them would. I think she turned out that way because she was brought up that way. She was also NORMAL before fame. She is not stuck in a "me me me" world.

  24. She really cares about kids. I like her.
    I bet she rocks the leather thong & nipple clamps!

  25. This is my favorite taytay song tooo. Props to Taylor for making this kid's year.

  26. I like how completely natural she seems around kids. It's very sweet to use her talent to brighten these kids' days.

  27. I didnt care for her at all, but recently ive decided I love her a lot

  28. Just watched. SO SWEET!

  29. Anonymous11:44 AM

    "I didnt care for her at all, but recently ive decided I love her a lot"


    i'll bet...

    ((a wry grin)) ;^)

  30. Taylor you are awesome. Jordan you are super-awesome!

  31. She is so sweet, and she allegedly supplies female models to her male friends.

    Swifty, be my friend. I don't speak English well (shocker, if you have ever read me here), so you can talk, and sing, and whatever all the time.

  32. Alright, she is officially more than good in my book. Here is someone who is unquestionably a talented songwriter, has the industry recognition and success and fans, and has taken the time to stop obsessing over her ex-boyfriends and start making others' lives more better. I think she's a terrific role model for young girls/teens, as dangerous as it is to be trotting out the term role model.

    1. Ugh "better" and not "more better" lol - I apologize!

  33. My Sis is an entertainment Journalist and my B.I.L. an Exec. Editor in a major city. So they've been my "go-to" people for contacts on a few occasions when I've been told about an ill child with wishes by people who thought maybe I could help out as a middleman. The two nicest celebs, both of whom responded unhesitatingly and almost instantly to the request, were Garth Brooks and Taylor Swift. And both responded personally, not through a Publicist. (Although the situations were then co-ordinated thru their Publicists to work out the details.). In both cases, the child died shortly afterwards. What they did for those kids was wonderful. Both not only arranged attendance at their concert, etc. for the child and family, but spent alot of time with them, gave them a bunch of mementos, etc. No publicity in either case. Truly genuinely big-hearted and caring.

  34. DAMNIT!!! I really don't want to like this girl but Enty & you guys are making this really hard.

  35. Taylor is so awesome. She sincerely seems like a good person, so generous and sweet.

  36. Trilby!!! I fought back tears watching the video, then doggone if you didn't cause me to start crying reading about how wonderful some celebrities could be if they truly wanted to!!

    Way to go, Taylor Swift (and Garth -- <3 him already)

  37. People don't think she is weird because she doesn't do nice things for children, they dislike her because she has dysfunctional relationships with men and bffs which somehow make it into her songs.

    1. What under 25 girl doesn't have dysfunctional relationships?

    2. Cue selena gomez

  38. Taylor's a good egg. She likes to be famous.

    I never heard the racy lingerie story before Doctor Riven. Fun times, spill?

  39. @mrwolf


  40. Ok, she's really, really sweet but what kind of song is that to sing to a child with leukemia?

  41. @virtualboricua
    it's the song the kid wanted to hear.

  42. No, the boy left the choice of song up to her. "Pick your favorite," he said.

  43. Maybe because it's an upbeat kinda song as far as tempo goes. No one wants to hear a slow sad song. Throw in a few silly sounding "we-Eeee" in there and it sounds fun to the kid. At least that's how I saw it.

  44. Honestly, I don't know her music but if that's the most "upbeat" song she could think of then I don't think I'm missing much. Again, I think she's terrific for spending time with the boy, but those lyrics...

  45. What a cute kid! And what a nice young woman she is to do this for people.

  46. She doesn't have to do this for publicity. She is a talented musician & writes her own songs. However simple they are, & whoever they're about doesn't matter. This little boy was thrilled. Huge kudos to her.

  47. Precious. What a kind-hearted woman. And what a happy & polite young man. This made my day!

  48. Gotta give people that do this credit. If I was famous, I don't think I could; I'd get weepy.

  49. She's a living Angel.
