Wednesday, August 06, 2014

Smile Camp

Has a guy ever told you to smile on the street? This video is for you.


  1. I have a very bitchy resting face or when I am focusing---people are always asking me whats wrong and telling me to smile more---I am 90% very happy mostly

  2. I don't smile for a reason and that reason is not because I'm not happy. It's so condescending when people tell you to smile especially when they don't know you.

  3. Nobody better ever try that with me its always keep it real time outside. Tl:dw

  4. Yup, all the time when I was younger because of my RBF like Derek said. I have over-compensated as an adult and either have a ready smile or what I like to call my sexy scientist face. Don't ask

  5. yes, and I hate it. makes me want to do the opposite.

    sometimes i'm just bloody thinking. or sometimes it's bcuz i don't want to encourage the creep, they are, that's approaching.

  6. I don't like the way my smiling face looks, so I only smile when I have to.

  7. This is a MAJOR pet peeve of mine that makes me extremely mad. I used to reply (with a very bitchy face on) I AM smiling.

  8. Lol! I absolutely HATE when men say this to me! Who really walks around cheesing like an idiot all day?

    I also hate when I'm eating and some random guy says "Can I have some?" or "did you save some for me?" So annoying.

  9. Yes! Like anyone wants to walk around with a stupid smile on their face to encourage a bunch of idiots to approach.

  10. What? Someone you don't even know asking for your food? It's cuz yer purdy S.Joy but they need to get a better pick up line.

    I have mean resting face and people are afraid to say anything. Typically I am a smiler though.

  11. When anyone tells me to smile I want to punch them in the face. So dang stupid

  12. Thanks Sherry! Its so creepy, I agree that a better pick up line is needed.

  13. I live in NYC. I work in midtown with all tourists. There's nothing to smile about. I get "smile" all the time from guys, and I tell them to f-off. If I were a guy, would they be telling me to smile?

    I'm with pick up line.

  14. Amen Jack Ducky!
    A few months ago I was horribly upset because of financial issues and every time I went out some guy--always a guy---harassed me and basically ordered me to smile. One man was so obnoxious about it he followed me around the block in his SUV, yelling out the window at me about how nothing could be all that bad and I should "cheer up."
    What it is is a form of body policing, just like when someone tells an overweight person to lose weight or a slim person that they're anorexic. Unfortunately it seems to happen mostly to women, and usually the offender is a man.
    One woman I know, who is a ditz anyway, said that she actually likes it when strangers tell her to smile. I tried to explain to her, using my own experiences, how the strangers don't really care about you and that they're harassing you. She could not get it. I suppose if she's at a bus stop sometime and a stranger pulls up and offers her a ride, she'll take it and say he's just "being nice." Smdh.
    In my situation, I've found out the hard way it's best to just ignore the jackass whose hounding you to smile. When I was younger I would tell them exactly what they could do to themselves, and it just made things worse. I think men do that to women just to have an excuse to get us into fights and shiz. Smdh. It sucks to be a woman.

  15. I've had this happen to me so many times, since I was like 15. I agree with y'all completely. Who do they think they are to just demand us to smile - often times using a rude ( or yes! condescending) tone of voice? One guy was really belligerent about it, mocking me and asking me what kind of "Midol mood" was I in. ??? Wth? Whatever schooling in pickup lines these guys have is waay off. I hope there aren't very many women who are that naive to think they're 'just being nice'. In my experience, guys will use just about anything to find an opening and many of them aren't so "nice" when we don't boost their egos. I don't make eye contact anymore and when the inevitable crappy line is directed at me, I either ignore, snort or sneer. It works sometimes. I guess some guys are too ignorant to know when there's no chance.

  16. When someone tells me to smile I say with a straight face, ok tell me a joke.
