Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Robin Williams Wins Best Supporting Actor


  1. Already watched, teared up. Much deserved win!

  2. Ugh CDaN
    Today is non-stop waterworks

  3. suicide is never the way. my heart aches for the pain and darkness he must have been in. now his children have to carry the burden of his depression. suicide is never the way. there's always a dawn, the sun always rises. there is goodness in the world, depression passes. in my opinion one can exercise a certain amount of choice, choose to help others, choose to see things differently, choose to not dwell on the pain. I realise others don't feel that way though. I just wished he had hung on and gotten through it. tragedy. a beautiful soul, smile and talent. we love you Robin

  4. he was so thrilled, so joyful, so humbled. gleeful. i was ecstatic watching robin win this years ago, and i've occasionally re-watched this clip over the years. it brought me a lot of joy, too.

  5. Everyone wanted him to win this award you can tell. He seems so humbled and overwhelmed.

  6. Crying again. Dammit robin, we LOVED you!'!!!!!! I hope wherever u are, you know that.

  7. A well-deserved win.

    Damn. What a goddamn loss. My heart breaks for his family.

  8. Anonymous12:01 PM

    me, my mother and sister went to see the birdcage when it was in theaters. my mom has a gay brother but is not at her most comfortable around other gays.

    it still, to this day, is one of her favorite movies. she claims that it was her being out with her "girls" but i will always credit robin williams and nathan lane for her utter joy during that hour and a half of her life that she still talks about to this day.

    i assure u it was not US it was THEM. lol

    Godspeed Robin...


    1. thanks for sharing this sweet story.

  9. The only thing that makes me less sad is to think that he is not dead, just in Jumanji waiting for someone to throw a 6 or an 8 with the dice.

  10. Anonymous12:48 PM

    @east coaster


  11. Everyone mentions how kind and nice he was...on top of being funny, and one heck of an actor. That is an amazing legacy to leave behind.

  12. Its excruciating to the watch the media machine get a hold of this story. This is an epic video. Thanks, Enty.

  13. Robin told a funny story about this win on Graham Norton. It is hilarious! He forgot to thank his Mom when he got the Oscar and she never let him live it down. Search YouTube for it....

  14. @8====D KermitGossnellKnobjob One of the most beautiful, touching comments I´ve read today. This and all the wonderful stories from the readers regarding Mr. Williams.

    May he rest in peace.

  15. A Kleenex moment. He's at peace now. May his loved ones find some peace, too, at some point and find a semblance of normalcy despite the huge void left by Robin's passing.

  16. My dad and I have watched good morning Vietnam at least a hundred times together. Never gets old. Rip buddy
