Monday, August 18, 2014

Rehab Is Detox When You Are Rich

Apparently if you are rich enough, then you don't actually go to rehab, you go to detox. Denzel Washington just completed a two week stay at a facility where he was not allowed to drink booze or take drugs which his publicist calls detox. The rest of us would call it rehab. Apparently Denzel partied really hard on vacation for a month. That is another sign you probably have a lot of money. A month long vacation. Oh, and he partied on a yacht. Yes, yet another sign you are probably rich. What is the difference between rehab and a detox facility? If you need to go to someplace to keep yourself from drinking, then to me that says rehab. If you put yourself on a cleanse at your house for two weeks, then that is what I call detox. If he had gone for 30 days instead of two weeks I think everyone would call it rehab. Is it just because he only went for two weeks that we are willing to buy the whole detox story? When you have two families, how do you choose which family to take on vacation with you?


  1. SHUT UP.

    Detox is not rehab. Detox is a clinical process by which you are supervised while you go through phyisical retrieval.

    Rehab is therapy based. It cannot happen if you are in a state of physical dependency.


    1. Exactly Sophie. I've worked as an AAOD counselor in both settings. Big diff.

  2. Ooh some Denzel tea!!

  3. Zoinks! Well I am not really sure detox is going to help buddy. I guess whatever makes you feel better. Detox is only the first step though. Hope he gets the help he needs.

    I think I am going to do a two week detox, had a little too much fun this weekend. Ouch!

  4. I like Denzel and hope it was detox. Or if it was rehab, hope he overcomes his issues.

  5. I guess he's outing Denzel secret other family huh?? It was a supervised cleanse. . Do says his publicist.

  6. I'm more of a fan of Retoxing, much more fun!

    1. High 5 Mynerva! There's a TRBNGR album named Retox.

  7. HSK says he's a coke sniffer. I wanna know who's the actress he supposedly has a child with.

  8. Some great tea to spill here. Who's the 2nd fam? And aren't they bible thumpers? gotta love it.

  9. Actually it exists the detox spas.Remember Kate Moss's story in Turkey this month.He was in a detox spa

  10. @Sophie Helene Exactly. Detox is the weaning off of alcohol and it's generally supervised by medical personnel because you could die. Rehab is what happens AFTER you've detoxed and want to stay sober.

  11. @Ay-there's no proof but all the BI point to Sanaa Latham. It's not a recent thing though so there might be someone newer.

  12. What Sophie said. Detox, then rehab. Whatever Enty intern wrote this looks stupid right about now.

    @mynerva - That books is hilarious, no?! Heheheheh.

  13. He was on vacation with his WIFE of 35 years, Pauletta. If he does have a "second family" that is his business, not yours. Your hate for Denzel Washington is so pathetic. You can't bring him down Enty so just STFU.

    1. It's a gossip site, a second family is really good gossip, chill.

  14. LOL, why is everyone getting so bent out of shape? I thought it was well known that Denzel has a mistress and a baby.

  15. So many questions enty, so I'll add my own.
    Where did he go on holiday? Did he like it so much he stayed for a month?
    Oh yeah he was on a yacht , never mind.

  16. Sanaa Latham and child?

  17. @Cheryl I already knew about Sanaa I was talking about someone newer. Supposedly the kid was sent to boarding school?

  18. My co-worker went to a detox facility at the beginning of the summer. They teach you how to feed your body healthy nutrients, exercise, massages, yoga. It's something I would like to do. I'm far from an alcoholic, and my 55 yr old co-worker doesn't even drink.

  19. @crila16 That's what I would call a spa.

  20. Yeah, a couple of prior posters have it right: detox is where you go to dry out before you can even start therapy. For booze, the worst case scenario is that they jack you up on Atavan for a week.

    I've heard stories about multi-drug detox facilities--people withdrawing from alcohol, opiates, etc. simultaneously--and they sound like hell on earth, not a spa.

  21. Still with the 'Denzel has a second family' bullshit? LMAOOOO

  22. He's peddling that crap to the black press and audience who believe anything their celebs say, and they peddle lies for them like Jacko was straight. Whites know it's a bunch of crap from him, but they aren't paying a cent to see him act, and will just have a laugh at this blatant attempt to deceive.

  23. Thanks for letting us know that this colossal hypocrite also has a second family. Again, blacks will cover up and LIE for him about that, which is what we are seeing here, where black posters DON'T LIKE THE TRUTH COMING OUT, about their black celebs.

  24. @Studio54, that's a pretty lame attempt at racist trollimg, sheesh.

  25. Missed your font HD.

  26. If I was on a yacht for a month with my family I would need to go to food detox when I got back. AKA Fat camp.

  27. What's with the overt racism? *scratches head*

  28. Studio54, I think you're still stuck in the coke fueled heydays of yesteryear yourself. Who are all of these Black posters who don't want the truth about Denzel coming out? Are you fucking neurotic, nuts or what?

    I've known about Denzel and his serial cheating for more than 20 years so none of this is a surprise.

    And Entys, being on a yacht means being rich or having rich friends. But a month long vacation could merely mean you are any nationality other than AMERICAN.
