Friday, August 15, 2014

Reese Witherspoon In Capri

There are two Reese Witherspoons in this world. The one who makes sure she looks flawless each day for her pap photo and seems to be all business and the Reese Witherspoon who loves to drink. In Capri the other night we got the drinking Reese who has no problems entertaining crowds or herself as she dances off to the side from some friends and is in her own little world. She certainly incorporates a lot of styles into her one minute dance.


  1. she never ages---she cant be that hard living looking THAT good

  2. I'd be happy too if I were drinking in Capri!

  3. Her and Leo should make a dance tutorial video.

  4. @FSP
    Her dancing is clearly better.

  5. It's interesting how it's just been recent that her drinking hard has come to light. First I heard was the "don't you know who I am" incident with the police.

    Curious whether she just had good PR/mgmt that controlled any potential stories so we didn't see any Britney/Lohan/Bynes type stories or whether the drinking is a new hobby?

  6. LOL she's got a bad case of the LOOK AT ME's!!!

  7. I'm so embarrassed for her! That was uncomfortable to watch.

  8. This pissed me off last on Dlisted. The woman is at a wedding, having fun, and some fucking asshole records her and sells this. Then millions of people make fun of her.

    It is fucking bullshit. It is not like she was out in the street doing this - let the woman have some fucking privacy. And fuck anyone who posts it - yeah Enty, fuck you.

    It is wrong.

  9. woohoo Reesie shake ya body. But I felt watching this she crashed the prty and she didnt know a soul and no one knew her.

  10. We'd all be embrassed if video taped dancing at a wedding & put online.

  11. She's at a wedding, dancing and having fun. Why is this news worthy? Thank god I've never been recorded dancing.......

  12. I totally agree with paris. Leave the girl alone! She is having fun dancing at a wedding in Capri. Good for her.

  13. You go girl!!! She reminds me of my friend Anna. Super conservative, until you get a few drinks in her. Then she's a blast.

    Like I always say...a fun drunk is far better than an angry drunk.

  14. Embarrassing, but not too bad. We all have footage of us like that out there somewhere...
    I was expecting some .4 BAC level
    DICK SLANG or something! Happy FFF!!!

  15. Whatevs. I think she looks great and is having fun! I am so over the bs of giving her a hard time for having a drink. Is it really that shocking that she is having a glass of champaign at a wedding?!

  16. It looks to me like she's dancing with friends. I see the same arm movements on others there. And she doesn't look wasted. Like others pointed out, she's at a wedding having fun. Nothing to see here.

  17. he eyes do look a little possessed by spirits though lmao

  18. This makes me like her a bit. Knowing she can let loose and have fun. God forbid everybody follow me every time I drink

  19. you do you Reese!!

  20. Nothing to see here folks. She's not trying to drive, nor do I see her children with her. Party on Reese.

  21. Anonymous9:15 AM

    I feel bad for her. Like, the girl is just having a fun time and someone is filming her. How many times have we all dork danced at someone's wedding? Having that filmed? Horrifying.

  22. So she's on vacation with her girlfriends, letting loose, and dancing at a wedding. STOP THE PRESSES.

    I'm not even a Reese fan, but FFS, how is this piece even worth posting?

  23. Yes alcohol makes you think you can dance guilty!!!

  24. We know Enty hates her, but this is really reaching. She's drinking & dancing at a party, that bitch!

  25. I might like this Reese

  26. BFD. She's having a great time and not hurting anyone. Good for her. Too bad she can't let loose like a normal person without a camera on her... price of fame...

  27. I dance like this every weekend at whatever function I"m at where music comes on. Thank God no one puts it online and makes fun of me. And if I had her money, I wouldn't even care that they did. She's just having fun.

  28. Anonymous10:20 AM

    I don't see anything wrong with what she's doing. She's at a wedding, and she's drinking and dancing. So is everyone around her. It's not like she's taking her clothes off in the middle of the street. How is this even news/gossip worthy?

  29. Who says that she's even drinking that hard? I kind of respect her more for refusing to do a 180 on her life if she thinks she has her drinking under control. If she's not an alcoholic and doesn't make any more bad choices while drunk, then what's wrong with the occasional drink? She got married and had children very young, and was basically a child actor. That she is as functional as she is is surprising. Also she has a movie coming out this year that is getting her Oscar buzz.

  30. I don't get it -- she's dancing at what looks like a wedding, there are two other women she is dancing with at some point -- this looks like my girlfriends at a wedding. And we don't drink. The shot purposely does not have anyone else in it... I'm all for making fun of the "don't you know who I am" drunken incident. But this is not that.

  31. A woman looking good, dancing, drinking and having fun???? HOW DARE SHE???

  32. I really wanna be friends with Laura Jeanne Poon.....she looks like a fun time gal....

  33. I'm glad to see her having fun. As long as she's being responsible, drunk dance away, sista :)

  34. She's not doing anything crazy. She's just dancing like a drunk mum.

  35. She's having fun! Ysy her!

  36. At least she can have fun. Life's too short.

  37. People all look so dumb to me when they dance. I am sorry I clicked on this.

  38. She's having fun! Good for her! She and I clearly share the same dancing genes.

  39. This is scandalous because why???She's not doing anything wrong. Clearly she's at a party having a great time. I act way worse than this.
