Monday, August 04, 2014

Random Photos Part Two

Megan Fox went pretty short for the TMNT Hollywood premiere yesterday.
Jordana Brewster was there too with
Tia Mowry. Pretty sure it is Tia. I wish one of them would go blonde and make this easier.
Michelle Rodriguez is suddenly publicity shy.
Naomi Campbell on a yacht. At this point I'm pretty sure she lives on one.
Nigella Lawson out shopping.
Peter Dinklage and his family out in Toronto.
Rachel Bilson out shopping with her mother.
Reese Witherspoon tries her hand at rollerblading. I'm sensing this didn't turn out well.


  1. WTF Michelle?
    Fox loves good so does Jordana
    Obviously Reesey hadn't been into the boxed wines yet.

  2. little Dinklage tot!!! cutie

  3. Enty should have posted a photo of Charlize rolling her eyes right by that twin

  4. @Sarah Charlize rolling her eyes would still be more interesting than the C and D listers at the premier of a ninja turtles movie.

  5. Reese likes those kind of shorts, I see her out (excercing) occasionally over the past few years and she's always dressed like that.
    They remind me of old school gym shorts.

    Exciting info, I know!

  6. We're gonna see a big publicity push from Reese over the next few months, as she works hard to reclaim the America's Sweetheart title.

  7. P: Fox

    M: Brewster

    B: Preggo Bilson

  8. The guy dragging Michelle Rodriguez is Mohammed Al Turki. I bet you gossip lovers know he is friends with the biggest coke heads in Hwood. Any time he’s around you can bet there’s some blow.

  9. Tia and Tamera have never looked alike to me. Tia has a slimmer face and Tamera has a mole/birth mark on her face.

  10. Tia should have knocked her eyes in the back of her head. At least that's what my mother always threatin to do to me growing up.

  11. @bunny honey - what does that mean?

  12. Anonymous4:31 PM

    naomi doesnt HAVE to yacht she CHOOSES to yacht, bitches!

  13. Tia back peddled on the red carpet on the Theron comments fwiw.

  14. The Tia vs Charlize thing was big on Dish Nation today. I know. I'm sorry.
