Monday, August 04, 2014

Random Photos Part Three

Jennifer Garner uses some well placed items to hide any possible baby bump.
Not Kevin Costner's wife. Really chummy though.
With her new $1M per episode contract, I'm pretty sure Kaley Cuoco can get someone to carry all these items for her and get the yoga class to move to her place.
Kelsey Grammer really didn't want to take a chance on 50 Centing this pitch.
Kristen Stewart and Nicholas Hoult in Tokyo.
Lana Del Rey in her thrice weekly outfit.
Lindsay Lohan took another selfie. Don't see any scripts around her.
Lea Michele and her hooker hiking over the weekend.
Miley Cyrus at the sparsely attended Sound Of Music - Con.


  1. Looking at that body I would have never guessed Lindsay she looks damn good there (but we know better dont we?)
    Costner's definately has a type young and dumb.
    Jesus Lea get your eyes checked.
    I bet Kelsey throws like a girl or Obama.

    1. Agreed, the body looks good here. Can't even see any bruises!

  2. Costner's hair dye looks terrible. He's gettin' old man skinny, too. Yuck.

  3. I'll admit it - I'm jelly of people who can have a whole mess of kids without any problem, like Jen and Ben. Don't get me wrong - we have two awesome kiddos; but I woulda loved to have a bunch more. So I have drop all my regularly scheduled snark and say, "have that fourth baby, Jennifer! You're an awesome, fertile momma!"

  4. Kristen looks cute.

    @sandybrook Costner's wife is 40. I wouldn't call that young.

  5. I think it's funny that JGarners little boy's face is blocked by the balloons absolutely perfectly.

    Yup looks like with all the bonuses and such Kaley and a few others will be walking away with $90M over the next 3 years. Who wouldn't want that? Lucky!!!!

  6. Miley looks kinda cute...from tbe neck down

  7. Yeah with her face hidden, Lindsay looks good.

  8. That's an obsene amt of money for a tv show. Or movie, or sport.

    1. +1@msgirl NO one is worth that kind of money...almost makes me physically ill.

  9. Kevin Costner hangs to the right. Gotcha.

  10. P: KStew

    M: LiLo - cokewhore head is top notch

    B: Penny - Million Dollar Mud Flume

  11. @Frufra
    I would argue that Jen already has four children.
    "Million Dollar Mud Flume" !!! You've outdone yourself, Count.

    1. @Yoj - I'd agree with that. I think most husbands count as an additional child, even the most responsible ones. They turn their brains off when they walk through the front door of their homes (and drop their pants, if mine is any indication of a trend).

    2. I mean Mr. F immediately removes his pants when he gets home for the day. Chones only around here. And now my two sons are also on board - I still generally wear pants at most times.

  12. How do you think Jennifer Lawrence took it when she heard her ex is fucking K-Stew?

  13. Miley looks like that unfortunate little actress from American Horror Story

  14. Chount? Bad typo, sorry.

  15. I do not like that hair on Kristen, it just doesn't suit her.

  16. Miley's hair looks idiotic.

  17. @Frufra
    Ha Ha.
    I know women who remove their bra when they get home, is it the same instinct, do you think?

    1. @Yoj - definitely. Gotta get your comfort on - If not at home, then where?

  18. I did not realize KStew and Mr. Stonem were an item! She looks stoked, though.

  19. I can't stand the thing on Mikey's head

  20. Kevin Costner: EWWW!!! He is....ugh.

  21. WTF is with all these people who stand in front of mirrors taking selfies in bikinis????? Seriously, that is the CHEESIEST, most classless thing to do. People used to be embarrassed if photos like that were found of themselves!!!

  22. Ahem…of course people used to nearly and quite literally die of embarrassment if somebody discovered a sex tape, too.

  23. @Naughty Nurse - ha ha ha ha hahaahaaaa, what planet/decade are you from? The 90s? The 00s?

    I want to take a further moment to thank the gods we did not have social media in the 90s.

  24. Anonymous4:30 PM

    probably smells like burnt whore in lindsays room.

  25. I bet kaley cookoo's husband with no prenup is celebrating harder than anyone.
    Lea redefines dickmatized and dumb.

  26. Someone is going to make a fortune off TBBT now and in syndication. Why shouldn't the actors who were a large part of making that happen get an excellent payday? I think actors and athletes make an obscene amount of money (the good/popular ones anyway) but so do the people behind the scenes. Don't hate someone for getting paid a percentage of something they directly contributed to. If you don't like it, don't watch it. I HATE 2 & 1/2 Men therefore I don't watch it. If they want to pay those idiots a stack of money more power to them.

  27. Oh, the body self-obsessed. Sigh.
    I'm sure Lea's man is really good at the cunninlingus being a hooker and all.

  28. Am I the only one who doesn't think Lindsay looks good? Her legs just look like skin hanging off a torso. There's zero shape, zero muscle definition. She just looks like a naturally skinny person who doesn't even get exercise walking to the bathroom. Her legs gross me out!
