Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Random Photos Part Three - Expendables 3 Premiere

The Expendables 3 cast finally made its way to Los Angeles for the premiere here.

Sylvester Stallone and his family.
Antonio Banderas
Harrison Ford
Mel Gibson
Wesley Snipes
Kelsey Grammer and his wife.
Terry Crews
Chord Overstreet
Carmen Electra


  1. sylvester is stepping on his daughter's toe

    chord looks good

    carmen looks great, like she never left 2005

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Antonio looks like a greasy lothario. Oh wait, he IS a greasy lothario.

  4. I never thought I say that Mel looks better than Antonio so I won't.

  5. Anonymous12:28 PM

    carmens dress is cute

    TCrews in his summer whites...yum

    kelseys wifes dress is fab

    WSnipes in his summer whites...ick

    mel/harrison thank u for making the '80's movies so fantabulous

    stallone and family are growing on me...mazel (this is appropriate rigt?)

  6. "Wait, your name is Wesley Snipes?"

  7. I bet it's the middle daughter of Stallone that slept with the co-star. You know that whole middle child syndrome.

    Antonio has fallen off the hot train. Now he's just old and swarmy.

    Wesley looks like a hasbeen douche, oh wait, he is.

    I love Terry Crews!!

  8. Too funny, oh man I didn't even read the comments before I commented, and now just laughed because we all sound alike. Well I guess I take after all of you that is.

  9. Still no Ahnold but he was interviewed about Robin Williams somewhere yesterday.
    Banderas looks as bad as Melanie looks now.

  10. Chord Overstreet? One of these things is not like the others!

  11. Is Carmen the model/actress living off alimony?! I'm sure Ora would buy that Moschino in an eBay auction, stat!

    PS: you know you're a dork when you stat autocorrects to "Stata" instead of "stay..."

  12. One of these things does not belong here, one of these things is not the same...

    She looks fantastic though.

  13. P: Group sex w/ whichever Stallone broads are legal

    M: Garmmer's wife

    B: Electra

  14. Sly has a beautiful family

  15. So peepaw's leg is better? Hope so. Sly is lucky, has beautiful family. Antonia looks like 55 yr old men who havent had surgery look. Normal.

  16. Chord Overtreet is kind of a porn-y name. He and his trout mouth might have a future there.

  17. Dolph is still missing

  18. I'm not one to pick on old men and their thinning hair, but Banderas deserves everything he gets.

  19. Carmen's hair is awful.

  20. Snort I agree Brenda L throw in some permanent ED too...

    And I will say it, Mel hasn't look that good in ages, he scrubs up well and he does look better than Banderas. Ole!

  21. Mel does look semi decent there.
    Terry Crews does look good in the summer whites but Wesley not so much. Why should that be?

    Kelsey's wife looks sweet.

  22. Jesus Christ on a cracker! What a collection of assholes!-Antonio B, Mel G, Wesley S?!? Ew.

  23. The Expandables.

  24. Definitely all expendable, except Ford who actually looks happy and sort of animated. Usually he's doing his impersonation of grumpy cat. Maybe he escaped from Calista for the night.

    Carmen's extensions look like hell. Body's still banging and it better be, her clients demand it.
