Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Random Photos Part One

Five parts today.

Richard Gere looking like an average guy at the premiere of his new movie.
Rose Byrne did some press with a kitten for her new play.
Rebel Wilson and Sacha Baron Cohen on the set of their new movie.
Also filming yesterday was Seth Rogen.
Sofia Vergara took some time to go shopping.
The Rock was in Mexico City to try and get someone to see his movie.
Vanessa Hudgens shrunk her purse.
Vanessa Lachey bundles up from the hot temperatures to go grocery shopping.
Zac Efron gets ready to film on the set of his movie.


  1. Run, Zac, run!

    I'll watch anything with Rebel Wilson. Funny, funny lady.


  2. Cute pussy Rose.
    Gere looks better than he has recently.

  3. I bet Seth would never wear that sweater in Gaza. Sorry could not resist.

  4. Rebel rebel, how could they know?
    Hot tramp I love you so

  5. And I heart Rose and her kitty.

  6. Shag: Rose "my little pocket is so fit and so damn cozy" Byrne. I'd bring her flowers and she'd bring me the kitten.

    Marry: Rebel Wilson and Sacha Baron Cohen in a ménage à trois. So! Much! Role-play!

    Kill: Richard Gere. Where did it go so wrong? 'Looking for Mr. Goodbar', 'Days of Heaven', 'American Gigolo', 'An Officer and a Gentleman', 'Power', 'Internal Affairs' and then...urgh...'Pretty Woman, 'Sommersby', 'First Knight' and it just got worse and worse.

    1. Been here so much lately I read that as "Frist Knight"

  7. From afar I thought Gere was Letterman. I'll take either one if them.

    Rose Byrne is so pretty. Never really got to see who she was til recently watching Bridesmaids. So dang pretty.

    Zac just has IT! I'm jealous he's running. My torn ab muscle relapsed - worse than the initial time. Sads. If u can't excercise u can't eat much, and gotta lay around so u wanna snack = #doubleedgesword! I'm gonna mind trick myself. " food is gross. Food is gross. Food is good.. I mean gross"

  8. P: Byrne

    M: V-Hud

    B: Lachey

  9. HELLLLLOOOOoooo, ROCK. :)

  10. Bossy LOL. I looked and looked and couldn't match the text to the faces.

    Rebel + Sasha = Two Reasons to not see the same movie...

  11. Sofia's been looking REALLY happy since she started banging joe manjello.

  12. wtf is a Katie Asleton?

  13. @Sincerely,Your Friend
    Have you tried pilates? I highly recommend it, not for burning calories but for strengthening the core muscles.

  14. Anonymous2:02 PM

    He's no forrest gump.

    vanessa trying to spark pregnancy rumors?

    Rogen and his "good Jewish boy" sweater. lol

  15. @yoj. Ya know I never have. Walk/jog all my life. Always been afraid Pilates would be harder. LOL
    BUT that's a great suggestion and if it rids the core pain by strengthening, I will do it. Thanks for great suggestion. The time has come I'm going to have to (after thus heals). I supp it gets more enjoyable the more u do it. I hope. I think yoga too.

  16. @Sincerely,Your Friend
    Oh, believe me, I was initially reluctant.
    In addition to being intimidated, I was worried that the people would be pretentious and airy fairy like *ahem* SOME yoga practitioners. I wasn't interested in reaching a "higher plane of existence", I just wanted better posture, a flat stomach and a pert posterior.
    Thankfully, like all good exercise regimes, you can make of it want you want. There are specific programmes for people recovering from injury, chronic back pain sufferers and for pre- and post- natal.
    If you can afford it, I would recommend attending a (preferably small) class first, rather than trying at home with a DVD, so you can be certain you're executing moves correctly.

    1. I've done small group equipment Pilates for 7 years. It's the only exercise I've ever done on a consistent basis. I'm a half inch taller than when I started...who gets taller at 40+? Pilates people do!

  17. Omg, that kitten!! ❤️ And Rose looks very natural and beautiful here.

  18. Oh fuck you Rogen. As an Israeli, that fucking sweater makes me want to fuck that dude up.

  19. Zac looks awfully good for a junkie.

  20. I thought Vanessa was Janet Jackson at first.

  21. SMDH @Richard Gere. So sad.

    I luv me some Fat Amy!

    I went and seen The Rocks movie and I thought it was really good. It mad him a man, not a God.

  22. After re-reading my own posts, I'd like to apologize for sounding like an infomercial.

  23. i want seth's sweater SO FUCKING BADLY

  24. @BitchieMitchie
    Yay, a fellow believer!
    I'm so enthusiastic about it that I tend to evangelise (as you can see from my previous comments), which puts people off. I hope I didn't scare Sincerely, Your Friend.

  25. Vanessa's nails... Yeesh!

  26. What the holy hell are on Vanessa H fingers?
