Thursday, August 14, 2014

Random Photos Part One

Five parts today.

Pierce Brosnan at the premiere of his new movie. The premiere probably cost more than the movie will earn.
Naya Rivera on her way to a business meeting.
Reese Witherspoon would like you to know her vacation is going great.
Simon Cowell and his son on what looks to be a yacht.
Ashley Tisdale after working out.
Tori Spelling and a very large purse.
Taylor Swift goes out to celebrate her appearance on Jimmy Fallon.
Verne Troyer loves Shark Week.
Zoe Saldana's husband better hope this marriage works out because that tattoo on his arm is going to be tough to alter.


  1. It's Pierce - the one who's left his wife, i betcha.

  2. I'm surprised mini me can afford cable.
    a few blinds got answered here.

  3. I'm not partial to Simon, but that little bubba is pretty cute. Just hoping the kid never makes the mistake of trying to latch onto one of his moobs.

  4. The are between Reece's arms and body look photoshopped. It actually looks it was done by someone who has my PS abilities (none).

  5. Whatever Naya wanted, im sure she got it!! Looks gorgeous!

  6. Woah, I thought Vern Troyer passed away. Glad to see he is alive and adorable in that little shark outfit!

    Simon, is just so ick nasty.

  7. Agreed@violet...pierce the answer most likely,
    Not Ian McGregor....oops EWAN:(

  8. And Simon the for other answer

  9. I adore Pierce Brosnan. I've never watched a full Bond movie, but his turn with Rene Russo in "The Thomas Crown Affair" was delectable.

    Does Swifty have any other pose or expression?!

  10. Simon is gross but he does seem to love that kiddo.

    I love the 'random' photos of people who clearly had to stage the shot and ask someone to take the picture. Reese - let your assistant enjoy the boat ride!

  11. So looks like Reese is in Italy maybe Capri, funny I was just looking at some photos of Italy a few minutes ago - did Reese go to the Ischia Film Festival?

    Ditto on Brosnan and Russo - hot like volcanic lava.

  12. Mini Simon is a cutie cutie!!

    Pierce, you are still hot.

    Zoe is looking really good here. Amazing what a few pounds to to those starved underweight actresses.

  13. Pierce is still smoking HOT! That's all carry on lol

  14. The only thing that Simon will ever love is that baby.. but he is a cutie..
    Reese is such a look at me byotch.
    Soooo pierce and who??

  15. Awww Little Simon is adorbs and Big Hairy Simon genuinely seems to love him.

  16. @Shark Week; I tried paging you yesterday to no avail. Thanks for lighting that bay signal too, Enty!

    Go Verne

  17. Actually, Zoe's husband getting that tattoo has pretty much guaranteed that they'll split up; it seems as if 99% of the people who get inked with their SO's name/portrait/whathaveyou end up on the outs, and most people's ink doesn't work out the way "WINO FOREVER" did for Johnny Depp.

    (Has anyone besides me seen that show, Bad Ink, on A&E? I still can't get over what some people decide to have tattooed on themselves; the "hot rod" was possibly the worst, and definitely the most NSFW, but some of the others were pretty damn bad, too. "Suck it, Grandma"? *shakes head*)

    1. Robin : agree about the tatt. Inless it is of your kids, or someone who's passed away, it is the kiss of death to relationships.

  18. Torn jeans as fashion. Make it stop.

    Reese's highlights look fab against Capri. Don't judge me.

    1. reese probably photo shopped the fab highlights too!!

  19. Shag: Pierce Brosnan, role-playing that scene from 'The Thomas Crown Affair', you know, THAT one

    Marry: Zoe Saldana. Pregnancy really suits her

    Kill: Simon Cowell. I want to crush those sunglasses... while he's wearing them

  20. I feel like all pictures of Swifty are taken from the exact same angle. Weird and boring.

  21. How are all you people letting Reese get away with that rediculous photoshop job?!!

  22. @Seven of Eleven
    Um, this is awkward... I was actually referring to the flying scene.
    Just kidding.
    I. Love. You.

  23. Hm. Did Pierce get a bad eyebrow lift????

  24. Simon's teeth are way too fakey white, it actually makes him look older.

    Have to laugh at Naya's Birkin bag. THE purse for insecure starlets trying to look klassy.

  25. @Robin, my ex husband has my name on his arm! Dumb ass.

    I think Simon and Jr. are adorable.

  26. Brosnan and Russo - hottest movie couple in years. I'll go see his movie just because he's in it.

    Seven, try "The Matador" he's fantastic in that. And hilarious. Also, he does a naked walk across a hotel lobby in cowboy boots.

    Simon and his son are adorable. That may be the most genuinely happy I've ever seen Cowell look. Good for him.

    Oh Verne, you'll never be the Imp but nice shark suit.

  27. For the first time ever Simon gets a pass from me. That's the first genuine smile I've ever seen from him. Sweet.

  28. For the first time ever Simon gets a pass from me. That's the first genuine smile I've ever seen from him. Sweet.


  30. Tori Spelling gets a million brownie points for walking (by herself) and NOT having her cell phone glued to her ear or holding it out in front of her while she walks pretending to look at something on the screen (Naya looking at you). Plus I love Tori's fringy bag!

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