Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Random Photos Part One

Five parts today.

Mickey Rourke puts on a Putin t-shirt in Moscow.
Do you think Neil Patrick Harris owes his comeback to Harold & Kumar? Here he is in Glamour.
Pamela Anderson debates taking off her clothes in the street.
Padma Lakshmi on the phone to her real estate agent after discovering she is sharing a building with Kim Kardashian.
Rihanna, Naomi Campbell and Iman in W.
Ryan Kwanten in Palm Springs.
Sienna Miller filming her new movie in London.
You can win a date with Zac Efron and his first car. Just don't let him drive.
Zoe Saldana and her husband who seems to have stolen Russell Brand's boots.


  1. Those boots belong to Katie Holmes, actually.

  2. Six inches forward, five inches back! LOVE my NPH

  3. Oh right Zoe's husband has that weird topknot ponytail going on.

    Sienna looks so skinny there and not like her.

    If I was Padma I wouldn't want to live in the same bldg at a Kartrashian either.

    Iman is still so lovely. Naomi looks like she's been airbrushed to hell and back.

    LOTS of patterns going on in the picture with NPH.

    Ugh Mickey. He's done something to his mouth and nose that makes him look completely different these days.

    1. That wig though. He must share hair tips with Travolta

  4. That's Naomi and Iman??

  5. Zoe's taste in men is questionable. This guy is a douche, and now he's knocked her up. He looks like a Eurotrash K Fed

    1. Not his sperm "Allegedly" cough.

  6. Rihanna, Naomi & Iman...oh my!!! Way too much gorgeous fierceness my head just exploded and now I need to apply another coat of Mac RiRi Woo. (The color is really amazing)

  7. Anonymous12:18 PM

    rhianna, naomi, iman...

    ((black girl fist pump))

  8. Zoe's husband looks like he visited Mickey Rourke's stylist.

    Doogie Howser forever!!

    1. Your photo is giving me Orphan Black withdrawal

  9. iman should be all by herself, shes much nicer and professional than the other 2 females

  10. Iman was the host of the only 2 seasons of Project Runway Canada. Classy, smart and sassy, no wonder she snagged Ziggy Stardust. I wish she would do the American version if they are doing anymore. Heidi's squeaky voice grates after a while and Iman has so much better taste and style.

    Her little saying was "You just don't measure up" LOL

  11. Okay it looks like Mickey's hair is weave because his front hairline looks like the braid they use to attach the weave and I agree his face looks different and he was just starting to look normal but oops he went and did it again. He really needs to investigate the hair club for men, talk to Elton John.

  12. Oh Mickey, that hair... smh

    Pammy is looking better in that pic than we've seen all year, hope she keeps it up.

    I love Iman! All 3 ladies look good & the contouring/airbrushing really helped with RiRi's forehead.

    I don't like Zoe, sorry. She's just an ok actress with who's pretty. She's like plain frozen yogurt.

  13. Ryan Kwanten looks like Aaron Carter now

  14. Mickey...you're not so fine. Ugh.

    Iman cannot be human!! Damn, still freaking gorgeous!!

  15. That W cover is fierce. Can you imagine the chatter leading up to the photo shoot. Here's hoping Riri knew her place.

    And oh Mickey! You are NOT so fine.. But my mind is indeed blown staring at your close ups

  16. P: Miller

    M: Pam

    B: Chocolate Trio - If you gimme a shot at both RiRi and Naomi's buttocks, Aunt Ester could be the 3rd one and I'd be happy.

  17. Is putin taking mickeys endorsement of sorts as a compliment?! Jokes on him.

    1. And please, for the love of baby jesus, dont show us any topless pictures of rourke again. Ever. I still cant un-see that one!!!!

  18. TMZ reported Rourke when in for major re-work. I'm re-thinking some of my negative remarking, but not when it comes to him. I do not know why this guy earns a dime in HW, if that's where he gets it from. Residuals from long ago? Okay. Thats fair. Maybe he invested.
    But I believe the DB has deserved prison time.
    So, without too much guilt, I want to say he still looks fugly and creepy. And it couldn't happen to a more deserving person. Just ask half the women he's beat on.

    Ryan K. Don't know who u r at, but I'm glad ur getting the pap shots ur team requests. Ur worth looking at.

    Love the 3 ladies cover. Or, 2 ladies and Rhianna. They look fab. But yeah, I wish their own beauty was more exposed than then the talent of the artist who painted them. Still fun to see. And yes, IMAN is just gorgeous and conducts herself like a lady.

    So that's the girl who sleeps with all tbe husbands? Or SO's or guys? MEHHHH. I guess availabity is all it takes.

  19. I don't think that's Kwanten.....

  20. I cannot tell a lie...I like the man-bun. Padma is in great shape.
    I would not have guessed that was Iman, but she & the other two look beautiful.

  21. Count - The Chocolate Trio - I have all their albums. Do they give a guy a group discount when purchasing all their services?

  22. That picture of Mickey Rourke is right up there w/the infamous Michael Lohan mesh-shirt shot, and almost as bad as Verne Troyer's lizard tongue...my EYES, my EYES!!!

    *rushes off to remove contacts and start flushing eyes w/distilled water*

  23. I guess I don't mind the doooooshy Italian Dude look. Which is good since that's what i gravitate towards.

  24. Mickey Rourke just kills me. He was so gorgeous and now...man I loved him in Angel Heart.

  25. Zac looks all burned out and messed up and I can't help but want to break me off a piece of that. Oh my God, I sound like Count. I'm attracted to the trainwreck he's got going on.

  26. Is Mickey rocking a bumpit?

  27. Get it, Fru!

    @Haywood: If Naomi is involved, I imagine she would have an upsell for each hole she would be asked to touch/lick. RiRi, I would guess that once you pay the door fee, a bag of blow would shit the situation to anything goes. No clue about Iman, never paid attention to her.

    1. @Count - even mom/teacher/wife/PTA types like me often have a troubled past ;-). We'd have probably been at the same parties in high school.

  28. Do tell Frufra!!

    1. @Sherry - I was just your classic case damaged goods gal who started partying at 14. Every opportunistic dude's dream scenario, really. But I cleaned up my act, graduated college, and got married. Young wild child turned good girl :-).

  29. Iman looks different….

  30. Sorry, but Iman is so much better than those other ladies. Having her in it at least brings the quality of the picture up. And I am totally jealous that she landed Bowie, but also happy for them both.

  31. That's Iman? She looks like Beverley Johnson there. Maybe because they lightened her skin, as well as Naomi Campbell's. Either way, it's a great photo, they look fantastic.

  32. let's hear it for Frufra from one wild girl turned smart girl to another!

  33. let's hear it for Frufra from one wild girl turned smart girl to another!

  34. let's hear it for Frufra from one wild girl turned smart girl to another!

  35. Harold and Kumar was the first thing I ever saw NPH in.

  36. Holy weave!

    Rihanna, Naomi & Iman looking incredible. Even if two of them are psychos.

  37. Holy photoshop but those three look fantastic. Great cover.

    Sienna's haircut reflects her character - raggedy.

    NPH, yay.

    I can't tell if Padma's mouth is frozen.
