Friday, August 08, 2014

Ramona Singer Finally Calls It Quits On Marriage

After being publicly humiliated by her husband Mario several times out with his mistress, Ramona Singer finally announced to the world yesterday that she was tired of trying and was calling it quits. The couple had recently tried to patch things up in St. Barth's, but it didn't stick. Back in May, Mario was seeing other women and was recently caught by In Touch hanging out with his mistress again. I think he made it pretty clear from the beginning that he was going to keep seeing other people after being busted the first time. It never seemed that he was even making an effort. I am no fan of Ramona and honestly, when she comes on, I fast forward until I don't have to listen to her any longer. Yes, I know she has had a rough life, but the way she treats people is horrible.

The timing couldn't be worse because the second half of the reunion show just aired and she said her family was great and wouldn't answer Andy's questions about it, despite LuAnn pointing out correctly that Ramona is always willing to speculate about every other marriage one the show but Ramona says she has a daughter so she couldn't talk about anything. What? None of the other Housewives have kids?


  1. Morning sandy!
    Everything is about ratings, now that the Season is in the can, Ramona can dump him and sell the " See me angst and bitch over him while trying to date someone who doesn't want me for my Faaame! angle to the Execs. (whatever show this is)

  2. Isn't she old Crazy Eyes? That's about the extent of my Housewives knowledge.

  3. hey Steamy! She's famous? Does she own a sewing machine company or something?

    1. Of Course She's Famous, sandy. Don't cameras follow and record her every fart? Don't people like enty write about her? Don't paps come and take her picture when she pays them? What else can she be?

  4. Marriage is tough, y'all!

  5. OT--Im always happy to see when Michael K. guesses CDaN blinds at D-Listed, more often than not we agree. Like yesterday, he agreed with me on Aniston not wanting kids.

    1. Michael K is ALWAYS on topic as far as I'm concerned Sandy, I adore that man and I is I'm not alone!

    2. The commenters at Dlisted loathe cdan's blind items. Poor grammar.

    3. Oh I ventured. In there once, they were not a friendly bunch to a newby

    4. BeckyMae, you're braver than me. I have never been able to post a comment on DListed either due to technical issues or not following what the hell people are saying half the time. It's much more fun here.

    5. I've never posted there, I guess that's a good thing.

    6. I've posted on Dlisted. It's the same as here. Good funny comments are liked and bad ones sometimes get nasty responses. Just like here. A lot more commenters though. I wish CDAN had the like button like Dlisted so you get a little feedback.

  6. Take it easy on her, Enty. I will admit she used to annoy the shitola out of me but I think she's rather entertaining now. I feel bad for ramona. She put in 20+? years on that marriage... not sure on the years but it still was a decent amount of years. She strikes me as one of those women defined by her marriage. Shes a tuff old bird though. She will come out of this okay.

  7. he's hilarious and his assistant Alison is hilarious too Becky

  8. hmm Ive never read his comments section maybe I should.

  9. I feel so bad for her. I got the feeling that she was nuts around everyone else but was completely passive and silent around her family because they meant so much to her and she just wanted them to be happy. I'm just glad sheerness from her parents and is independent enough that she can leave Mario and know she'll be just fine on her own. I'm sure she has Avery's full support. What a schmuck he is doing it knowing there were photographers waiting for him. She totally owes Andy an apology.

  10. Her eyes always look like she just had sucked on a meth pipe. This can't be normal

  11. Anonymous7:01 AM


    i like ramona and mario together. im sad about this.


    can we stop saying that people "had a hard life"? life HAPPENS to us all. some paths are "easy" some are "less easy". ((shrug))

    i was talking to my cousin darryl several years ago and he refused all sentiment that he'd had a hard life. whilst reminiscing i stopped short and just looked at him: 13 he developed severe diabetes/he had to get injections like everyday i think 14 (the next summer) he got hit by a motorcycle and had steel pins in his leg
    ..10years after the motorcycle accident he got jumped by a couple of goons and they broke that leg again
    ..he nearly went blind in prison because of his diabetes. he ran out of a store with a case of beer (he kept committing petty misdemeanors and the judge finally threw his a$$ in jail--5yrs)
    ..hes had two strokes in the past 6 years

    ..yet he just thinks its a "life" not hard one. SMH

    sorry i detest the phrase "a hard life" only bringing this up because ive had to set a couple of people straight about this in the past month or so. there are alot of self pitying types out there.

    1. True dat Fancy. It all depends upon your perspective.

    2. @fancy. Yep, you make a very good point.

      I'd also say that your cuz has a great attitude.

  12. I find it really difficult to read D Listed comments, and yes they are rather off putting to anyone new, or with a differing opinion. I read it for Michael's snark. He is brilliant at what he does.

    1. I find Michael and Allison both hilarious. Not a lot of posts but gottdamn are they witty as hell.

  13. Anonymous7:03 AM

    Oh Snap! lol

    i forgot i brought Ollie back ---->

    too many cocktails last night. lol Morning Ollie!


  14. Anonymous7:04 AM



    that dlisted crowed are a bunch of wankers.

  15. She's a piece of work. Just like two days prior she was on Andy Cohen's WWHL & she said they were together. Then pics came out of Mario with his mistress ( which Ramona wouldn't even acknowledge) and so the next day her hand was forced to not pretend any longer. She has been cruel to everyone else and their marriage, is on a reality show always bragging about her marriage and has a recommitment ceremony, but then refuses to discuss one thing about their trouble. What a hypocrite. The whole time she was filming was when all of the Hamptons was buzzing about him and that woman. Instead of her saying the truth, which would've garnered some sympathy, she kept tweeted pics of them with. It smiles & denying it all.

  16. Not a Ramona fan. She can't see the forest thru the trees. She had no problem trash talking others and speculating on their marriages, but something real and painful happens to her, and she wants it of limits.

    That being said, her husband handled it terribly. Almost like he wanted to publicly humiliate her. Bad Mario!!

  17. That's what she gets for talking about other peoples marriage.

  18. Anonymous8:48 AM

    Shut it down, Andy! Right now! Next package!

  19. I'm not sure I feel bad for her; she's a stage-five clinger-type, and partners just do not like that. Does that warrant cheating? No, get my point.

    I've never been a fan, but the woman looks incredible for her age. I will always give her that.

  20. Karma for sure. She went out of her way to claim that Luann had an open marriage on one of the previous reunions so I was glad when Luann called her out on it. Also amusing given the fact that the psychic in Marrakech told her Her husband was cheating on her and she didn't want to believe it.

  21. Quote from my Mum: "i think Ramona takes pills."

  22. Based on what I have seen on RHNY Ramona is a hypocritical, mean, stuckup bitch more delusional than even Sonia. Can't believe Mario has stuck with her this long. It must have been for the daughter and since she has now left for college he doesn't give a shit about Ramona.

  23. Ramona is def a pill. I just feel bad for their kid. Reading about your father in the tabloids has to be embaressing

  24. I'm on Enty's side about Ramona. I remember an episode where she gave a "motivational" speech. The poor guy looked like a lifer in prison at the event, the fakest of non smiles, non happiness. A lot of marriages ARE prisons, and this guy is so happy to be away from her, he's giddy at being free.
