Tuesday, August 05, 2014

Off Topic

I hate middle of the night leg cramps. Not a fun way to wake up.


  1. Hydrate yourself better.

  2. Are you pregnant? Eat moar bananas! And drink lotsa water

  3. You need more potassium then. I think I read that a banana before bed helps, maybe? Or wait, there's some fruit/veggie that has LOADS more than even a banana...can't remember... ???

    1. Coconut water and potatoes both have more. But my kid will eat the banana.

  4. a banana before bed gives you strange vivid dreams---too much potassium

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  7. and by vivid I don't mean Farrah Abrahams sex tape company----

  8. Replies
    1. @7 yeah i read if u put a bar of soap under sheet by ur legs that helps. I recommended to my mom, but along with other things, something worked but don't know which.

  9. Just once, wouldnt you love to post the truth about pictures and entries on face book?! As in" your baby is ugly and your house is a mess" or " if u show me that freaking cat( dog) one more time, im gonna scream" or " your kid has no talent, the teacher looks drunk and the kids looked like they didnt know what they were doing"' or " your posting of ambiguous song lyrics is working my last good nerve", or " your political opinions are of no interest to me , and in fact, are making me rethink our whole friendship". You know, like that.

    1. Or when people post things like "never going to get over this" and when someone asks the person what's wrong they say "it's private" or "I don't want to talk about it". I want to say "then why did you friggin post that????"

    2. +1, Tillie!! The cryptic attention-seeking posters!! Drama!! UGH.

    3. I think the technical term is Vaguebooking

    4. That's funny! I also can't deal with the humble-brag! Especially from old high school friends!

  10. Interesting @ 7. What a strange 'cure'.

  11. I'm pregnant with my second son, and am dreading the return of the nighttime leg cramps! Hubby always woke up in a panic when I'd get them with my first son, thinking I was I labor.

    1. I found the pregnancy ones the worst, by far. Banana or no banana

    2. The bananas only made my heartburn worse lol

  12. Bananas never worked for me. At least not as fast as drinking a boat load if water.

    Haven't had one for a while. If I get one tonight I'm calling Enty. EEEEEEENNNTYYYYYYY

    I hate them. Glug, gluggggg, gluggggg. I'm not getting them , I'm not getting them....

  13. Magnesium help calm down muscle shakes and cramping.

  14. If you put pressure on that muscle or ligament or whatever behind the kneecap, it often relieves the acute cramping.

    For treatment, potassium is great (if your cramps are caused by hypokalemia). FWIW, many people swear by a glass of tonic water before bed, due to the quinine content.

    1. Plus it makes you glow in black light.

  15. Stretch out your lower legs before bedtime. Put your hands out in front of you against a wall, and push back on your calves on each leg. That will stretch them out so they don't cramp up at night.

  16. I have to take a calcium/magnesium/zinc pill twice a day for mine. Pickles also help. And cider vinegar.

  17. I always get cramps when I eat a banana for some odd reason. Maybe the crash? Only way to get rid of then is super hot water on the area. Great at 3AM.

  18. I take magnesium and there's an over the counter medication called "Leg cramps" or something like that - it's near the aspirin at Publix and CVS - CVS has a store brand. I take one when I go to bed - hardly get any leg cramps anymore.

  19. Liddy, I am soooooo sick of selfies, duck faces. Pet pictures, depressing news story shares, those landscape pictures with quotes about life, people "checking in" to hospitals so all of their friends ask "What's wrong", guys sulking about girls they dated for 1 week, yoga pics, pictures of the big screen at some concert noone cares about, filtered pics of any kind....I could go on! God, I'm bitchy today!

    1. Snootches- i dont find you remotely bitchy, lol, cos i feel same. I will add dislike too for the over-the-top optimistic shit like- my special sweater made of unicorn fur arrived today!? I feel magical!" And ' why cant we all get along, like the precious raindrops falling from a cloud. They arent fighting, just united in their cause to get to ground!" Ugh, lol

  20. If you get a charley horse in the middle of the night, I have heard to squirt mustard in your mouth and then swallow it.

  21. Anonymous12:01 PM

    try menstrual cramps or contraction THEN tell me how "leg" cramps compare...Jerk Enty!


    >:^( perhaps

  22. @glitter - I forgot about the mustard - that works too. I stole a few small mustard packets from my local deli & keep them in a tin on my bed table. Works well. I read the Sunday column from the Peoples Pharmacy - they have a lot of "folk cures". The things people have written in about rosacea have really helped Mr. B.

  23. Nothing worked on mine until my underlying hypothyroidism was treated. YMMV.

  24. @SusanB email me about that if you don't mind!

  25. Magnesium deficiency causes night leg cramps, most of us are deficient.

  26. Charlie Horse's suck.

  27. Gatorade, bananas, and if you're on a statin, take it earlier in the day.

  28. Oh, of course! Magnesium! Try Natural Calm. I drink it almost every night.

  29. Personally, I hate it when the monkeys wake me up to dance.....but I'm dealing....

  30. Quinine water, tonic or quinine tablets. My father was a doctor.

  31. Also lie on your back, flex your feet so the toes are angled toward your knees and extend your heels as much as possible, this stretches the hamstrings.

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  33. @ Blasie - I was just about to suggest the same thing. This is the only way I can stretch my legs without getting a leg cramp. If I point my toes away from my body, Boom! Instant cramp.

    Mind you, when I take magnesium every day, I never get leg cramps. Then I goof off, don't take the pills, then the cramps return, and I smarten up.

    Funny where someone said that when she eats a banana, she gets cramps. When I'm low on magnesium and start to take it again, the first day, it takes almost nothing for me to get leg & foot cramps. Then all is well. It's almost like the muscles are reacting to it's presence after being depleted.

  34. Take a tablespoon of yellow mustard before you go to bed. I guarantee you won't have leg cramps.

  35. My doc said take an occasional magnesium supplement..works!

  36. God damn it, Enty jinxed me. Ow, ow, ow.

  37. I saw an episode of "The Doctors" last week where they had a woman on who had horrible leg cramps at night all the time and she said she found a trick that worked. When you get the cramp, put your fingers around your upper lip and squeeze hard. She swears it works.

    So I got a cramp in my calf the other night, it was bad, really bad. I tried that trick. Didn't work worth shit.

    So, I got nothin'.

    But if anybody comes up with a remedy ... I'm listening!

  38. OK, read your comments, thanks for the ideas. As for magnesium deficiency... there's this powder called CALM (CALcium + Magnesium) that has some sort of acid like vinegar added because you need an acid medium to absorb calcium and magnesium apparently. I got it at Real Foods and keep forgetting to take it. You can dissolve it in a glass of water or juice.

    Must remember to take it and see if it helps.

    I don't get muscle cramps very often but I got one so bad a few weeks ago that my calf muscle was actually cramping/sore for days afterward even when I was awake.

    Sometimes if I really stretch out my leg and flex my foot and stretch the muscle it helps the cramp go away faster.

    Yeah, menstrual cramps are worse/yuckier.

  39. You need more potassium in your diet and at least 8 glasses of water a day. Also, if you arent a regular partaker of yoga I would suggest doing plow pose before bed. i do yoga alot but I think even Iif you dont do it poses like this will help with circulation.

    So remember Enty. Plow pose before bed at night. Start slow and work your way up to the full pose.

    No need to thank me. A check in the mail will suffice. ;-)

  40. @glitter - my Dad swears by the mustard thing. He even keeps mustard by his bed for that very reason.
