Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Off Topic

My breakfast this morning consisted of leftover Chinese food, waffles and some bacon. I really think this could be a great combo for any restaurant. 


  1. leftover Chinese Food is standard breakfast fare in our household.

  2. That actually sounds disgusting. Next time add some cold pizza too.

  3. Anonymous10:51 AM

    enty your stomach linning must be made of the same material as a tank. that combination APART sounds delicious but TOGETHER is just gross.

  4. Love leftover chinese food

  5. Did someone say waffles?

  6. My dog wouldn't even go for that. Enty must be rocking one serious rumen

  7. The only thing I hate about leftover Chinese food is that it can smell like a wet puppy when you reheat it in the microwave. Yes, I can guess why, but seriously....it doesn't need to punch me in the snout.

  8. ...so I should definitely add bacon.

  9. I had half of a turkey, bacon, and avocado sandwich!

  10. Some foods taste better the next day...spaghetti, turkey dinner
    ....not chinese. It seems to get watered down.

  11. Tuck. Im going off ypoic in off topic. Is anyone else completely appalled at the number of lawyers and other talking heads have actually stated that the cop in ferguson is guilty of muder and shld get convicted???!!!!! WE DONT KNOW WHAT HAPPENED. THAT COP ISNT GOING ANYWHERE IF AND WHEN THEY NEED TO ARREST HIM. Im not on any side, and i dont disagree that police and mayer have made a complete clusterf*ck in terms of their actions. But keep in mind, WE DONT KNOW WHAT HAPPENED! And lawyers shld know better than to convict a man before he is even arressted and charged. Everyone needs to take many steps back and let facts unfold.

    1. @liddy: Broken hearts want broken necks. While we should always wait for the facts to settle before jumping the gun so to speak, I don't think a lot of people will give a shit about the specifics. I was actually friends with the ex NFL star Demo DuBose, who was killed in Mission Beach, CA many years ago. While drunk, he was walking home when he was then misidentified as a burglary suspect, resisted the police and was killed under similar circumstances, according to what has come out so far. We don't need more blood shed, we need to start working towards real solutions together.

    2. He supposedly rushed the officer in the vehicle and attacked him first. I think they are awaiting ballistics on gun to see if dead guy dna was on gun to back up the cop's statement. We will never get the whole truth is the only truth

    3. Yeah that's what I've heard too sugarbread. The biggest concern is the shot to the top of the head. The main thing they are waiting on are the ones on GSR. They have not yet determined how far the officer was when he fired

    4. Lady-it was pistol, cldnt hv been too far.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Sorry, posted in the wrong place.

  14. This is almost as gross as that weird french toast and gravy thing.

    You should try the Taco Bell waffle!

  15. My breakfast every day:

    1 pint fresh pressed carrot juice
    1/2 pint fresh pressed orange juice
    1-2 pounds of fresh fruit

    Boring, I know.

    1. Yoj, consider adding protein to your breakfast. x

    2. Yay Yoj! Mine is carrot, beet, celery, cucumber, kale, lemon, mint and parsley. And if I feel like it, some canteloupe. I also have barley greens as a chaser.

  16. Cold Singapore chow mein to cure a hangover.

  17. Oh man now I realize I forgot about the fresh peaches and plumots I was going to have for breakkies. Oh well, made up for it with sushi. Now that's NOT good for leftovers.

  18. sounds barfilicious

    solves the problem of being hungry again in 20 minutes after the chinese though

    adding the waffles and bacon

  19. and yes let's wait and see how the information unfolds before we go convicting anyone of anything

    why the rush to judgment?

    is more bloodshed going to solve anything?

  20. lady h ..you are the sarah manning to my cosima.. we complete each other.. your my clone sister from another mista

  21. Oscar Meyer now sells pre-cooked bacon. It is surprisingly not bad.

    It doesn't matter if that kid hit the cop or tried to grab his gun. The officer was no longer under threat of deadly force when he shot the kid. He shot a kid who was running a way, a kid--real big kid, I admit--who could easily have been arrested simply by following him in his unit and calling for backup.

    LEO's in particular are drilled about this in training: you are only allowed to utilize deadly force to neutralize imminent deadly force.

  22. I thought it had yet to be determined about shooting him running away

    I've heard he was charging toward

    1. Beptofane and rajh-a version i heard was cop tried to get brown in car. Brown fought him and grabbed fir officers gun, then ran away. Cop yelled stop! Drop! But kid turned around, and charged the cop. Cop fired first, hit hom in arms. He kept charging, and cop thought he was on something, like pcp. Finslly shot him in head, prob top of head because brown was prob looking down at arm wounds by then. This scenerio is supported by gunshot wounds. It also makes sense evidence wise STILL WE DONT KNOW WHAT HAPPENED. This is ONE account. I also really cant imagine that this cop just came up and shot brown for no readon, which ive heard bandied about.

  23. oh PUKE yoj

    Gimme some leftover anything in the fridge and i'm cool

  24. @John Meyers
    Sorry, John!
    I have a feeling I'll get the last laugh, though!

  25. That's a hangover on Sat morning, don't feel like cooking, grab anything you can reach in the fridge breakfast. I had that for breakfast this past Sat and Sun.

  26. @Sprink
    By giving a blow-job?

    1. Yoj. It is a good source of protein (that's how husband sells it). Then I remind him my mantra - not if it has a face or a mother.
      I do have berry banana almond milk and vegan protein powder smoothies. Much more palatable, and less hard work!

  27. You, I was thinking the occasional slice of bacon, or a peanut butter muffin, but...whatever works for you, darling.

    Proteins are a great start to the day! (TM)

  28. *Yoj (and feck off, spelczech)

  29. It's going to be very, very difficult for the officer to explain away the gunshot wound to the top of the kid's skull. This "bullrushing" story already sounds dubious. Why would an unarmed kid run back at a cop that had already taken a shot at him? Rushing so far bent forward that a bullet could hit the top of his skull?

    It doesn't help that the St. Louis area has a pretty nasty history of race-based violence.

    1. Bprofane-brown was a teenager-they think they are literally bulletproof. Thats only scenerio i can think of.

  30. @Sprink
    Well, I'm a vegan who doesn't eat legumes, so...
    If my username is proving to be an issue, you can use my *actual* name, which is Joy. Spelczech shouldn't have a problem with that. But to be honest, my self-esteem is such that I probably will answer to "you".

    1. Oh, legumes and I have a special relationship. Can't not eat them!

  31. Liddy I can't wait for the full toxicology report to come back. They already determined he was on weed and if anything else shows up that will be a big clue as to what happened. Plus, they haven't determined if be was shot from the front or back. I think the third and final autopsy either won't be released publicly or we wil have to wait until a trial. But I hope that one says which direction he was shot at. Yeah I've been glued to this too lol!

    Breakfast was cheese, a coconut chocolate Oskri bar and coffee. Fun!

  32. @Bee Haven
    Ooh, yes, green juices every day with lunch and dinner (this is my favourite: 1 cup radishes, 4 cups kale, 4 cups carrots, 4 celery sticks, 3 apples, 2 oranges, 1 bell pepper, 1 garlic clove).
    I'll be honest with you, morality wasn't a strong enough motivation for me to give up animal products. I've chosen this lifestyle for selfish reasons.
    After battling clinical depression (with anxiety) for several years and seeing significant improvement with medication and therapy, I plateaued. I was stable but too ill to work at getting better, does that make sense?.
    I did *a lot* of research into the effect of diet on health and chose to gradually switch to a raw, vegan diet. The difference it made was immediate and dramatic. I'm now able to work full-time, exercise (which also helps my mood and energy) and...have a life!

    1. Yoj, for the record, my protein comment was intended as a throwaway laugh line in the style of a Mum. You know, "it's the most important meal of the day!" kind of thing.

      Glad the regime works for you. I should be so healthy...

  33. @Sprink
    Oh, don't worry, I saw the humour behind your advice, (hence my dirty joke).

    1. Good. And I liked your dirty joke...now THAT is The Breakfast of Champions.
