Monday, August 11, 2014

Off Topic

Last night I turned off the television. Just turned it off and still stayed up a few hours.


  1. We have the radio on most of the time. Quaint and old fashioned I know.

    1. Me too Violet. Too many irritating people and dreadful things on the telly these days.

    2. You're not alone. I can go for days without turning on the TV. I can't live without music though.

  2. Good for you, fat man.

  3. Did you also turn off your tablet, smartphone and computer?

  4. Summertime sadness. What else is there besides Big Brother, True Blood, this Maggie Gyllenhaal miniseries, Extant?

  5. Anonymous10:56 AM


    yeah, right?

    1. Hey Fancypants! If it weren't for bad companions and Big Brother, I wouldn't watch TV at all...: (

  6. Not me!!! Speaking of which, OT Alert!!! Pretty PLEASE share what you would like to see in Better Call Saul!!! New article with Odenkirk featured HERE


    (1) During Saul's first episode, when he was taken out to the desert, he was screaming about Don Eladio and insisted he wasn't the rat, but that Ignacio. It's clear Saul had his hand in every cookie car around, but what happened with Saul, Ignacio, and the Juarez cartel? This better be a main story arc of BCS or I'm infiltrating their writing team and staging a full scale mutiny.

    (2) Saul asked clients to write out some checks to Ice Station Zebra Associates. I have been waiting for that backstory.

    (3) I want the dish on Saul's ex wives, his pervy relationship with Francesca, and of course, all of those massage therapists he has around...

    (4) What the fuck is Saul up to in Nebraska and is poor Huell still stuck in that motel?!?

    Thoughts please?!?!?!

    1. Lady, Better call
      Saul, lol. I just want to watch it unfold~

  7. I don't watch TV at all till 8 pm.

  8. I almost always have my TV on, even in the background when I'm doing something else. But, then again, I'm a junkie! ;) Must be that I don't like to be alone with my thoughts, especially right now.

  9. TV? Is that the thing in the living room that the children have taken over to watch YouTube videos of other people playing video games? Even though they have those same video games in their bedrooms or the playroom?


  10. Right after True Blood ya might as well turn the TV of on Sundays.

    We got 2 scenes of Sookie's tits so far this year. I though we were gonna get some ginger tits last night, but her and the baby fairy were just in bra and panties. The 2 of them tied up in bra and panties was highly fappable.

    1. Whaaaat? You don't watch Masters of Sex after True Blood? You really should check it out - it's great and offers a fair amount of fappable material.

  11. I omly put tv on to watch when something i want to watch. Like breaking bad marathon("Sklykar, i love you, but can u do one thing for me today? Can you climb down from being up my ass today? Cld you? Thank you ". Lollollollol) or WW one series. Otherwise just find something boring, put it at drone level, and read, play on internet, draw or crossword puzzles. Tv is usually uge disappointment of you are looking for something good. :(

  12. Too bad, you missed The Strain.

  13. LOL thanks liddy!!! This is my favorite SKYLER WHITE MOMENT

    1. Love it lady. And the scene where she jumps in the pool and just stands there. Man, that was some asskicking show!

    2. Didn't she just calmly walk into the pool? That show did more without dialog than any show ever.

    3. Calif, u are correct. Just waded in as calm as u please. Thrilled to find some many breaking bad fans here!

  14. I'm reading 'The Luminaries' by Eleanor Catton - good fun. After that I'm finally going to start 'The Goldfinch' (I'm always a year behind everyone else).

  15. I enjoy just reading. I enjoy watching TV when no one is around because some people I live with won't shut the hell up. Drives me around the bend.

  16. Also watching Breaking Bad on AMC. Looks like Sunday night is good until October. Good to know. Did you know that while Skyler is pregnant, she is not actually pregnant but Marie is? Shots of Marie during the end of the season are mostly from waist up or with her bottom half hidden from view.

  17. This site is my bed time reading. Honest. And not in a Jessica Alba kinda honest.

  18. I spent my Sunday night catching up with House of Cards. Great finale.

  19. I think I'm the only one who likes "The Leftovers"

  20. I never watch TV unless it's wrestling. It's real to me, dammit!

  21. @Astra: You see Brock interrupt Hogan's birthday party tonight? I think they should have done a pull apart instead of Brock hoppin out of the ring.

    Also, if you like old wrestling stories, Stone Cold's podcast is very good. There is a family friendly one and an uncensored one. Google it.
