Friday, August 01, 2014

Off Topic

If The Secret really worked wouldn't people still be talking about it as much today as they were five years ago?


  1. So secret I don't know what you're talking about.

  2. Strong enough for a man, made for a woman?

  3. Uggggg I get so excited every time I read and reread that damn book thinking this time it's gonna work! But it doesn't.

  4. I still see people talking about it.

  5. like in the pretty wild tv show?

    met a few people who read the book, but im skeptical of anything in that realm

  6. That stupid book that told people if they wanted something and put it out into the universe then it would come true or something. It was on Oprah.

  7. Anonymous10:52 AM

    OMG i bought that book during its frenzy. now im wondering what the heck happened to it...

    1. @fancy It's a secret.

    2. @fancy
      It's sitting with our copies of "He's just not that into you"

  8. The secret, being yourself & proud of who you are.
    How do you put stuff out into the universe? I mean I ask for no bat wings everyday but it ain't gonna happen.

  9. Off, off topic: looks like a reveal coming up.

  10. A DVD that took Budist principles & completely dumbed it all down & applied it to material objects.

    Budism will tell you it doesn't work that way.

    1. Truth. It's not meant to be used to wish for mansions and cars.

  11. The Secret is one of many law that are needed to manifest the life you want. It's really watered down...once I started to research on my own I found that out...

  12. SNL did a great skit about that, with Keenan playing a guy somewhere in Africa caught up in a horrible violent conflict doing a satellite hookup with Oprah asking why it wasn't working. It was funny and very sad at the same time.

  13. Snake oil sold to rubes.

  14. Count--you pretty much described all things Oprah right there

  15. There was this crazy guy I used to teach with back in the day. I was really irritated when he used to make his students read and watch The Secret all the time. While I understand the value of positive thinking, there are far better ways to demonstrate that than preaching to a room full of juvenile gangsters that if they want a bike, one will show up if they just wish for it really, really hard!!
    Both the sources of and solutions to our problems are of course related to our disposition, no doubt. But to argue that everything lies at the roots of "improper or imperfect thoughts" is a load of horse shit.
    How about work hard, keep your side of the street clean, and don't be an asshole?

    On a final note, Oprah couldn't even find an authentic crackhead to write his memoirs...boom! Truth hammer!


    Sooooo....what are some other huge literary shams that we do/do not miss?! (CDaN, you ARE my Chicken Soup for the Soul...)

    1. Ugh, that's a hard one. I prefer fiction that's actually labeled fiction. I generally avoid the self-help section like the plague.

  16. Its bullshit, of course, just like all the rest of these miracle cures. Wise up.

  17. that book was a load of crap

    I have a family member who keeps believing in this kind of stuff-young and naive

    hard work is what it takes-there is no magic way

  18. she can't seriously be pregnant again

  19. I dunno...I still believe that if you can believe it, you can achieve it. Your thoughts ARE powerful, but of course they must be manifested into actual hard work rather than just wishing.

  20. It sounds like it may have worked for Jennifer Garner.

    (In a more serious note; It seems like the people who work the hardest have the best luck!)

  21. The only product endorsement I would listen to from Oprah would be for laxatives, enemas, or other anti-constipation products because I'm sure she gets clogged up plenty.

  22. I remember Shakti Gawain's books from the 80's Living in the Light, and Creative Visualization. She was also one of Oprah's gurus of the week.

  23. And John Gray, who's Ph.D was from the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. He wrote the Men are from Mars women are from Venus books. His ex wife wrote books about finding and keeping love. Both were on Oprah quite a bit. And John Bradshaw with the inner child work.

  24. I think you have to live a really cushy life to believe problems can be fixed by positive thinking and wishing. Anyone who's gone through a real problem should know that putting out so-called positive energy into the universe doesn't do squat. But I suppose some people are desperate and willing to try anything, no matter how silly it sounds.

    I remember about 10 years ago when this book was all the rage I read some review of it where the person was saying things like "Ever since i read this book, I have going from looking like Rosie O'
    Donnell to looking like Giselle Bundchen, and also, I found a billion dollars on my door step!" LOL.

  25. @Texas , brilliant. She should also endorse something that removes ones head out of ones arse.

  26. Anonymous2:07 PM



  27. Anonymous4:19 PM



    u guys are funny ;^)

  28. Cheryl, I was going to mention Shakti Gawain as well. Saw her speak and she's a pretty awesome woman. She wrote the "secret" first and I've had some pretty cool things happen because of creative Visualization.

    1. Now that was a cool concept, which I find works.

  29. One of the greatest things that happened in the last couple of years was Oprah retiring and her massive, mostly BAD influence waning. No one of the comedians that have daytime talk shows could ever take her place. She peddled every type of new age snake oil there was. NONE of these hucksters would have had one percent of their influence without Oprah's powerful backing. She barely escaped a huge backlash from "The Secret" when one of it's "teachers" James Arthur Ray was convicted of negligent homicide over a disaster with a sweat lodge retreat he had. To top it all off, Oprah made herself THE biggest softball, ass kissing "interviewer" in the country. Her "interview" with John Ramsey was utterly pathetic, as were others with her Scientology pals, Cruise and Travolta, who she never asked a hard question about their involvement in that cult. She even got to "interview" Cruise in his Telluride home, where the nut has a bomb shelter built for when Zenu comes back.

  30. It was (is) a good message. Basically if you put out positive vibes positive things will come back to you. I don't think they meant it literally. Just be kinder, nicer and and you will attract kinder, nicer people into your life. It's still a good message. I may re-listen to it on audio!

  31. Though there may be good info to glean, whenever I hear/ see someone gushing about "The Secret", I'm instantly annoyed and it lets me know that they're dumb.
    Not directed at anyone in this group; it's people on Facebook.

  32. If it really worked, Oprah's network would have been a success, and she would be a size 2.

  33. That book changed my life because it changed my perspective on my ability to take control and manifest my own destiny. I also read a lot of the books by the contributing authors and others such as Deepak Chopra. So many unbelievable coincidences began happening and I did attract wonderful people and things into my life. Not necessarily material things (some, yeah) but things and situations that blessed my life.

  34. @T.E.Cuz
    Good call on the 'Pretty Wild' TV show.
    The useless mother was raising her girls with the philosophy of 'The Secret'.
    One ended up in jail for breaking into Paris Hilton's and other celebs houses.
    What horseshit.

  35. I agree with Enquirer. 3 years ago I decided I could not keep my high stress- getting home so late I missed dinners and time with my family- job. I did the whole, "Ask, believe, receive" and I think it really did work for me as I am now in a place I love. But let me back up to explain all of that... First of all, it took a year of applying for every job I could. I told everyone that was in my network that I could trust that I was looking. I told family and friends so they could also let me know if they heard of anything and keep me in their prayers. I tried to keep a positive attitude knowing the RIGHT job was out there, when it was available- it WOULD be mine. And I continued to work my ass off- to get a good reference and leave on a good note.
    So, if I had just thrown "positive vibes out into the universe", I'd still be miserable, no doubt. It took some work but I can't discount that The Secret worked for me.

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. Wake up zombies! What about the Holocaust? Who "attracted" THAT? What about wars, famine, poverty, plane crashes, car crashes? Who "attracts" ANY of that? Negative attracts negative, baloney! Bad things happen to good people all the time, that did NOT attract them.
