Monday, August 11, 2014

Mario Singer Shows Off New Girlfriend

Well, that didn't take long. Two days after Ramona Singer finally said her marriage is over, her husband, Mario Singer took one of his long time mistresses out in public to a couple of parties in the Hamptons and even to a public event with a red carpet. Ramona was also in the Hamptons but apparently the two didn't run into each other. Apparently Mario doesn't even believe in any kind of cooling off period. Yes, he has been with Kasey Dexter for a while now, but you would think he would wait a week or two before introducing her to his friends. Of course, since she wants a spot on a reality show she wants to be out and seen as much as possible and get a buzz for their own show or maybe they will do something sneaky and put her on RHNY. See, that would probably get people watching again.


  1. So, HE has crazy eyes, too??

  2. Anonymous6:03 AM

    oh well. mario is cute. rawr

  3. Anonymous6:04 AM


    i was thinking the same thing

  4. So that's where Janeane Garofalo has been.

  5. No it wouldn't Enty. No one gives a shit about Mario and what his penis does. Only you. Mario is a tool. Doubt anyone gives a hoot about him, his mistress or his divorce. He's non-factor and this hussy who think she's getting famous by being with him, will learn the hard way.
    'nuff said.
    ....wasted too much time on this as it is. =/

  6. Well that didnt take long did it. Ramonas eyes must be be bulging out of their sockets. Hit prediction will be her show casing a much younger dude real soon, purely for spite.

  7. Do the Singers have children? I'm assuming yes, and therefore, I'll go ahead and assume that they're (mom and dad) a couple of real assholes. So gross to play all this out in front of their kids.

    If they don't have kids, mark me down as not caring AT ALL.

    1. They have as daughter in her late teens and in need of a shrink

  8. Is that the same girl, Kasey Dexter, with dyed hair? Or is that a different girl? He can do what he wants and the marriage is over. What's unbelievable is Ramotional put up with it as long as she did, at all costs it seems, while posting pics on twitter, etc pretending how together they were and doing the show when I bet he was doing this the whole time (as was alluded to). The mistresses have to remember the general rule, though- how you get em is how you lose em. Don't be surprised when he moves on to the next one.

  9. This one wants a reality show? Who does she think she is? The next Hilaria Baldwin?

  10. Who are these people? Oh wait, never mind, I don't care.

  11. ^^^^

    I second what lemurskank posted.



    Who cares!

  12. We'll if there is a bright side, maybe Rsmona will become a kinder, gentler person and more compassionate to other's problem.

    At least I can hope.

  13. It's always the religious ones, isn't it?

  14. disrespectful, always remember the kids will always judge you no matter what

  15. She must've seen what her roots and brassy blonde hair really looked like in all of those lunch photos and gone to a salon.

  16. These people don't care. To this guy, women are disposable and the old one was past her "sell by" date.

  17. And kids are just accessories.

  18. Fuck this guy

    Ramona I'm with you girl!!

    She may be cray cray but I've got a soft spot for Ramona

  19. Why haven't we don't a post about Ramona's new plastic surgery? That's the most pressing story. She looks great with the new work but should've paid a little extra for the neck. I'm sure Fabio is waiting in the wings...

  20. Why so hard on Mario. Ramona is a crazy stuckup bitch. He probably put up with her for the sake of the daughter. Now that she is off to college he finally decided to end the charade and be happy. How long do all of you think he should have waited to spare the daughter?? 21 or until she was married?

    1. Not mention the fact that we have no idea real backstory. Mario, Ramona and their daughter may have talked this all out months ago so nobody shocking anybody else in the family. Just because they are now going public doesn't mean anyone in the family shocked.

  21. Anonymous10:04 PM

    how old is she? and mario has always been a dog. it think it was like the first episode where he was on a restaurant patio with ramona and obviously checking out every chic that walked by
