Monday, August 11, 2014

Lucky To Be Alive

No one was even really hurt in this crash. I don't know the one woman managed to get off her jet ski so fast.


  1. And actually what's most interesting about this video is that instead of dropping their phone to go help the person on the floor, they just kept on filming.

  2. Morons from Outer Space!
    Jet skis have NO brakes! Idiots for going so fast next to the beach!

  3. I don't know. Dude lying on beach and not getting up looks kind of injured to me.

  4. That's becoming more typical behavior Violet. People are more interested in filming disasters instead of helping out for youtube and facebook views and shares.

  5. Yay, a short one!
    I'm proud to say I've never for a single moment had a desire to get on a jet ski. Only because the beach is full of drunken shitheads who've never been in ocean water in their entire lives and have no grasp of mortality.
    It's the same reason my cat isn't allowed to use a chainsaw. Shit's dangerous.

  6. BTW- thats not a jet ski.
    Jet ski - stand up, brand name, much more difficult.

    This, in general, is A PWC / personal water crafts.

    Too many numskulls are on them, drunk, and these folks are lucky no one was seriously injured. I'd be mad as F.

    We have and enjoy boats, jet skis and PWC's. There's responsibility to others, just like driving.
    I'd prob wanna throw a punch at that dude.

  7. I'd make a comment, but need to stack the logs that the cat's just cut.

  8. OMG! He purposely tried to run her down and kill her. I hope the driver was arrested for attempted murder!!

  9. That's bloody ridiculous! What the hell was that guy thinking? Any injuries he sustained are payment for being an ass.

  10. They are lucky she wasn't seriously injured. The machine however will have sucked up so much sand close to shore that it probably won't work again. We own PWC's too, and they are dangerous if not ridden properly. Scary to watch.

  11. @Sandybrook.Is the highlight of your day being able to say Tl:dw when a video comes up?
