Tuesday, August 05, 2014

Lindsay Lohan And Speed The Plow

I think we are all pretty much agreed that with only about six weeks remaining before the first performance of Speed The Plow in London and Lindsay Lohan escorting in Greece (above) that she is either going to skip the entire production or drop out the first week or do something which will cause her to miss the run of the play. I think the excuse will be scheduling conflicts with some unnamed movie that will never happen. I would love to hear what you think the excuse will be. I could see illness but that would be tough because she won't be good at faking that because she will go out every night. I could see some kind of excuse that involved a conflict with the artistic direction of the play. Whatever happens it won't be her fault so it needs to be something in my opinion that will make her look like she is an in demand actress or they don't take her craft seriously or some kind of crap like that.


  1. Well, Lilo loves being Plowed on Speed. She was clearly confused about the terms and nature of this contract

  2. PREGNANT!!!

    Except, then, not pregnant.

  3. Stop this insane obsession with Lindsay Enty! Shes past the point where anyone cares, she doesn't even have fucks left to give to herself.

  4. She can also pull a Pivert and claim MANcury poisoning from excessive loads of paid dick and sushi....

  5. I was looking forward to a 2 oclock blind--

  6. Just remember, mercury poisoning has been done

  7. It sounds to me like someone did her a favor…making it look like she has a job…I bet the real actress is rehearsing as I write this…

  8. I think it's already over. No way they wouldn't insist she start rehearsing if she was still going to be in it. I can't wait for her to do something really stupid and end up in a Greek prison. Now that would be interesting!

  9. I've got a blind for you. Michael Douglas says there was only one leading lady he didn't like. Who?

  10. @ladyH. Ur killing me. Lol.

    OT. (LOL) Lindsey looks good in this pic.

  11. If she were smart she'd be there every night, early and prepared, just to prove everyone wrong.

    Of course, I'm not anticipating that outcome. ..

  12. @Zach---Catherine Zeta Jones and...Paltrow

  13. I'm starting to suspect the whole thing is some kind of con.

  14. Umm.. has any one heard of anyone ELSE being cast in this production? I haven't. I've checked time and again - there are two males leads in this play.. both of which, have more onstage time than the part she'd allegedly be playing. Considering it's six weeks before the play opens (not even previews.. the play is supposed to OPEN October 2) - there should have been casting news.

    I think this has always been more Lohan BS. Just like that 'film' she announced last year at Sundance.

  15. Not to get technical here, but are they even rehearsing yet? I know any stage play I was in only had a month of rehearsals before opening.

  16. Who is left on the planet who thinks she's got marketable talent? Isn't she just Stunt Casting these days?

  17. Oh I thought play starting in September not October. That would explain why she isn't rehearsing.

  18. One of her johns will kill her before then.

    Sorry if that's too grim, but it wouldn't surprise me a bit.

  19. Actually starts on September 24. So watch what she does in next couple weeks.

  20. Scheduling conflict on a Lifetime Heidi Fliess biopic. Oh & cue up the lawsuit.

  21. @Simon--"So watch what she does in next couple of weeks"--I predict takes selfies and stumbles out of bars

  22. Yeah let's see A) if anyone wants to even work with this train wreck or B) if she even shows up for rehearsals. I hope they have a good understudy lined up.

  23. Zach: Anne Archer? Isn't she Scio?

  24. @Zach
    Whichever one wouldn't sleep with him.

  25. Working on her Astrophysics Nobel Prize submission. Between that and being stuck in the flying V position how can a girl rehearse?

  26. I'm thinking something along the lines of a "broken" ankle.

  27. CoBe stole my answer. Pg and miscarriage.

    There is a special place in hell for people who fake pregnancy loss.

  28. Anonymous11:59 AM

    probably smells like burnt whore in her perimeter.

    ...YES, i plan on running that joke into the ground so dont give me any guff.


  29. Re: Michael Douglas, unless Melanie Griffith was less than the consummate professional, my own guess would be Goopy.

  30. Enty darlin', stop, please stop.

  31. "Speed the Plow" is just frigging Mamet, not Shakespeare or something. Who cares if she ad libs or muffs a line?

    And she's method, perhaps, which means that a play about how screwed up Hollywood is is something something she needs little rehearsal for.

    Jeez, you'd think it's like training for the Olympics to appear in a pretentious bit of Mamet's tripe, from reading this article.

  32. I like Mamet's plays, and I've worked theater, rehearsals won't start for a couple of weeks yet.

  33. Time to re-read Enty's blow-by-blow of Two Broke Girls experience. That was epic. As for trying to do Mamet, love Glengarry Glen Ross. Good luck there Lynds

  34. Exhaustion probably.

    Whatever her excuse, I am happy for her understudy. Once she found out who'd she be subbing for, you know she knew she was really going to be the lead. The Producers/director probably only hired Lindsay to bring attention to the show, knowing she'd drop out anyway. They have the best of both worlds. Attention to the show, and a great understudy as the lead.

  35. She will generate some sort of fake fight with David Mamet's daughter Zosia Mamet of HBO's Girls and stomp off in a huff.

  36. Debilitating stage fright. If it was a good enough excuse for Olivier, it's good enough for Lins.

  37. As noted, they won't even BE rehearsing yet. Yes, Enty, we all know she's going to screw it up. No, she hasn't yet.

  38. Zach- I would lay odds on Sharon Stone.

  39. That has to be an old pic, no? She looks fuckable there, different than some of the recent pics I've seen of her.
