Monday, August 18, 2014

Kendra And Hank Go On Vacation Together - No Cameras

Apparently reality television is now going to be populated with guys who cheat (Hank Baskett) or cheat but have a fake mistress created (Dean McDermott) to add a little spice to their reality programs. Nothing says race to the bottom faster than capitalizing on real or perceived infidelity to make a buck. I'm sure that conversation with the kids will be especially easy. Kendra and Hank are on vacation in Costa Rica together. There are no cameras with them because their season is finished filming. Apparently the two have been all over each other. I guess the way you get a followup season to the infidelity season is to have a make nice season. If the ratings tank then I guess they will have a splitting up season followed by a dating a new person season. The name of the game is to keep making a living doing absolutely nothing no matter what you have to show the world. If you stay on television then you keep making money from the shows and appearances. If you can't stay on television then you lose fame and you might actually have to work for a living or if you are Kendra go back and hop in line on the nightly Hefner train.


  1. Reality tv is the bottom of the tv barrel Enty, there is no race to get there.

  2. Its funny, mr liddy mentioned commercial for yet ANOTHER idiotic reality show, and i was like do they ever run out of stupidity? It is indeed barrel scapings.

  3. Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public.
    H. L. Mencken
    US editor (1880 - 1956)

    1. Absolutely, Steampunk. Absolutely.

  4. I want my personalized flying camera to record My exciting life! ;-)

  5. nice garden Steamy!

  6. The APA needs to add Famewhoring to the DSM yesterday. If we acknowledge Affluenza (?), then Famewhoring is really, really late to the game. Rehabs need to start advertising Famewhore rehabilitation.

    Are you addicted to camera clicks? Do you fake personal tragedies in the hope of ANY slight media coverage? Are you proud to see your name online, even for terribly degrading reasons? Would you perform sexual acts on paparazzi in exchange for them selling some pre arranged candids? Did you get pregnant, engaged, broken up, married, divorced or release naked photos to try to extend your 15 minutes? Then you are suffering Famewhoritis! Seek help!!!

  7. I really liked her until I read her 2nd book. If I hadn't read it I wouldn't have thought she was capable of humiliating her entire family for the all-mighty dollar.

    She absolutely is not above that. I feel really bad for her children and for Hank's parents. They're good people who didn't deserve to have their name disgraced like this. Shame on you Hank for letting her do this to them.

  8. Everyone knows the usa real tvshow à la Kardashian are scripted .All is fake except the paychecks

  9. Who didn't know that shit was fake. People like poor Kendra. Yeah aight

  10. Oh Hank, you have sunk so low. I hope they are paying you well.

  11. Don't say poor hank!! He hasn't worked in 4 years. No one will hire him
    He is just as guilty as her. He could get a real job being a salesman or something but that would be work. They are 2 peas in a pod of their choosing. No sympathy from me for either.

  12. If it is fake, why would they choose a trans person?

  13. @LadyH Mr lady is getting a bit lippy.

  14. Zach yep. Maybe because it's more salacious

  15. Please let them go on a three hour boat tour...and disappear.

  16. Her eyes look a little dead.
