Monday, August 11, 2014

Kendall Jenner Denied Booze - Throws Money In Face Of Waitress

Even though Kendall Jenner is only 18, she expects you to bring her booze in a restaurant if she orders it. Never mind that a business could lose its license or the server who brings her the booze can go to jail, Kendall Jenner wants it. Unlike most teens who are denied and then just meekly carry on with their dinner plans, Kendall Jenner got up and left the restaurant. Without paying her bill. She and Hailey Baldwin (both above) had eaten about $60 worth of food before leaving and their waitress had to chase the pair down the streets of NYC. When she caught up with the pair, Kendall reached in her wallet without asking how much she owed and took a couple of $20 bills and threw them at the face of the waitress before continuing. Yeah, she should be a fun person in a few more years of being spoiled.


  1. I'd ask where her mother is but we all know she's getting Botox and lipo

  2. I would have called NY's finest and had her arrested for petty theft. Of course she wouldn't have even been given a slap on the wrist because she's the mongrel offspring of pseudo-celebrities, but still...

  3. If it's even possible, I dislike this little c*nt even more than her famewhore mother and sisters. Shoulda called the cops on her.

  4. This entire family needs to vanish…poof off the face of the earth.

  5. She should have taken a selfie for her sisters selfish coffee table book, it suits the theme

  6. She probably WAS embarassed, and climb off u r high hirse enty, there are loads of places in nyc who serve underagers booze without batting an eyelash. They arent worried about their license, they want the zash. Anyway, this shit may play in LaLa land, but for shit sure it wont play in nyc!!!!!!!! Ill give her one more chance because shes really a kis, but it was a very self entitle juvenile way to behave. I bet pmk wld yell at her, only her lips have hv that day after botox bloat. Lol

  7. She better watch her ass now that she's 18. A few more incidents like that and she could spend a whole hour in jail.
    The horror.

  8. Her sister had a dick shaped cake at her Birthday party, with 30 year old men and tequila shots....for her 17th bday.

    These two are such entitled brats.

    1. Anonymous8:29 AM

      As much as people harp on Kim, she would never do stuff like this.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. to be fair, $60 worth of food in a NY restuarant..could possibly just be the bread ;)

  11. Glad that waitress went after her. It would be great if the cops came after her. That'll humble her a bit. Sure mom has nothing to say about her little terror.

  12. Who's Hailey Baldwin? Is she the preacher Baldwin's kid?

  13. KenDoll is a piece of shit.

  14. I had the smallest ray of hope that the 2 Jenners would escape the path their older sisters took. If this story is true, this proves that ray has been extinguished.

    They need a manager other than their mom that tries harder to school them on the difference between good and bad PR.

  15. Too bad the NYPD didn't find an excuse to bust the little c**t for something. Anything, really.

  16. you all luv to piss on kim about shit but i think kim is sooo much better than kendal and kylie, those 2 scare me

  17. Kylie did the same crap at the Beverly Hills hotel last year with jaden.

  18. What a little bitch!

  19. Why are we surprised? Both Kylie and Kendall are entitled brats - I sincerely hope they fade away into obscurity and have to get real jobs

    I'd love to see Kendall wait tables for a living

  20. I like the old penalty for skipping on your bill, make em do the restaurant dishes but then this spoiled brat would probably purposely break all the dishes

  21. Why wasn't she arrested? Isn't that theft?

  22. Hollywood brats need Asian parents.

  23. I had hopes that the Jenner girls would be slightly better than the Kardashian girls but they appear to embody the worst of the older sisters along with the arrogance of youth. Bruce Jenner should stop applying makeup and be a father for a few seconds.

  24. Should have just called the police.

  25. I wish this little Twat would come to my neck of the woods. Her skinny ass wouldn't last 5 seconds. Country girls don't play.

  26. There was a chance the two jenner girls wouldn't wind up cunts but lets be honest, Bruce gave up and in that environment with PMK and famewhoring sisters they really didn't have a chance. Sad.

  27. I also had hopes for the Jenners, but they might out krap their half siblings.

  28. Why is this a surprise? She's PMK's spawn, Kartrashian's sister - this sort of behavior is in their blood.

    1. Therefore, we can confirm the whore genes are all PMK.

  29. What a jerk. Maybe she learned it from Scott D. At least she didn't stuff the money in the waitresses mouth. This family is insufferable.

  30. Wow. Hard to believe she would allow that much worth of food to remain in her stomach for that long a time.
