Wednesday, August 06, 2014

Katie Holmes Turned Down The Role Of Piper On OITNB

Taylor Schilling was never the first choice for the role of Piper on Orange Is The New Black. The producers really wanted someone who was at least as well known as Natasha Lyonne and Laura Prepon. Not big stars by any stretch but at least you had heard of them. So, they went after an actress who is certainly well known for her relationship but who acts at about the same list level as Laura Prepon. They went for Katie Holmes. Katie was offered the role of Piper and turned it down. I don't know if it is because she and Laura don't like each other because Laura has been rumored to be the next contract wife. Maybe Katie thought the show was beyond her acting ability. That is certainly possible, although Taylor is more like the glue that keeps it all together so all of the other actors can show off their skill. The official reason Katie gave was that she was too busy. You know, starring in really bad Broadway plays and even worse movies.


  1. Said this last night enty...keep up.

  2. Geez, that was a mistake

  3. Katie is too dead eyes for this role

  4. Laura's co$ right? Sucks for her career but I don't blame Katie one bit

  5. I'd be running from the Xenu clan as well.

    For fun, ask a CO$ to find the word XENU in either the old or new testament. HIGHlarity ensues!

  6. Wine takes up a lot of time y'all.

    Prepon new contract wife????
    Ummmmmm, when he said he was lookking for a Tom -boy, I think he had something else in mind.

  7. And Dana Delaney was asked to play Carrie in 'Sex in the City'....and Sarah Michelle Gellar turned down the lead role in 'Clueless'....and Molly Ringwald turned down the lead in 'Pretty Woman'....and John Travolta turned down the lead in 'Forest Gump.' It happens to every actor.

    1. And the funny thing is you can't imagine the actors in the roles they turned down so everything happens for a reason!

  8. I'd say fans of the show dodged a bullet.

  9. It would have been nice to see her boobies.

  10. Right, just want she wants, Laura Prepon reporting her every move straight back to Tommy and the CoS

  11. Please remember that the drinking is just a rumor, and only here. She probably wanted to stay aways from CoS, and also be around Suri more.

  12. Katie thinks she's a movie star already & doesn't want to step down to TV is all.

    Christopher Reeve also turned down American Giglo, Pretty Woman, and I believe a couple other movies in the 80's that Richard Gere picked up.

  13. Katie filmed a pilot for a tv show earlier this year. Your point is invalid Jessica.

  14. Nope, Look at the timing & when Katie decided to do that.

    1. Your point was that she thinks she is to big for tv. She clearly doesn't feel that way. Her timing? She had completed The Giver, wrapped Miss Meadows and got cast in The Women in Gold? Just because someone passes on a role doesn't mean they think there to big for it.

    2. Oitnb filmed in 2012. The Giver filmed August 2013. Her pilot filmed this spring and didn't make it. She rethought TV after oitnb was a smash hit

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. There's a difference between a tv mini series with movie directors & actors and a tv series with tv actors. Katie wasn't gonna do OTNB.

    Reeve also turned down "An Officer & a Gentleman".

  17. I would have loved to see Molly Ringwald as Pretty Woman. Julia Roberts just stunk that movie all up.

  18. actually Julia's turn in Pretty Woman is one of the few I like

    what happened to that girl? Now she's just a bitter looking bitchface

    that Julia looked like fun

    I can't see Katie in the Piper role--and I think Taylor does a great job in that role even though she gets a lot of shit.......I think people just don't get that you are supposed to be experiencing prison from her white middle class perspective-she portrays that very well

  19. Katie probably didn't want the COS in her business. That was such random casting that I wonder if there wasn't a plan to put her there on purpose to watch her

  20. Huge HeisenThanks for not ruining one of the best shows in years, Katie!!

  21. Maybe she just didn't like the role? Girls In Prison tales are soooo Linda Blair and Traci Lords
    not to mention Sybil Danning.

  22. That is a surprisingly good show. I could do without the lezzie scenes and would like to see more heteros getting down and dirty but it is an actually cleverly written show. Wasnt impressed by 2nd season though. It was a little drole. Looking forward to see what they can bring for season 3.

    1. Lezzie?!? I thought only 12 year old boys used that term! Unless....

    2. i guess youve been hiding under a rock. Ive heard the term used everywhere by adults. My guess is you must live in some podunk town where urban or any type of expanded vernacular is restricted to a few monosylabic responses ..if thats the case, then yeah, terms like lezzie may make people of your ilk head explode like it appears to have done with your ... um..

    3. I don't live in a Podunk town and my head is about to explode because "Lezzie" is one of the most ignorant and childish words ever used! I'd like to know what kind of adults you hang around with!

  23. @Eros, you want to see more hetero sex in an all women's prison? HA HA Good luck. Your only hope is that Bennett keeps screwing Daya but even that ended for now. Or the very rare times they show Biggs and whatshername (Piper's ex best friend).

    1. Yep I know... that wouldn't make sense in the storyline. Its the only complaint I have. Other than that its a good show.

      I do hate how christianity is castigated in the show too I should mention but given the fact the show has a homosexual storyline, I can understand the slant even if I dont agree with it.

  24. No way would she get involved with a project with a Scientologist after she worked so hard to cut ties.

  25. so many bigots on this site, how can anyone judge Scientologists

    do you know how you sound?

    whats next refusing to work with Jews, fear of what you don't understand

  26. Don't blame her for turning it down if true, given Prepon. On the other hand, Prepon is underrated as an actor, Schilling deserves even more acclaim than she's getting, and she was the female lead in a Zac Efron film, after all, so she demonstrated some star power! Katie Holmes would've sucked. Piper is supposed to be annoyingly self-centered and narrow-minded in the beginning, but Katie Holmes, consciously uncoupled or not, just isn't someone the audience could've gotten behind in that challenging role.

  27. I can understand why Katie Holmes wants to avoid the CO$ people but she needs to start making some smart career choices if she wants to continue to be an actress

  28. Katie is forever playing Joey from Dawsons. Taylor has much better range for the part.

  29. Everyone wants to be a movie star. Currently, the best leading roles for actresses are on TV, but the idea persists that it's somehow 'lesser'.
    Jennifer Aniston, Jessica Biel, Jessica Alba, etc. - they all need to follow Halle Berry's example.

  30. two years ago she was freshly divorced, I wouldn't want to take on a mystery job like a netflix show (they had no track record at that point) either.

    ditto the CO$ tracking by Prepon too.

    I am happy to slam Katie when she deserves it, but not for this.

  31. Netflix had House of Cards

    huge huge hit

    was OITNB in the works before HOC?

  32. Thank you Katie. I never would've watched the show if she had been in it.

  33. More heterosex scenes in a show about prison that exploits and fetishizes situational homosexuality?

    Not likely.

    However, I'd be down for a love connection between Pensawtucky and Luscheck in shop class

  34. Eh, this BI is BS. Schilling and Prepon were cast because they looked like the real-life people they were expected to portray. Especially Schilling, who is almost a dead ringer for the actual Piper.

    Prepon's and Lyonne's careers were in the doldrums when they were cast. They didn't really bring any fame mojo to the show.

  35. They would have had to change the name of the show to stiff is the new black

  36. If Prepon was already cast that's why Holmes turned it down. Period. End of story.

  37. Oatmeal is the new black.
