Thursday, August 14, 2014

Kate Gosselin And Her "Bodyguard" Go On Vacation Together

It was just two weeks ago that Kate Gosselin and her longtime "bodyguard" supposedly severed their professional relationship and he went back to his wife and Kate went back to brewing potions in her basement cauldron. Now though it appears that Kate missed him enough to take him on vacation with her kids. Of course the vacation was all caught on camera for TLC who must be under some type of spell from Kate to keep giving her show after show after special after special. I don't know what she has on someone there, but it must be really good that they keep giving her multiple chances to make a buck exploiting her kids. The kids have already said they don't really like it, but their wishes be damned Kate has to keep herself in front of the camera to stay famous and to make piles of money that she will probably never leave to her kids because she will call them all ungrateful after they all take a turn writing tell all books about her when they get older. Hey, but at least she will have her bodyguard to keep her company.


  1. kate is so confused... sometimes feel sorry for her

  2. Enty if you would ignore this she would go away. You are just about the only site who writes anything at all about her except your favorite Kneepads.

  3. I thought she's supposed to be out of money? or is she out of money they way rich people are out of money, but still rich to every other person in the world.

  4. That was pretty funny Ent!

  5. Please…do not care

  6. FauxEnty, what a silly question. The only reason TLC is going to give her specials is because someone somewhere, enough such someones, are watching these and making money for TLC. Hard to imagine, but someone wants to watch her.

  7. I don't like the way this Enty writes. I swear it's a high school kid sending in something before journalism class.

    That said this woman disgusts me. What did she do before she flew into the American consciousness on her broom? She needs to go back to it and give us a rest. Take those fucking Kartrashians with them.

  8. For the life of me, o cant see what this man sees in this nasty, narcassitic, child abusing, cold hearted woman. I really really dont. It cant be money, id think she has that much. He doesnt seem ti care for the kids either. I think toc has longvterm contrat with her so has to keep cranking out these shows, which, if you notice, highlight her bitchiness more and more. Maybe they will stop when she finds one of the kids committed suicide cos they cldnt stand her another minute. Shes nuts! Get those kids away from her!

  9. Never watched the show, don't care.

  10. Those kids really hit the fucked-up parent lottery. Here's hoping they are able to overcome it and move far, far away from the cameras.

  11. Why would anyone want to watch her? She's not likeable but she's not a fun to hate kind of bitch. Just an unlikable bitch.

  12. I certainly don't have the hatred for this woman Enty does (in fact, I think she looks really good here,) but stop blaming all the crap-ass parenting on her. The kids' father is just as much to blame for exploiting those kids. You know damn well he's getting paid off for signing the permission slip.

  13. I don't watch Kate but I don't blame her for doing the show. She's a single mom to 8 children. Filming reality shows let's her be with them while making money. If she had a regular job she'd spend as much on childcare as she earned.

    1. Scarlet- if you have never seen the show, you havent seen the hundreds of just plain, hurtful and vindictive things she does to her CHILDREN!!!!! She is a nurse; she cld get a job tomorrow. Believe me when i tell you she is a famewhore, she doesnt do it for her children, who she treats like crap, she does it for herself.

  14. jon couldn't make the child support payments years ago, so in order to amend his payments he terminated all rights to the kids where filming is concerned.. kate has all rights to film and make $$ anytime she wants and jon gets nada. he had his rights terminated by the courts.

  15. When's karma coming for this horrible mother? It's a toss up whether she or PMK is the worst mother in America.

  16. Does anyone actually watch this shit? I mean I thought that's why she got cancelled last time. Because nobody was watching it. So how has she suddenly gotten more interesting? You've got to be some kind of narcissist to think the whole world cares about what you do.

  17. I LOVE watching this bitch on wheels in action!
