Wednesday, August 06, 2014

James Corden Replacing Craig Ferguson

The Late Late Show has a new host and once again the producers went to Europe to find a host. In kind of a big deal, James Corden has been hired. In a bigger deal I heard that his bff David Beckham will be a week long guest the first week. Kind of like when Justin Timberlake was on Jimmy Fallon for a week. In 2012 Corden won a Tony Award so he can act and sing. He also knows how to make really bad movies and some really great television like Gavin & Stacey which he created and wrote. This guy is really good and he is going to eventually pass NBC's Late Night and will be there if Stephen Colbert bombs.


  1. I loved him in Gavin & Stacey :)

  2. Have never heard of him. May turn out to be wonderful. Mazel to him.

  3. Colbert will not bomb.

  4. Brilliant choice. Saw him in One man Two guv'ners. Sooo funny and he has good singing voice too

  5. He doesn't look familiar to me, but reading his IMDB profile, I realize I just saw him in Begin Again. He didn't make a huge impression on me.

  6. Don't know if him, and I still haven't seen Stephen Colbert in anything.
    Unless they're on Dance Moms, Wendy Williams or AGT, I prob won't see for a while.

    OT. I caught a Jake Olsen(???) on a show called "Chelsea Lately" (lol) and
    Holy todd Criss__! Where has he been all my life? Too bad I was a dollar short and a day late to his potent conception.

  7. What about Ned & Stacey? Nothing to do with that?

    Wrong century? My bad.

    I did see him on Doctor Who and evidently heard his voice while I was playing Fable II.

    I have no opinion on him.

    So... I basically just came here to bring up Ned & Stacey.

  8. Oh he will be great. Haven't seen a lot of his stuff but he is very funny & witty.
    Loved his guest spots on Doctor Who back a few years with Matt Smith's run.

  9. Okay!! Someone new!! Just hope he doesnt have english accent, that can get on your nerves after a while, but since its european and becks, he prob does. There arent any americans who need work?, lol

  10. What Licky? Who doesn't love a British accent? Total panty droppers!

    1. Sherry i confess im not a huge fan of the accent. Prob comes from watching so many pbs shows where i never know wth they are saying, lol

  11. That's Stormageddon's daddy!

  12. He was on Gavin & Stacy not Ned & Stacy. It was an English TV show he wrote with Vanessa Shanessa Jenkins aka Ruth Jones. He's amazing

  13. You know what late nite needs and it doesn't have? White men.

    Thank goodness someone is going to bring some long needed gender and racial diversity to our tvs.

  14. Pssst... secret... I was making a joke. It's correctly attributed in the actual post. Calm down.

    1. PSSST - LOVED Ned & Stacy - it was the first thing I thought of too ;)

    2. Ah, I didn't get that. No offence meant Disco!

  15. and he was AMAZING in Doctor Who! I always thought he'd have been a great companion...he and the Doctor had such a awesome comedic relationship. :)

  16. Disco, I remember Ned and Stacy.

  17. now this is interesting.....

  18. Here's what I love about this: Craig Ferguson is a massive, massive Doctor Who fanboy. I mean, *M*A*S*S*I*V*E*.

    James Corden is also a massive, massive, *M*A*S*S*I*V*E* Doctor Who fanboy. The reason he did his two Doctor Who guest shots was because he loves the show so much, he basically begged showrunner Steven Moffatt to have him on the show.

    So, apparently, the CBS 12:35 time slot is reserved for Doctor Who geeks!

  19. By the way, Enty, honestly... You'll let us use links, Italics and boldface type in our comments, but not underlines??? I mean, I can see disallowing font face or color changes, and of course the "BLINK" tag is an abomination in the sight of God and Man, but is there something offensive about UNDERLINES?????

  20. I know there are people on this site who know who these British people are but most Americans don't know this person. He will just be another guy who tells jokes in a funny accent that nobody can understand. WHY? Why not try a Black man or woman or a woman of any race. Why another White man? It shows a lack of imagination, or maybe just a lack of balls.

  21. Why is Craig leaving?

  22. And having Beckham on for a week won't help ratings. This is not a futbol country.

  23. I again nominate @JAS for the best use of HTML tags in an Internet Blog Comment section. Bravo, well done sir! If I only had the time and patience...

  24. You know what this site needs? More people whining about there not being enough diversity on TV. Oh thank goodness we've got people on the case!

  25. @auntliddy
    He's from a lower middle class background and has what we Brits call a 'Home Counties' accent. Not something you'd hear in a BBC costume drama (I'm assuming that it's the 'posh' accent that you find irritating?).

    1. Yoj, its later in the day and now i feel kknd of bad i said anthing about the accent. And yes, the accents on some of the materpiece theatre are hard to follow, as are some of the english references, but these shows were originally made for english tv. Hope i did not offend you or anyone else, such was not my intention. :)

  26. Omgomgomgomgomg a whole week of David Beckham????? Dying!!!! Thank you Enty, I didn't hear that anywhere else and I'm soioooo excited!!! I didn't even know they are bffs so now I automatically love him :D

  27. Ferguson's show is tired and lacks the youthful demographic pulling gimmicks of Fallen. He rambles too much and silliness gets tiresome on all American chat shows. At least on Graham Norton its a more entertaining type of silliness. I'd rather have Ferguson fill time with more guests or more time with guests. Perhaps guests talking about something rather than nothing or their standard press tour stories.

  28. @auntliddy
    Of course you didn't offend! I sincerely apologize if that's the impression I gave.
    I clearly worded it poorly, but was trying to reassure you that Corden's accent is fairly bland and easy to follow.
    I myself struggle with the accent of some of America's Southern States.
