Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Jackie Chan's Son Busted For Drugs In China

If you want to do drugs kids, I would suggest China is probably not your best option. Jackie Chan's son Jaycee which is also probably the name of a Duggar was arrested in China and charged with possession of about a quarter pound of pot and also for providing a place where drug users can use drugs. There have been a ton of people executed for drugs in China and I don't think they do the whole rehab in exchange for no sentence thing either, but I somehow doubt that Jaycee Chan will spend a day in jail. The government says he faces three years in jail and a lifetime ban from performing in any Chinese movies or television shows which is how he currently makes his living. I wonder how much money will pass before this is all hushed up as some kind of misunderstanding while his lesser known actor friend also arrested gets the maximum sentence. 


  1. Replies
    1. Great catch, you should be writing the articles.

  2. Holy cow, he looks just like Jackie.

    Having kids is a crap shoot. You never know what you're gonna get.

  3. The Chinese government owns Jackie Chan completely. If this bust was allowed to happen, it is because he was contemplating something they disapproved of and they wanted to rein him in.

    1. Very interesting. Very interesting indeed. *strokes nonexistent beard in contemplation*

      No! Not that beard, geez folks.

    2. i agree.. very ray donovan's daughter getting arrested for pot to force ray's cooperation..

  4. The Chinese...They're Just Like Us.

  5. I hate how most of our world punishes people for using/selling cannabis, but it is totally acceptable to drink alcohol and smoke tobacco. SO FUCKED UP!!!

    1. Ikr? Angel. A stoner may annoy u by laughing and buying all the mallomars, but a drunk is gonna get behind the wheel and kill you. Or throw up on at very least. Drunk dudes can be disgusting.

  6. Enty's right. The Chinese authorities will let this pass because Jackie Chan has become their mouthpiece in Hong Kong.

  7. Idk, mb jackie will come down hard on his son. We dont know.

  8. This is a way for the government to turn the screws on Jackie. They want more money or more time or more something, and they'll get it

  9. Jaycee = JC= Jackie Chan. Mr. Chan named his son after himself in a clever way.

  10. Actually driving stoned is considered DUI, you are not supposed to be under the influence of ANY drug that might impair your judgment - I don't know the stats compare though on accidents caused by stoned vs drunk drivers and stoned and drunk which must happen a lot too.

    1. I think it definitely a problem - stoned driving. But anecdotally speaking, stoners probably drive more slow and are all paranoid. Texting and driving is worse than the two.

    2. Fear and tina-plus by the time stoners decide to get in car, and then where they want to go, and looking at the sky before they get in car, they either forget about or fall asleep on way to car. Unless its a food run, then u gotta keep it together, lol.
      I kid, dwu is a huge serious problem. Dont do it, dont let anyone else do it.

  11. Haven't seen a Jackie Chan movie in decades, but he did a great service to the planet by making it unfashionable in China to drink shark fin soup. He may have saved a species. Has also spoken out about traditional Chinese remedies like rhino horn and tiger bone oil. He'll always have my respect.

  12. Enty, I believe you're thinking of Jaycee Dugard, who is someone completely different from a Duggard. Google is your friend.

  13. @auntliddy
    Are mallomars made of chocolate? If so, I wouldn't exactly call that harmless behavior.

    1. Lol, yoj, i thought everyone was into mallowmars. Its a graham cracker base, with marshmallow filling the size of a large marshmallow, and over this is poured dark chocolate. So actually youre right, it is pretty serious, lol

  14. all that for weed? damn that some bullshit!

  15. oh SNAP lemurskank !

  16. After the whole Opium Wars with England, I can understand why China is particularly wary of drug use. I agree that a Icon like Jackie Chan is likely being manipulated by the government in China to do something or not do something. I wonder how this will play out.

  17. Surprised this leaked and hadn't been suppressed already. That might be bad news for Jaycee if govt wants to make example of him.

  18. @auntliddy
    We have something similar in UK, they're called Tea Cakes (don't ask me why) and you're right, that is exactly the type of thing people crave when they're high. Not that I would know anything about that, of course.

  19. I think we have a similar biscuit called a chocolate royal.

  20. auntiddy those are also known (around here anyway) as moon pies or pinwheels. Just got a box of pinwheels last week. Not just for stoners either ;)

  21. Is that their strap line?

    Pinwheels: not just for stoners!
