Four For Friday - Traditional
It is Friday, and I don't know about you but I'm counting down the days until Labor Day weekend. I think there should be an extra three day weekend in the summer. Canada has one this past Monday so they have one almost every month in the summer and with vacation time so limited in the workplace, I think that it would be great to have something like that in the summer. I bet if we moved Columbus Day or President's Day to the summer people would be a lot more willing to take advantage of the day. Anyway, I will be here all weekend blogging away and if you would like to follow me on Twitter, I am @entylawyer
#1 - This former B list mostly movie actress with the very unique voice and one great role who rarely acts any longer despite some pretty high name recognition has been sleeping with a married politician who is huge on family values. As soon as he wins reelection this fall, he is going to split with his wife. At least that is what he tells our actress.
#2 - This B list mostly movie actress is being played by her female B list mostly movie actress lover who she thinks is being faithful. That word is not in the lover's dictionary and has been seeing a male producer in order to land a role in a Marvel flick.
#3 - This almost A+ list mostly movie actor tried to have sex with this former B+ list movie/television actress who has had some serious issues in the past year. They were co-stars on a movie and she finally agreed to go out with him and they ended up in her hotel room where he passed out drunk and didn't wake up for almost 24 hours.
#4 - This B list actress is getting married to an A list athlete. She really wants to adopt a child. He thinks it is because she cares about children, but she told her friends she wants to be able to get child support if they divorce since the pre-nup is so strict.