Friday, August 29, 2014

Four For Friday - The Au Pair

It is the beginning of a three day weekend and I'm pretty sure I might melt before it is over. I hope everyone enjoys the weekend and the last big holiday until Thanksgiving, at least in the US. That is a looong time to go without a day off. I will be here all weekend blogging away and hope you can stop by. If you would like to follow me on Twitter, I am @entylawyer

This A list director has not been in this spot for quite some time. Not that he has not done things to get here, but he is such a tool that I would get bored writing about him all the time. What brings him back to this space though is something that goes above and beyond. Apparently our director has a thing lately for college students. Not LA college students, but foreign ones. Because he is too lazy to actually go to a foreign country, he figured out a way to bring them to him. One of his assistants is married and has kids. He had the assistant sign up for an au pair service ostensibly for a woman to come watch his kids. In reality our director searches through the profiles and contacts the ones he finds interesting and if they meet his criteria which usually means willing to do anything no questions asked, his assistant hires them through the service and brings them over to LA. Instead of working for the assistant taking care of the kids, they end up living with the director for a few months until he gets tired of them and sends them home. Our director actually got busted doing this once with a different company when the au pair complained. Apparently our director wanted even more than the au pair was willing to do despite the "salary" the director pays them each month. The service barred the director from using them, but he just found another service to use.


  1. Or Brett Ratner.

  2. Bret Ratner for no reason except he's supposed to be a dick.

  3. Too complicated even for Bay!

  4. Lol the girl complained bc for $50,000 per month she thought she was only expected to cook and clean?

    1. Kat, nannies employed by the rich and/or famous get a meagre salary for what's expected (not including sex). They also have the best scoops/inside stories. You'd think they'd be treated better. I have some stories (when I was a student) but no one outside australia would know who I would be tattling on. Never heard of anyone getting $50,000. And I bet they'd take advantage of overseas students trying to pay for their education.

  5. @Dena, that's exactly why I guessed him!

    1. Then it must be a good guess : )

  6. robert rodriquez?

  7. Brett travels a lot though..on exotic shoots and he's a duck big time..but bay-also an epic duck and masogynist, very leaves Miami where he lives)ugh, or LA on shoots..hence the "lazy" part I think

    1. Yeah let's go duck hunting! ! If it flies it dies!!

  8. I thought Michael Bay, but Ratner and Terrentino work too.
    actually this sounds like a crime to me.

  9. @Tricia- epic duck- awesome.

  10. I have an android...all I can offer as explanation...
    Android= DEVOID of typing skills:(

    1. duck duck duck! That was awesome {gave me the friday-giggles}

  11. LOL, I hate ducks

  12. Ewww, what a jerk. Im so sick of women getting victimized. Hope he gets his.

  13. Cameron Rattner and Bay are all good guesses. I would bet it is one of them but I think Cameron would be A++ and Even Bay would be A+ for success if not talent. Rattner makes the best choice. I remember what he said about Olivia Munn. Came across as a total ass

  14. @Tricia S
    I wish you hadn't corrected yourself.

    My vote goes to Brett Ratner. I can't see Michael Bay being interested in a woman with a college education.

  15. What's the big deal? The whores are whoring themselves of their own volition. It aint like they are coming here and having their documents taken and being put on the streets to earn. "Listen honey, you wanna spend all day chasing rugrats or would you rather get paid $X to fuck me a couple times a day?" and they all hope to be the one he keeps, so they fuck him and take the money.

  16. Why are guys like this so stupid? Why waste your time and money paying some unsuspecting girl to come over from Europe who thinks she is going to be an au pair girl because this idiot is lucky one of these girls doesn't call the cops or their embassy or has a powerful daddy who can make your life miserable and just hire some whores who can pretend to be college students for as long as you are willing to pay. I'd be calling the cops and then going home. God esp if it was Ratner. Ew.

  17. Oh I just noticed one of these girls did complain.

    How unfortunate that service did not report this jerk to the police because they could get sued if something bad goes down.

  18. Fincher has a daughter and he cared enough about her to take custody of her as a baby since the baby mama had drug issues so I hope it is not him.

  19. Yep he's a duck dick !

  20. ^ sorry. I'll get my hat !

  21. Probably will be seen in his background check, which is why he got his assistant to join. Wanker

  22. Awwwwriighty ya'all
    Duck off !!!

  23. @Tricia, before you corrected my imagination was running wild on what possibly a duck could be.

  24. @seven....thank you for sharing ....!that is GENIUS in ithe most sophomoric, unintentionally funny way.

    She is, certifiably self important ,and he has a prawn like penis.

    I believe both these things to be true...

  25. @ all lace...let your imagination ruck aduck..I mean...amuck!!

  26. Tarantino's always going to Cannes, and while it could be Ratner, I'm going with Bay.

  27. Cameron, because DUH.

  28. Cameron, because DUH.

  29. Au Pair means baby sitter/nurse maid NOT a prostitute. This is called sex trafficking and the directors assistant could be charged as an accessory to sex trafficking very easily since the assistant is the actual facilitator to the crime. This is a sickening story. No one knows once the girl gets here if these predators take her ID and passport or if the sex is consensual, do they? The first agency should have called the FBI and turned these two in and now they may be liable as well.

  30. Big Time Ducks. LOL
