Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Don Pardo Has Died

Don Pardo, who introduced television viewers to some of America’s biggest stars and soon-to-be-stars as the longtime announcer for “Saturday Night Live,” died Monday in Tucson. He was 96.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. What a career….RIP

  3. A long life and a brilliant career in his field. RIP Don.

  4. RIP. Damn, that's a long life.

  5. he also had a good run.

  6. That's a bummer for us, but it sounds like he had a hell of a life. Rest easy, sir.

  7. SNL intro won't ever be the same again. It dawned on me, I heard his voice almost every Saturday night throughout my life. Just going to be weird watching SNL now and not hearing Pardo's voice during the beginning credits.


    1. +1 me too. I used to stay up late on Saturday nights and go back into the living room to watch snl.. sad faces today. Rip buddy.

  8. SNL will still suck. So, yes, it will be the same.

  9. How many people can still be cool at 96 - RIP.

  10. RIP. I was considering hiring him to read all of Count Jerkula's posts for an album. Now Bill Clinton will have to do. The money raised will go to a charitable cause of course.

  11. It is always sad when we lose the people we are familiar with. Life goes on but its never quite the same.

    Goodbye, Don Pardo.

  12. Good Bye Don Pardo. RIP.

  13. And he worked right up until the end! That's what I want to do, even though my work isn't *quite* as fun or glamorous as his.

    LOL @Haywood!!

  14. Anonymous8:25 AM

    didnt realize the impact him and don lafontaine had on the industry. its not until these guys die that u realize that their voices were EVERYWHERE. you dont recognize their name OR face but as soon as u hear those voices u are shocked that this nameless faceless guy has been around you for quite some time.

    RIP Mr. Pardo

  15. RIP. What a great career. His voice was his money -instantly recognizable and always able to deliver. Hecould do more with his voice alone than most actors could with their entire body.

    He's the effing Gold Standard IMHO.

    RIP. Hope he and the 105 Licia Albanese are sharing a toast with the angel choir. Two great voices gone in one week.

  16. I had just this weekend listened to the Essential Weird Al to cheer myself after Robin Williams' passing, heard Pardo on "I Lost on Jeopardy" and smiled broadly. Voice from my childhood (yes, my parents let me watch SNL pre-10-years-old).

    Dammit. I mean, 96 is a good long life, but dammit.

  17. @Haywood Jablomee
    You have your first customer here, sir!

  18. Anonymous9:06 PM

    Could all the cool old celebs quit fucking dying for a minute?! ...Meanwhile, boring old Olivia De Havilland is turning like 112.(JK)
