Monday, August 18, 2014

Dog The Bounty Hunter Says War Machine Beat Another Woman While On The Run

I feel like the headline contains a bunch of user names from some online game. War Machine and Dog. I miss the days when people had real names. Is it better to have a nickname that everyone knows or to be such a celebrity that you can get away with using just one name and people know who you are? I guess the one word because I feel like you have to be a bigger star to get the one name real name treatment than a nickname. Maybe The Rock would be an exception to that rule. The sad think in all of this is that Lindsay Lohan is probably a one namer because there are not that many celebrities with the name Lindsay. None of the Kardashians are a one namer. That is kind of encouraging. Anyway, Dog says that while War Machine was on the run from police after beating his girlfriend to an inch of her life that he beat another woman up almost as bad. That is probably going to bring a lot of attention to you when you are trying to avoid any. I'm really glad they caught the guy but the thing is I bet we are all disappointed in whatever sentence he gets. By the time the trial rolls around, it will have been out of the news, his girlfriend will look presentable and I wonder if he will even get jail time.


  1. in entys world it ALL comes back to Lindsay---I imagine he has a whole room dedicated to her with the walls plastered with her posters etc.

  2. Well that's quite a rambling stream of consciousness.

  3. Steriod rage, needs to be locked up in gen pop. Without the steriods he will become the cellblock bitch in no time.

  4. Shelly thats a good guess-roid rage. How else do u explain it?

  5. Wtf. Lindsay doesn't have fuck-all to do with this mess. :/

    Yeah, this "man" can stay locked up forever. Chickenshit.

  6. This is high school journalist Enty with the long rambling muses on stupid stuff. What's the point again? Is there any proof this guy beat up someone else?

  7. "[H]is girlfriend will look presentable" !!
    First of all: Presentable?!
    Secondly, If there's space to name-check Lindsay Lohan, The Rock *and* the Kardashians, then you can certainly call Christy Mack by her name.

    1. Amen Yoj. In all of his/her verbose verbal meandering, Enty forgot to name the victim. This is a bizarre post.

  8. What in the rambling fuck? She'll look 'presentable' ? I'm certain Christy Mack will have a better lawyer than whomever is writing this shit and will actual present a case. Don't be dense.

  9. Aha @Sherry I was thinking the same thing.

    PS Entern, the sentence/verdict has nothing to do with what the victim looks like. Judges don't sentence based on gossip sites! ("it will have been out of the news, his girlfriend will look presentable and I wonder if he will even get jail time")

    This was written by someone who has nothing to do with the legal field from near or far.

  10. @Derek-LMFAO (fuck man, I can't even spell today's acronyms right! Is that right?? smh) I said the same damn thing about Enty's Lindsay obsession when I started here some two years's stilllll going!

  11. Yep after a few days in Gen Pop, being beaten & raped, he will be giving interviews crying about how sorry he is.

  12. I have learned to skip down to the part where it says "Anyway,...." in all these rambling posts. Too much childish garbage in the beginning.

  13. This is War Machine's third strike.

  14. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad the FBI got this piece of shit, but I wish Dog and Beth would have got to him first.

  15. Dog vs war machine, duel of the stupid names.

    I hope this asshole gets wiped out by his porn addict roommates in jail.

  16. Anonymous1:59 PM

    Yeah, ok, "Dog" says. Dog's a lying punk. It was the woman who tipped police off and called 911 who said it. She saw him pull a woman by the hair & that's why she called. Don't give that douchebag Dog any credit for something a brave civilian did.

  17. Dog's barely involved in this shit at all.

    That being said, fuck Warmachine. That dude's an asshole. In no way are his problems due to steroid rage.

    He's just a fuckhead - he's gotten into tons of street fights with civilians and he's a fucking nimrod who's roughed up females in the gym. Bad reputation and deservedly so.

  18. Enty's "presentable" probably means her wounds will be healed by then, no longer looking bruised and swollen.

  19. I didn't read Enty's diatribe. Just agreeing with everyone that this "man" is a POS and I hope he gets what he has given once he's incarcerated.

  20. I find calling them Jonathan and Duane in a semi-mocking tone to be quite amusing. Hard to be frightened when giggling...
