Thursday, August 07, 2014

Did The New York Times Out James Franco? They Think So

In a New York Times article written last week the story says that James Franco is living with a close friend. I read the article and that line didn't out him, I don't think. There is another line in the article which says that and he and fellow actor Scott Haze are so close "that describing them merely as friends would be a disservice." Does that out him? Two separate New York Times reporters agree that the paper was subtle, but that it did out James Franco. For his part, James took to Instagram and said, yes, it is shocking he lives with a man. Scott Haze is someone that James works with frequently and directed him in the recent movie Child Of God. Here is the New York Times article. Read it and see what you think. Just because a guy lives with another guy and is friends doesn't mean they are gay. I'm not saying James wouldn't say try and hump a giraffe if you put it in front of him, but is living with someone of the same sex and a reporter writing about it, outing someone? I know lots of people in LA who have five or six roommates to make ends meet and they all work on projects together. Does this mean they are all sleeping together and I am missing out? Damn.


  1. Dont think it's outing them. But didn't the Times the other week actually out the new CEO of Apple? They have gotten really shoddy in their reporting the past decade.

  2. I would have read that article and wouldn't have given James' sexuality a second thought with those quotes. Not that I ever really think about his sexuality tbh. More that grim selfie he took. If I'm ever to think about him. Which I don't.

  3. I thought he was banging Lana Del Ray?

  4. James Franco is the ultimate troll.

    1. Hey Bee! Long time no see.

    2. Hi Sherry! Our kitties are now BFFs. It's so cold here! Hope you're enjoying the sunshine. :)

  5. Who cares…I for one can't stand Franco the Wonder Man…I think he's full of crap.

  6. Franco probably wanted them to imply something to be provocative and edgy.

  7. Good! Get that jerk out of the straight pool. We already have enough sickos and freaks.

  8. It's ....suggestive absolutely., and I do not think he is straight or he stayed in article"artistically I like to explore set boundaries and go from there" ( or something like that.I believe his sexuality to be no different.
    Not newsworthy....aside from Milk he is adding ll these homoerotic shorts and gay themed projects, so he's hardly concealing much anymore if he is.. I am impressed with his body of work, and intelligence I must say

  9. This reminds me of that Seinfeld where the reporter outs Jerry and George - "not that there's anything wrong with that"!

    I've found most of life's quandries can be interpreted through the lens of Seinfeld. That's all I got on this. Plus I think Franco's a poser who's full of crap and makes me roll my eyes a lot.

  10. Hasn't he already talked about being with both men and women? This doesn't seem newsworthy or surprising at all.

  11. I doubt Franco cares beyond it cutting into his partner potenrial. No doubt, he thinks his youngsties don't read Th New York Times.

  12. Franco is that artsy boy in HS who likes to say "shocking" things in class to get everyone gossiping, he also thinks everything he does is genius art, even his shit.

  13. Were Joey and Chandler gay? No, but they lived together and they were definitely more than just roommates.

    I like Franco. I like anyone that pisses people off just by turning up. (within reason, of course.)

    1. Its just u: best view of James.

  14. Wasn't he despised for hitting on an underage girl? That's some weird gayness.

  15. It makes me think of a People article about David Hyde Pierce a whole bunch of years back ; I'm pretty sure the whole point was to mention that he lived with a long time male friend. Not that it was surprising or shocking or even relevant, except that someone clearly felt it was important enough to write an article about it. I can't see James Franco's sexuality shocking ANYone

  16. James is probably bi. And if he were to live with a male lover it would BE ME DAMMIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  17. TTM, I was just going to mention David Hyde Pierce but for a different reason, that guy looks like David Hyde Pierce and Willem Dafoe had a child. Maybe Franco has fake Daddy issues?

    1. Hey Shockwave, I was just talking about you! I would not have guessed DHP but I can kinda see it, and especially the Willem Dafoe

  18. and Not too mention that guy with Franco is UGLY and what is with his hair? Is that a toupee on a shaved head?!

    1. @derek - now THIS is an angle I can get behind - let's talk about his hair! WTF is going on there? Googled more pictures of him, and I can surmise that:

      1. He is, in fact, quite ugly.
      2. Something's going on with the hair - and I like your theory, derek.
      3. He's either BFF's or luvahs or both with Franco. And I find myself completely apathetic about the entire situation. Except for speculation about the hair.

    2. I noticed the hair too. Very bad toupe at that.

  19. Wasn't the other guy on Frasier, the father, gay too?

    1. Do you mean John Mahoney? I've only heard that on here. But that probably happens more than you think. Theatre and all.

      Ot: John Mahoney was perfection in Say Anything

  20. @Frufa--lol---Franco is my main man so it makes me VERY BITTER that the guy is so ugly and alien looking

    1. @derek - while I do find Franco's "I'm so smart and multi-talented" schtick tiresome, I did think he was hawt in Spiderman, when he was all conflicted and stuff. I'll certify him as doable based on that performance :-).

  21. the guy looks like Crispin Glover actually

  22. To me, Franco just looks like someone who only brushes his teeth every few days and smokes and drinks a ton of coffee in-between. Ick.

  23. Whatever. They make a good looking couple.

  24. I'm straight and have a male roommate, and I'm damn sure not sleeping with him; sleeping with your roommates is generally a Bad Idea, and I'd personally extend that to sleeping w/your downstairs neighbor (BTDT). The phrase I've heard is "don't shit where you eat," referring to sleeping w/your roommate/one of your co-workers, and both sound like a good policy to me. Anyway, a lot of people have roommates, real estate prices being what they are, and I'm pretty sure the vast majority aren't hooking up w/said roommates.

    Oh, and as for Franco, I always assumed he was bi anyway, so as long as everyone's happy and a consenting adult, I don't care.

  25. Any woman who insulted Franco above, would fuck him in a second. Women love the things they claim to hate and hate the things they claim to love... they're fucking retarded.

  26. I wouldn't touch him with your cocktail frank Jordan. Speak for yourself.

  27. TTM, you know my cold, Cybertronian spark does burn for you for endless cycles. You are on of the few that shall survive the eventual purge of humanity and shall be spared from the rendering pits of the maws of Trypticon.

    Frufa, as a longtime Spider-Man fan, I found his portrayal of Harry Osborn pathetic. Yes, Harry always doubted himself because of not feeling he lived up to his father's expectations, he was also strong enough to take on Spider-Man more effectively than his father. True, this had more to do with Peter not wanting to hurt his best friend, Harry was calculating enough (and evil enough) to use his own wife and son as pawns to get revenge on Peter from even beyond the grave (before he got better and came back to life after One More Day).

    True, this could be because of the script but his heel/face turn was too sudden for it to mean anything. Had he been the REAL Goblin during the second movie or early in the third film his saving Peter from Venom would've mattered, as it was, he was just a rich kid throwing a hissy fit.

  28. @Shockwave - I appreciate your expert analysis. Truly. I certainly didn't think about any of that - I just gave it a very basic viewing, and thought to myself, "that guy's got sad puppy dog eyes and is torn between his dad and his friend. That's the kind of guy a 16-year old Frufra would have climbed like a tree".

  29. I happen to think he's bi, but I also think he's gross and an attention whore, so it doesn't really matter to me. I would, however, like to point out that the point being made about LOTS of people having roommates, making ends meet, etc., etc., is stupid, since Franco (and presumably his creepy looking "friend") doesn't need extra bodies to pay the rent.

  30. nah he doesn't interest me

    don't even get why he is constantly discussed

  31. Funny, I read this article just last night in the NYT print version, and kinda wondered about it. But no, I think they're likely very good friends.

  32. On Frasier, the guy who played Bulldog, I think his name is Dan Butler, is openly gay. I believe John Mahoney is too, but I'm not sure if he is out.

  33. This reminds me of a famous story, that might not be literally true, but might as well be.
    Lou Reed was on tour in Europe in his early days as a solo artist and a reporter asked one of his roadies, "Is Lou really Bi-?"
    The roadie replied,
    "Bi-?!?! The fucker's QUAD!"

  34. Some successful people in a Hollywood let their friends live with them. Otherwise it's lonely in their big house. Roommates doesn't equal lovers.

  35. True. Also, many Hollywood types are away for months on end and let their friends stay rather than have the house empty or rented out to strangers.

    On Lou Reed, someone asked him if he thought everyone was bi, and he said no, because you can't fake being gay.

  36. Didn't enty say that he is a satanist too?

  37. My best friend and I were thick as thieves all thru elementary, jr hi and hs and for a few years after. We ate together, talked on phone all the time, went clubbing together, slept at each others houses for days at a time. Always always together. Never had one , not one gay or sexual moment, so yes, you can live with same sex and not be gay. Good friends are as rare as diamonds, u keep them close. This girl and I are still friends, altho separated geographically.

  38. I love James Franco. I think the fact he's always smiling pisses people off.

  39. James Franco makes my skin crawl. And I was really into him, at first. S goid, and so yummy, in Milk and that TV movie where he played James Dean. But then he set free his true sleazeball megalomaniacal self. I've been thinking lately that he shares similar traits with Shia and Kanye. Good thing they haven't found each other... What a Think Tank that grouping would unleash on the world!

  40. @TalksTooMuch
    'Say Anything'!! I knew I liked you!

  41. Franco's already outed himself as a narcissist. Men, women, whatever, I doubt he's capable of a long-term relationship with anyone.

  42. @TalksTooMuch
    Hi! I'm usually on here long after everyone else has gone. It's the time difference, I think (I'm in the UK).

    I love 'Say Anything' so much. And I agree about John Mahoney's performance, he elevated the film into another league.

    1. It was just a bit grittier than most teen films around that time, and he really was great. Hi back!

  43. Thank you for your replies, TTM. I started posting this week (after reading for the last couple of years) and it's nice to feel part of the CDAN community.

    1. If you've been reading for a couple of years, you probably know most people, it can be a great community! Have so much fun.

  44. Thank you! You're right, it's a strange feeling to have people seem so familiar to you but you've never actually met!

  45. I think they're teasing him because of his cry-baby response to their theatre critic's, erm, criticism. Because they know he'll overreact. And he has.

  46. I read this article over the weekend and didn't give it a second thought (although I don't spend a whole lot of time thinking about James Franco). It was an interesting article, but why on earth would it seem like outing him?? He can't have an extremely close relationship with someone of the same sex without shagging him? That's like those people who think every woman is three drinks away from sleeping with her girlfriends. Who cares? Is he taking horrific selfies with this person and posting them to my social media feed? Nope. Okay, live and let live.

  47. ok, I agree prejudice is not tolerable. But. BUT. He’s an almost 40 year old movie actor, with no money problems. Why? Why share a house with a supposed friend? you’re not a 20 year old college guy who shares a house to save money neither a frat boy having fun with the fellas. I repeat: HE’S FUCKING 40 Y.O

  48. ok, I agree prejudice is not tolerable. But. BUT. He’s an almost 40 year old movie actor, with no money problems. Why? Why share a house with a supposed friend? you’re not a 20 year old college guy who shares a house to save money neither a frat boy having fun with the fellas. I repeat: HE’S FUCKING 40 Y.O
