Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Diandra Douglas Thinks The Rich And Famous Should Have Different Laws

Diandra Douglas gave an interview to a Spanish magazine. After she took the time to throw Catherine Zeta Jones under the bus for selling photos to make a buck and to stay in the headlines, Diandra, who used to be married to Michael Douglas then took aim at the judicial system in the United States. “It’s horrible that someone with money and famous parents should receive such tough punishment.” She was referring to her son Cameron Douglas, who is currently serving time behind bars for various drug related crimes. Apparently she has decided that if you are rich and have famous parents then your punishment should be lighter than those who come from less fortunate circumstances. Unfortunately, there is certainly a double standard when it comes to crime and punishment for the wealthy and less wealthy, but I think that comes more from being able to hire lawyers and spend a ton of money rather than depending on a very overworked public defender to keep you out of jail who has no resources and limited amounts of time to deal with your case when they are dealing with hundreds of others.

Here are the crimes Cameron has been convicted of.

1999- Found with cocaine in Manhattan and was arrested and charged with a misdemeanor possession of a controlled substance. The charge was dropped after he pleaded guilty to the lesser charge of disorderly conduct.

2007- Charged with felony possession of a controlled substance after police officers found a syringe with liquid cocaine in a car he was in.

2009 - Arrested by the Drug Enforcement Administration for possession of 0.5 pounds (0.23 kg) of methamphetamine. Due to the large amount of the drug seized, Douglas was charged with intent to distribute.The charge carries a minimum prison sentence of 10 years and a maximum of life.

2010- Douglas pleaded guilty to both conspiracy to distribute drugs and to heroin possession after his girlfriend had smuggled heroin hidden inside an electric toothbrush and passed it on to him while he was under house arrest.

On April 20, 2010, Douglas was sentenced to five years in prison for both possessing heroin and dealing large amounts of methamphetamine and cocaine out of a New York hotel room

In October 2011 Douglas pleaded guilty to possessing drugs in prison and was sentenced to an additional 4-1/2 years in prison for this charge.

January 2013-  Douglas was again found to have drugs in his system while in prison in Loretto, Pennsylvania. He failed a urinalysis and was sent to solitary confinement.

He is due to be released in 2018.


  1. He probably got less time than he should have and you should STFU asshole bitch.

  2. This bitch is delusional.

  3. Oh, please, bitch. Sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up, you entitled twat!

  4. What self absorbed delusional planet is she from - no wonder he divorced her.Throwing CZJ under the bus presumably because she and MD are making a better job of parenting than she and MD did with Cameron.Not to forget the MD wanted CZJ back after the separation last year.He did not chase after Diandra after their separation.Absolute sour grapes from her.She's bought three more kids with two other men - she should shut up and get on with raising them.

  5. I always said MD hid a lot of how bad Diandra was after the divorce. She was born into money and is pretty delusional, so I'm not totally surprised at how Cameron turned out.

  6. Sorry you raised a piece of shit kid lady. Now deal with the consequences.

  7. Goes to show where that entitled, elitist thinking can lead. Son in the joint for hard core drug offenses. All that privilege, and she couldn't be bothered to make sure her kid was raised with some morals. Yes, I'm judging without having a complete set of facts.

    I have a lifelong family friend who's doing time for murder - his parents screwed up in the same glorious fashion. Still making excuses for him, and he's closing in on 50! And it goes without saying, my friend should have pulled his shit together a LONG time ago, even if his parents were Atilla the Hun and Eva Braun. But he really still believes he's a special flower.

    1. Fru, at this point thats all he has. His life sucks. P

    2. @liddy - this family embodies that old chestnut, "denial is not just a river in Egypt". It's really something to see.

  8. Diandra is a dumbass twat. Your kid was finally sent to prison. Get over it.

  9. She is not the first minority member who wants the same. Sadly for her, hers is the last one who will get different treatment.

  10. People have gotten harsher sentences hun! She could be effective in arguing that non-violent drug offenders shouldn't be imprisoned period, or continue fighting against the use if solitary confinement. Instead, she loks like an uppity privileged turdlette.

    Lady...y'all already HAVE a different legal system....ya know, money for good attorneys and bail, when bribery and favoritism just won't cut it. Pick your battles wisely, you have many...

  11. Not to defend her, but i think she means BECAUSE they were famous and well known their son got harsher treatment. But from what i already knew and what enty wrote, the kids a class a junkie, prob wld fail drug test today. Reminds me of his uncle Eric Douglas, and prob gonna end up the same way. Isnt it interesting how the addiction manifests itself; for michael its sex, for cameron and Eric is was drugs. Idk about the other family members. But of course its true Diandra does not see her son for what he us: a junkie. And why is she getting all mouthy all of a sudden anyway?!

  12. Sign in just to say this....
    that is NOT what she is saying at all. whoever translated this for you gave you the wrong info. Here is the money quote (with translation. I'll try and be as literal as possible, so it will read awkward but accurate):
    "Es horrible que alguien por tener fortuna y unos padres famosos, reciba un castigo tan duro como no poder ver a su familia en dos años y haya estado meses y meses en una celda de castigo, en régimen de aislamiento absoluto. Es el encarcelamiento más largo por ese delito de la historia de los Estados Unidos. Es un dato que hemos estudiado; no es un comentario."
    "It's horrible that someone, because they have fortune and famous parents, receives a punishment as hard as not being able to see their family in two years, and has been months and months in a punishment cell, in a regiment of absolute isolation. It is the the longest lock-up for this violation in the history of the United States. It is a fact we have researched; it is not a commentary."

    Now, I don't know this woman from Eve, never heard of her before, and she does say some crazy things, like putting a drug addict in jail is like putting a diabetic in a cake shop. However, in this instance, the quote was mistranslated.

    1. Wow - thanks for the translation.

    2. Thanks for the translation. I agree that we need to rehabilitate rather than incarcerate. He has substance abuse issues and he's getting zero help. Also there are some who argue how harsh solitary is and the psychological damage it inflicts. While necessary it should be minimized in time served.

  13. Cheesy line but it's true - - don't do the crime if you can't do the time.

  14. JalVanJean, I assumed(&assumed everyone else here KNEW)it was a very poor translation just to& ENTY'stirrin' the waters' but I STILL don't get why it's here-she's been doing this forever-ie:attempt @reopening her divorce fr. MD/constant attacks on CZJ,et. al;her CRUEL comments @ CZJ & MD when they were really ill;I know no one in the States would ever bother interviewing her ever again so, I guess why this is from Spain;I reread this thread b/c I was going to say I hope this isn't going to be a new trend w/some of these recent"who cares" stuff cuz its getting Boooooring & they're losing me & others

  15. I figured with only 18 comments I might be the first voice of reason but Jean did it for me with that translation. This post is just a well done piece of editing since there is no way one can look at that pic and NOT think "uppity bitch" thus accepting the suspect quotation. She is probably just a mom...moving on.

  16. not a fan of hers but

    the translation was interesting

    watch folks how you can get twisted up by the way the media and press print their "facts"

    dude is an addict no doubt

    but what are the facts?

  17. I will add, Cameroon seems to know he's a junkie, so I don't see the need to put his shit on blast. He didn't give this interview, did he? Why you gotta turn your us into haters Enty? I wish them the best!!!!

  18. Cameron was originally sentenced 5 years for a mandatory 10 year sentence. Michael and Diandra wrote letters and had others write them as well. He fucked up with drugs again and got another 4 1/2 yrs tacked on to his sentence. He ratted people out and he was caught mailing the meth (federal). earlier this year he received a broken (arm or leg) can't remember, from an associate that he ratted out. He's been in solitary confinement for (ever) and MD has bitched about not being able to see him.

  19. Exactly raja! Straight up media manipulation. Ooof and those first 3 comments...all from lovely CDANers...but careful with that hate :) :)

  20. JeanValJean has a point. I live in Spain and haven't seen a mention of that interview anywhere in the local press. I could give a rat's behind for any of those people, but translations, especially of text dealing with opinions and emotions, can be easy to misunderstand. I'll look for the original and get back to y'all.

  21. Thanks for the translation! I was surprised that she wasn't making a broader case against incarcerating drug addicts and using solitary confinement...but she actually WAS ;)

  22. @Lee - it's in El Mundo

  23. However, what she is wrong about is that Cameron was harsher because of his fame. The only way I buy that line of argument is on grounds that celebs get solitary cells more often due to security risk. What she doesn't seem to grasp is that those are standard procedures for inmates that are security threats due to informing and due to smuggling/using drugs within prison. Cameron fit both bills.
    I hope her efforts bring more attention to these broader issues and wish everyone involved the best

  24. BTW, he was put in isolation for his own protection & his drug partner girlfriend who abetted him's request.she testified about him & thought he'd be in danger in the general populace w/all those he ratted on.lots more involved w/this punishment but he's well aware about how his folks are trying to see him

  25. @haydnhorse, thanks. My feeling is that the interview could have been a bit reconstructed. El Mundo is a major national paper here, but can be hysterical and contrarian and sometimes just plain misleading.They're famous for punking even major politicians. I don't doubt that Diandra is culturally clueless, but she makes some good points. Yes, it is absurd to put drug abusers in the open prison population (i.e. her comment about diabetics in a bakery). A junkie in that situation is probably going to relapse and get into trouble with dealing, informing, etc. Just say'n folks, triple check when the primary source is in another language.

  26. Because you raised your son to believe he was above the law and others is exactly why he is in prison.

  27. Too bad she wasn't a better mother, and now she has twins by a surrogate I hope they have a better fate…
    I remember her…in every fashion magazine and at every event…she loved being Mrs. Douglas and held on past the point of no return….when he met Catherine he finally sued for divorce …she cleaned up and Cameron got a very big trust fund…a lot of good it did him.
    And now Catherine isn't exactly doing well…

  28. I didn't realize he had in-prison offenses...wow.

  29. I have mutual friends of Cameron's and they all say he's a great guy who couldn't be nicer but has a really bad drug problem.

    The proper quote translation demonstrates that this is shitty clickbait reporting. Disappointing, but not surprising.

  30. Anonymous8:56 AM

    well, her point of view takes the responsibility off of her and michael. cause, ya know, its everybody elses fault that cameron had tons of opportunities that most kids dont have and he squandered them all (or most of them).

  31. I just want to say I generally agree that rich people have more resources and therefore generally fare better in court.

    But this little overworked public defender usually outlawyers those fancy pants private attorneys, so there.

    Had to put in my two cents.

  32. Im gonna own it, i used to watch alot of those soul crushing lockup shows on msnbc. They keep punishing the inmated for serious infractions- fighting, contraband, stabbing, -and finally they get to solitary. Now they are locked up 24/7, nothing to do, and they sliwly go nuts. So now they make things out of their feces, they throw urine at guards-but there is nothing else to punish them with! I dont know the answer, but you cant treat a human with complete disrespect and make him feel lower than a worm, and they get out of prision, no money, cant live in the old hood, cant get a job- and think poof! Hes gonna become a productive law abiding citizen. So while we seek to punish, we also have to be aware they are getting out and prepare them for that. Its ultimately to society's benefit.

  33. Maybe she and Michael both should of been better parents and their son won't of turned to a life of drug use and crime! Famous ppl need to worry more about their kids and less about their selfish ass selves!!!

  34. Kara: Keep fighting the good fight!

  35. So good parents never have kids who are drug addicts? Gimme a break.

  36. I dont understand the majority of posters thinking only shitty persons raise shitty kids, my paents fought day and night, dad was wild, my mom has 4 kids with 3 different men we were poor and ALL the kids turned out well. i am a doc my sis a broker my bro an engineer and my other sis manages a hotel... when all is said and done i dont hink prison helps drug addicts, i think they need to build special facilities for this new generation of addicts

  37. btw i know persons who end up in prison for stuff you would never believe "REAL DECENT PEOPLE" who had stay at home moms who went to every pta

  38. Reading the post all I could think is that she had to be misquoted. Seems she wss. Her son, unfortunately deserves what he got. He had some major problems. She needs to quit enabling him. She needs a reality check as well. It doesn't sound like she is even looking at the fact he has a drug problem. I don't think you can say they were bad parents. Cameron is the only one responsible for his behavior.

  39. Think of all the damage that poor man's anus has taken to get drugs in prison. I bet it is so stretched out he got mudflaps.

  40. Anonymous11:32 AM


    Really, ya think?

    he's no brad pitt. he doesnt have delicate feature that would lure a "manly man" in his direction. just because they are prisoners doesnt mean they dont have standards.

    its not enough to be a man. you must be a pretty man.

  41. It has to be terrible to see your child in prison. I do think that putting people in jail for drug offenses with those who have committed violent crimes isn't going to help those with drug issues. I find it ironic that you can commit rape or murder and get less time than if you are in prison for drugs. Something is wrong with that.

  42. Drugs are a social problem, not a legal one. Cameron shouldn't be in jail, but not because his idiot mother thinks he shouldn't.

  43. He got HALF of the minimal sentence, so WTF is she whining about?

  44. If there was a legitimate complaint that she could bring forward it would be how her junkie kid was able to get heroin in prison and why, when he was caught for it, he was punished for what was a failure of the correctional system.

  45. Anonymous9:56 PM

    Ugh, people like her, man! No wonder that kid is so messed up. We can only hope her maid serves her homemade chocolate pies frequently and with that certain extra special ingredient a la "The Help".

  46. Anonymous10:48 PM

    jacq are u in america? asking cause u post late. thinking maybe u are in another time zone/hemisphere.

  47. What Diandra is too stupid to realize... is that the only thing keeping her precious turd of a son that she failed so miserably at raising has a 500k trust fund and within a month of being released from prison he will violate his parole and OD before going back to prison. He's only alive now because he's behind bars, her precious cunt of son is obviously still a drug addict. She's literally too dumb for words.
