Tuesday, August 19, 2014

David Letterman Remembers Robin Williams

Last week David Letterman was on vacation so last night was the first time he addressed the passing of Robin Williams. David Letterman had the pleasure of watching the first comedy set that Robin ever did in LA and their friendship lasted for decades.


  1. I have not really been able to read/watch tributes to RW. It is just too damn depressing for me.

    This death was like a kick in the gut.

  2. I love Robin Williams, but 10.29 minutes of David Letterman reminiscing is not Tuesday worthy.

    This article about the house that laughter built is, though.

  3. I dont like letterman, but this beautifully and elegantly done.

  4. Seven of Eleven, for the amount of time you spend posting, I highly doubt you cannot spare 10 minutes and 29 seconds to view a video. Did you just try to "big time" a gossip blog?

    1. And a happy good morning to you as well. Are you always such a ray of sunshine?

    2. I'd say I spend a rather large amount of my time being pessimistic and angry (not to be confused with sad). I find it leads me to be usually both accurate and never let down. Good Morning, by the way. Seven said something about my mother a few weeks ago... I just cannot let it go.

    3. I said "Say hi to your mother."

      Don't equate misogyny with accuracy. They are not the same.

    4. The mother thing was a joke... it was an attempt to come across pathetic. Evidently, difficult to recognize for your sort.

      I don't dislike women. If I didn't like women, I wouldn't complain. I don't have much respect for women; but even that is ridiculous for me to say. I know quite a few women who are much smarter than myself... they're rare though. I find the majority of women, however, to be obnoxious, petty, and dumb. There's no dislike or hate though; I just want to throw some mud back at women for throwing mud at us for decades. This "fairer sex" bullshit, and "all men are dogs" crap is ridiculous. Perhaps it's men's fault, maybe years and years of men being afraid that women will stop sleeping with us, has caused too many of us to allow women to exist in their own fantasy worlds... or maybe most of us just don't care. I just wanted to make it all man's fault somehow, am I right ladies?! haha

    5. Since I am neither obnoxious, petty, nor dumb, you're right - I'm not the "sort" to get that joke.

      I happen to like men a lot. But people (male and female, hello WD40) who think their job is to insult women in general based on gender and perceived "feminine wiles", and call reader photos a bunch of fat, ugly housewives, well, if you fly the jerk flag, own it.

      And you can't say there's no hate or dislike when you call women a bunch of sluts infesting your bars and how you (attempting to speak for men in general, I suppose) say you've "allowed women to exist in their own fantasy worlds", and say you don't have much respect for women, and how it's rare to find a woman smarter than you - it's probably not a "fantasy" to say women probably don't have much respect for you, either. That's the specific you, not men in general.

      You and that pickup artist guy would get along fantastically, and thank goodness you don't represent most men.

    6. Seven, that was the single most eloquent and masterfully written reply such an abhorrent and sexist delinquent could deserve. I was merely going to say that someone is very bitter he didn't get laid in high school, but that was just my pesky vagina making me petty *starts dancing like Elaine*

    7. @Jewell thang :D

      (LOL @ "pesky vagina"!)

    8. Jewell, I love the "he must not get laid comment", it's rooted in you having nothing to leverage against me. Actually, I'm not sure if it's evolutionary but women have been trying to leverage sex for years. Some even pretending (lying) that they don't like it themselves, and it's their gift to men. Believe it or not, I actually believe these things about women, it's an observation with emotion removed. As far as getting laid goes, I'd assume I fall somewhere in the middle. I do ok. Not many of you are "hold'n out" these days... we're all getting laid, let's not kid ourselves. I hope that comment helps you quiet any other future males who are attempting to be honest with you, however. My response to your comment can best be summarized in my comment above "Perhaps it's men's fault, maybe years and years of men being afraid that women will stop sleeping with us," Stop threatening us, you cannot back it up. Good luck, no hard feelings (notta one).

      Seven, not much to respond too, you attempted to belittle a man who clearly doesn't exaggerate his status or character. It didn't work. As far as the pictures go, look at what this website is built for? You do realize where you are, right? It hurts having people insult you, doesn't it? For whatever it's worth, I never looked at any of your pictures, I only commented.

  5. Really sweet video tribute David. . At least Robin went out on his own terms knowing he did not want to end up like Christopher Reeves or Ali.

  6. He was a great talent and I'm still having a hard time to accept the fact that's he's no longer on this earth. Hopefully now he's at peace

  7. Well done Dave! Love the Mork & Mindy clip.

  8. To me 10min plus tribute went by like it was 1 minute. He was so darn funny and kind.

  9. @Seven of Eleven
    Thank you that link.
    I loved seeing (what I hope were) *his* books and chess set.
    An effective reminder that whatever he may have meant to us as a performer, the man himself, his life, is not ours to mourn. Those memories belong to his family.

  10. Watched.
    Don't really watch Letterman but you can see in his face how deeply he's feeling the loss of Robin as he wrapped it all up.

  11. That was really a lovely tribute.

  12. "An effective reminder that whatever he may have meant to us as a performer, the man himself, his life, is not ours to mourn."

    I disagree. It's always a tragedy when the world loses someone who is so genuinely one of the good guys, who gives of himself the way Robin did, and is so obviously kindhearted and compassionate. That he was all of these things and yet grappled with so much internal pain, is something millions are mourning for his sake. He deserved a happy life.

  13. Anonymous11:31 AM

    Gawd that was super sweet. dave tells a good story (embellishment is key).

    how absolutely EPIC is that pic?!?!?

  14. @Unknown
    I didn't mean to suggest that it is wrong for us to mourn a good, generous, empathetic man.
    What I object to is the media picking over the details of his most private emotional life in an effort to provide the public with easy answers. Doing so is hurtful to his family.
    Whatever our feelings, they are dwarfed by the grief of his loved ones.

  15. There is never an easy answer when you are discussing clinical depression. It just is. Someties there is just no real source for it.

    The fact that someone of his caliber and his accomplishments could do soething like this and be struggling the way he was was a shock to millions, and if anything, it gave people a much better awareness of how widespread depression is and how much more serious and complicated it is than just "having a bad day." That is one valuable thing that comes from public discussions of his affliction.

    As far as marital issues, financial issues, that kind of stuff, I agree with you on that.

  16. @Unknown
    That was very well said.
    I, too, battle clinical depression so please believe that this is not a subject I treat lightly.

  17. @ Jordan - different Unknown than the person who posted above.

    A friend of mine has a great saying when I'm caught up in something and cannot see the forest for the trees...

    "This is your shit. Not mine. Deal with it and shut the fuck up."

  18. I watched it last nite and I think Dave kept his composure very well. Beings that Dave is not the most happiest go luckiest guy on the planet I hope it doesn't send him into a tailspin

  19. @Seven of Eleven
    I don't know how to attach a gif, so can I just say I'm giving you ALL THE APPLAUSE.

  20. Dave was on vacation at his home in Montana when Robin died. His house guest was an A list Oscar nominee/winner and former A+ television comedy star. Lots of reminiscing of better times.
