Monday, August 11, 2014

Courtney Love Lost $27M Of Nirvana Money

Claiming it is just rock and roll, Courtney Love says she lost $27M of her money over the years but doesn't consider it a big deal as she told The Sunday Times. "I know that's a lifetime of money to most people, but I'm a big girl, it's rock 'n roll, it's Nirvana money, I had to let it go. I make enough to live on, I'm financially solvent, I focus on what I make now." It is way more than a lifetime of money to most people. It is way more than that. It would kill me to lose that kind of money but Courtney says she has plenty more and that she blames lawsuits and saying the wrong things to people and getting some bad financial advice. What she doesn't blame is drugs. "I had to run very fast to look after my money and I felt cocaine helped me do that. So I started taking cocaine and that turned into nine months of crack." Well, sure, there are lots of responsible money managers who also credit coke and crack for their great performances against the market.


  1. A lifetime of money for most people? err, and the next century of the after life too.

  2. at 50 she has yet to grow-up. She is a true sociopath.

  3. This is also a woman that had a trustfund & just blew through & went to stripping & prostituting, and when she got acting work, the early stuff, like Sid & Nancy and Straight to Hell, just blew through all of that money & went back to stripping & prostituting. If she doesn't have to go back to stripping in dirty dives she considers it a win.

  4. Anonymous8:25 AM

    court looks good there.

  5. wow just wow, somehow this upsets me unreasonably so

  6. She can't possibly have any street cred.

  7. She just lives off kurt's royalties. What did Frances Bean get?? Surely she wasn't allowed to spend that?

  8. I love her, but I hope The Bean has her own camp of advisors.

  9. What I don't understand is why anyone's interested in this obviously brainless bimbo's comments. Clearly, she has the brains of a fruit fly.

  10. While I'm at work today, or busy praying I see some shred of child support for August, I'll try to find a moment to feel sorry for this crazy bitch.

    1. I hope it comes through for you. I have been here too.

  11. I will still ALWAYS want to listen to LIVE THROUGH THIS and CELEBRITY SKIN, but I am so, SO disappointed in Court.

  12. Was this money she actually had access to and lost, or was this money she could have gone after but decided to let go? Either way, not good, but the latter would leave her in a slightly more favorable light. *sigh* She doesn't have a self-destructive streak, she has an 8-lane superhighway complete with cloverleafs and exits!

  13. I bet Keith Richards has blown way more than that.

  14. Oh Courtney, you're soooo rock and roll.

  15. Hey Courtney. I don't know how my fist ended up connecting with your face, but it was rock n roll...

  16. 27 million? Jesus Christ Courtney

  17. She blew $27 million wiping away 95% of her mind.

  18. WTF the woman is a moron, think of the good that much money could do.

  19. trust me no one made a lot of money on Sid and Nancy except maybe Alex Cox with VHS, Laser Disc and DVD sales since

    that 27 million had to come from Kurt's estate

  20. Not saying this money was from Sid & Nancy, just that anytime she gets money, she waste it on crap & drugs.

  21. @Robin - "She doesn't have a self-destructive streak, she has an 8-lane superhighway complete with cloverleafs and exits!"

    CLEVER. Also, I could use some brownies. ;-)

  22. She's also a huge shopping addict.When she was in south of France to work on an album,she forgot to pay some stuffs( almost 3 millions Euros ) to several sellers.

  23. Watch her Behind the Music she did a couple years ago for VH1, when she was trying to make a Hole comeback again, without any of the other membes of Hole.

    She has always wasted her money & always will.

  24. She's been whining about lost money for longer than I've been alive. At least that what it feels like.

  25. Court is a human coachroach & will out live all of us.

    If she ever really did run out of money, she would have no problem going back to stipping. This is a survivor.

  26. This is not funny or cute. It is obscene, considering that there are millions of starving and sick children all over the world who could have used $27, much less 27 million. She is a waste, and a poor steward of Kurt's money. It was not really even her money to waste. Stupid bitch.

  27. Ugh this sickens me. I love Hole's first album, but this woman is batshit crazy! She's always been a selfish bitch who didn't care who she trampled on, on her way up or back on her way down.

  28. That was her daughter's money. This interview would be great evidence in a lawsuit.

  29. Who wants to pay to see her strip now? Prostitution, maybe $100 for the novelty.

  30. That's a lifetime of money for 27 people.

    @Topper two things

    Keith had about 30 more years to blow his money

    Keith actually earned all his money

  31. If I were Francis Bean I would look into POA and a conservator for her mom.

  32. I remember the blind about her buying superexpensive vintage clothing, and then tearing it up, making it her own fashion project. Seen some of the stuff, it is terrible and a waste of the beautiful vintage stuff.

    Right now she is into anything Japanese.. Bitch is crazy.

  33. What I find even more sad is that this is Nirvana-money; money her dead husband/father of her child worked for, with his band. At least have some conscience and save it up for Francis Bean, or give it to Dave Grohl and the other guys! They worked for it, she just happened to be an heir to the estate. Sickening.

    If she wants to waste money, at least use your own, Courtney. If she had done that (assuming her own money is a lot less than the Nirvana-money), she would have hit rock bottom early and maybe would have gotten herself some help.

  34. More people with that kind of money should do this! We all would be better off.

  35. Shocked! Said absolutely no one

  36. I remember some big Courtney to-do about money. She accused her lawyers of stealing millions from her and from Frances. It was Courtney who stole it and blew it on drugs and shit.

    She looted Frances Bean's trust fund. By the time she got through with it, there wasn't much left. It's one of the reasons that the kid can't stand to deal with her now.

  37. Errrrrrr you can hide behind the hair extensions and layers of makeup, but nothing can hide the drugskank of your fingernails ... Always look at their hands! I like to call them 'Lohan fingers'

  38. Anonymous9:53 PM

    i think it could be her just making peace with it. the money is gone. she claimed for a long time that poor money managers stole it and she thought she was going crazy. in her states of being drugged out of her mind, im sure that made her easy to take advantage of.

  39. Disgusting. Pathetic. Pitiful. Could we expect any different from that one?
    If it's true that it was her daughter's inheritance, all the more foul.
